This ensures support for Intl localization object, requestIdleCallback and fetch. It does so using feature detection and dynamic imports, allowing browsers that support the features to immediately progress.
With React:
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import loadPolyfills from '@anansi/polyfill';
import MyApp from './App';
async function init() {
await loadPolyfills();
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.body).render(<MyApp />);
It's important to delay initilization of your app until these polyfills are loaded. This is provided
by the promise returned by loadPolyfills()
. Once that promise resolves all polyfills will be
loaded into the global
, ric
, fetch
] | 'all' = 'all'
include: [By default all three polyfills are loaded, but if you don't use a feature (like fetch
) you may
want to avoid loading it. Do this by passing an array of features you want to include from
, ric
, fetch
loadPolyfills(['intl', 'ric']); // fetch won't be loaded
Supporting locales
To support locales other than english, you'll need to import them as well. They weren't included to help with build times for sites that don't need it.
Support spanish and german:
for (const locale of ['es', 'de']) {
/* webpackChunkName: "locale-request" */ `intl/locale-data/jsonp/${locale}.js`
Detect locale of browser:
import localeFinder from 'browser-locale';
async function init() {
await loadPolyfills();
if (
!global.Intl ||
typeof global.Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts !== 'function'
) {
const locale = localeFinder();
await import(
/* webpackChunkName: "locale-request" */ `intl/locale-data/jsonp/${locale}.js`
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.body).render(<MyApp />);