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0.0.8 • Public • Published

React Native plug-in for SAP Customer Data Cloud

REUSE status


A React Native plugin for interfacing with SAP Customer Data Cloud. This plugin provides quick access to core elements & business API flows available within SAP Customer Data Cloud; designed for React Native mobile applications.

Developers Preview Status

This plugin is currently in an early developers preview stage.


Android SDK support requires Android SDK 14 and above. iOS support requires iOS 10 and above.

Download and Installation

Add the plugin in your package.json file.

Setup & Gigya core integration

Android setup

Add the following to your file:

  public void onCreate() {
    SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
    initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());

    // Set and initialize the account schema for the Gigya core SDK.
    GigyaSdkModule.setSchema(this, GigyaAccount.class);

iOS setup

Navigate to AppDelegate.m and add the following under the: **(BOOL)application:(UIApplication )application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary )launchOptions method.

GigyaExtension * gigya = [[GigyaExtension alloc] init];
[gigya setMySchema];

To apply your custom schema, you will need to create a 'swift bridge' file and register it as follows:

@objc public class GigyaExtension: NSObject {
    @objc func setMySchema() {

And then call the function from your AppDelegate.m file.

SDK initialization

In your application code, you can initialize the Gigya SDK using the following call:

Gigya.initFor("Your API KEY", "API DOMAIN");

If you do not specify the "API DOMAIN" (as implemented in the sample application) the SDK will use the default domain.

Run the example application

To run the example application included in the repository:

  1. Checkout the repository code.
  2. Navigate to the example folder and run the yarn install command.
  3. Navigate to the example/ios folder and run the pod install command.

** Android - If changing the API key, make sure to update the signingConfigs section as the example app includes a specific keystore path used for testing purposes ***

signingConfigs {

        debug {
            storeFile file('debug.keystore')
            storePassword 'android'
            keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
            keyPassword 'android'

Sending a simple request

Sending a request is available using the plugin's send method.

try {
      const send = await Gigya.send("socialize.getSDKConfig");
      console.log("send: " + JSON.stringify(senddd));
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("errorSend:" + error);

Business APIs

The plugin provides an interface to these core SDK business APIs: login, register, getAccount, setAccount, isLoggedIn ,logOut, addConnection, removeConnection Implement them using the same request structure as shown above. The example application includes various different implementations.

Social login

Use the "socialLogin" interface to perform social login using supported providers. The React Native plugin supports the same *providers supported by the Core Gigya SDK.

Supported social login providers: google, facebook, line, wechat, apple, amazon, linkedin, yahoo.

For example:

const send = await Gigya.socialLogin("facebook");

Embedded social providers

Specific social providers (Facebook, Google) require additional setup. This is due to their requirement for specific (embedded native) SDKs.

To register social providers you will need to create a 'swift bridge' file (same as with using a custom schema). Don't forget to add the relevant wrappers to the ios folder.


Follow the core SDK documentation and instructions for setting up Facebook login. Android documentation iOS documentation


Follow the core SDK documentation and instructions for setting up Google login. Android documentation iOS documentation


To provide support for LINE as a provider, please follow it's core SDK documentation. Android documentation iOS documentation


To provider support for WeChat as a provider, please follow the core SDK documentation. Android documentation iOS documentation

Using screen-sets

The plugin supports the use of Web screen-sets using the following:

Gigya.showScreenSet("Default-RegistrationLogin", (event, data) => {
      console.log(`event: ${event}`);
      if (event == "onLogin") {

Optional {params} map is available.

As in the core SDKs, the plugin provides a streaming channel that will stream the Screen-Sets events (event, map).

event - actual event name. data - event data map.

Resolving interruptions

Much like our core SDKs, resolving interruptions is available using the plugin.

Current supporting interruptions:

  • pendingRegistration
  • conflictingAccounts

Example for resolving conflictingAccounts interruptions:

try {
      const send = await Gigya.register(login, password, { 'sessionExpiration': 0 });
      console.log("send: " + JSON.stringify(senddd));

    } catch (error) {
      console.log("register error:" + error);

      const e = error as GigyaError;
      switch (e.getInterruption()) {
        case GigyaInterruption.conflictingAccounts: {
          const resolver = Gigya.resolverFactory.getResolver(e) as LinkAccountResolver;



Once you reference your resolver, create your relevant UI to refelct if a site or social linking is required (see example app for details) and use the relevant method.

Example of resolving link to the site when trying to link a new social account to a site account.

const loginToSite = await resolver.linkToSite(userData.login, userData.password)

Known Issues


How to obtain support


Via pull request to this repository. Please read the CONTRIBUTING file for guidelines.

To-Do (upcoming changes)



Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information.



Package Sidebar


npm i @allboatsrise/gigya-react-native-plugin-for-sap-customer-data-cloud

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Apache License 2.0

Unpacked Size

28.3 MB

Total Files


Last publish


  • andrejpavlovic