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0.1.0 • Public • Published


@alxcube/wms-client is a Web Map Service (WMS) client written in TypeScript. Under the hood, it uses Axios for handling HTTP requests. Works both in the browser and in Node.js environments.

Supported WMS versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.3.



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Creating client for known WMS version

If the WMS version is known, you can create a client using the createClient() function. This function takes the WMS URL, the adapter version, and an optional options object, and it returns the WmsClient interface. The adapter version must be compatible with the WMS version on the server. The following adapter versions are available out of the box: 1.0.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0.

import { createClient } from "@alxcube/wms-client";

const wmsUrl = "https://example.com/wms";
const wmsVersion = "1.3.0";
const client = createClient(wmsUrl, wmsVersion);

Using version negotiation

If the WMS version is unknown, you can use the negotiate() function. It takes the WMS URL and an optional options object, and returns a Promise that resolves to the WmsClient interface upon successful negotiation.

import { negotiate } from "@alxcube/wms-client";

const wmsUrl = "https://example.com/wms";
const client = await negotiate(wmsUrl);

GetCapabilities request

To retrieve WMS metadata, use getCapabilities() method of WmsClient.

console.log(await client.getCapabilities());

GetMap request

Use getMap() method of WmsClient to retrieve map by given parameters. The returned Promise will be resolved with ArrayBuffer of server response body, which can be decoded later, assuming that consumer code is aware of response format.

const getMapParams = {
  crs: "EPSG:4326",
  layers: [{ layer: "gebco_latest" }],
  bounds: {
    minX: -90,
    minY: -180,
    maxX: 90,
    maxY: 360,
  format: "image/jpeg",
  width: 1200,
  height: 600,
  exceptionsFormat: "XML",

// Request image
const mapImage: ArrayBuffer = await client.getMap(getMapParams);

// Make HTMLImageElement from response image ArrayBuffer
const blob = new Blob([mapImage]);
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => {
  const img = new Image();
  img.src = reader.result as string;

Get image URL

When your only need is to get map image url, e.g. for src property of HTMLImageElement, you can use getMapUrl method.

const getMapParams = {
  crs: "EPSG:4326",
  layers: [{ layer: "gebco_latest" }],
  bounds: {
    minX: -90,
    minY: -180,
    maxX: 90,
    maxY: 360,
  format: "image/jpeg",
  width: 1200,
  height: 600,
  exceptionsFormat: "INIMAGE",

// Create HTMLImageElement
const img = new Image();
img.src = client.getMapUrl(getMapParams);

GetFeatureInfo request

To make feature info request, you use getFeatureInfo method. It returns Promise resolving string of WMS response body. Since GetFeatureInfo request has no specific format, the responsibility of decoding response is up to consuming code.

const getFeatureInfoParams = {
  crs: "EPSG:4326",
  layers: [{ layer: "gebco_latest" }],
  bounds: {
    minX: -90,
    minY: -180,
    maxX: 90,
    maxY: 360,
  format: "image/jpeg",
  width: 1200,
  height: 600,
  exceptionsFormat: "XML",
  queryLayers: ["gebco_latest"],
  infoFormat: "text/html",
  x: 200,
  y: 100

const featureInfo = await client.getFeatureInfo(getFeatureInfoParams);
document.body.innerHTML = featureInfo;

Using custom Axios instance.

You can pass custom Axios instance to httpClient option of createClient() or negotiate() function. This instance will be used in all WMS requests. This may be useful when you want to set up proxy, caching etc.

import axios from "axios";
import { negotiate } from "@alxcube/wms-client";

const wmsUrl = "https://example.com/wms";
const httpClient = axios.create();

// Configure axios instance.
// ...

const wmsClient = await negotiate(wmsUrl, { httpClient });



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