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0.0.7 • Public • Published

Vue 3 reCAPTCHA V3 Plugin

This plugin provides a Vue 3 component and plugin for integrating Google reCAPTCHA V3. The plugin enables easy reCAPTCHA token generation, management, and configuration within a Vue 3 application.


  • Dynamic reCAPTCHA Token Generation: Automatically generates and manages reCAPTCHA tokens.
  • Flexible Plugin Options: Configure siteKey and action globally or per component.
  • Reusability: Exposes methods (loadRecaptcha, executeRecaptcha, initializeRecaptcha) for fine-grained control over reCAPTCHA.


  1. Install the Plugin

    npm install @anilkumarthakur/vue3-recaptcha
  2. Set up reCAPTCHA in the main file
    Import and use the plugin in your main application file (e.g., main.js or main.ts):

    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import App from './App.vue'
    import { recaptchaPlugin } from '@anilkumarthakur/vue3-recaptcha'
    const app = createApp(App)
    app.use(recaptchaPlugin, {
      siteKey: 'your_site_key_here',
      action: 'homepage'
  3. Add the RecaptchaV3 Component to a View

    Use the RecaptchaV3 component within your Vue components to generate and manage reCAPTCHA tokens.

      <RecaptchaV3 v-model="recaptchaToken" />
    <script setup lang="ts">
    import { ref } from 'vue'
    import { RecaptchaV3 } from '@anilkumarthakur/vue3-recaptcha'
    const recaptchaToken = ref<string>('')
    // Watch recaptchaToken for updates as tokens are generated

Plugin API

Plugin Options

When installing the plugin, you can provide a configuration object:

Option Type Description
siteKey string Your Google reCAPTCHA V3 site key.
action string Action description for reCAPTCHA (e.g., "homepage").

These options will be globally accessible to all RecaptchaV3 instances in the application.

Component API: RecaptchaV3

The RecaptchaV3 component provides a wrapper for reCAPTCHA V3 and includes several exposed methods.


Prop Type Description
modelValue string The reCAPTCHA token, generated and updated automatically.
siteKey string (Optional) Override the globally defined siteKey.
action string (Optional) Override the globally defined action.


Event Payload Description
update:modelValue string Emits the generated reCAPTCHA token when it is updated.

Exposed Methods

The RecaptchaV3 component exposes several methods for interacting with reCAPTCHA.

  1. loadRecaptcha(): Loads the reCAPTCHA API script if not already loaded and initializes reCAPTCHA.
  2. executeRecaptcha(): Executes the reCAPTCHA with the configured site key and action, returning a token.
  3. initializeRecaptcha(): Initializes the reCAPTCHA instance if it's ready to generate a token.

Example usage in a Vue component:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { RecaptchaV3 } from '@anilkumarthakur/vue3-recaptcha'

const recaptchaComponent = ref<InstanceType<typeof RecaptchaV3> | null>(null)
const recaptchaToken = ref<string>('')

const initializeRecaptcha = async () => {
  await recaptchaComponent.value?.loadRecaptcha()


  <RecaptchaV3 v-model="recaptchaToken" ref="recaptchaComponent" />


The plugin and component include TypeScript types:

  • RecaptchaPluginOptions: Type for plugin installation options (siteKey and action).
  • RecaptchaComponentProps: Type for RecaptchaV3 component props.

Global Definitions

Add the following to your global.d.ts to enable TypeScript support for grecaptcha on window:

declare global {
  interface Window {
    grecaptcha: {
      ready: (callback: () => void) => void
      execute: (siteKey: string, options: { action: string }) => Promise<string>

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npm i @anilkumarthakur/vue3-recaptcha

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  • anilkumarthakur