
1.2.1 • Public • Published


Heavily inspired by redux-box, some of the ideas and methodology is shamelessly ripped from it. However, redux-modules allows easier integration into existing code. Unlike redux-box, it does not require a custom store creator, or any special code. It simply generates a map of reducers, sagas, and tools for connecting the modules to components.


Install react, redux, and react-redux:

npm install --save react redux react-redux

Install redux-modules:

npm install --save @alexghenderson/redux-modules


redux-modules provides a method of declaring redux modules, allowing you to easily integrate them into your existing store and mapping them to your component, either through higher order components or child functions


import {createTypes, createAction, createContainer} from '@alexghenderson/redux-modules';

const name = 'users'

const types = createTypes(name)({

const initial = {users: []};

const mutations = {
    [types.ADD_USER]: (state, {payload}) => {state.users.push(payload)},

const actions = {
    addUser: createAction(types.ADD_USER),

/* Optional: */
const sagas = {
  [types.ADD_USER]: function* (action) {
    yield call(window.alert, `Added user ${action.payload.name}`);

export const module = {

export default createContainer(module);


import {module as userModule} from './user';

const moduleReducers = getReducers([

const reducers = {
    //other reducers,

export default reducers;


import {getSagas, createRootSaga} from '@alexghenderson/redux-modules/saga';
import {module as userModule} from './user';
const moduleSagas = getSagas([usersModule]);

const sagas = [
    //Any other sagas

export default createRootSaga(sagas);


import {createStore} from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'; //optional

import saga from './sagas';
import reducers from './reducers';

export default () => {
  const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(); //optional
  const store = createStore(reducers, sagaMiddleware/* optional */);
  sagaMiddleware.run(saga); //optional

  return store;

Any component file (using connect)

import {connect} from '@alexghenderson/redux-modules';
import {module as userModule} from 'src/store/user';

  user: userModule,
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const {user} = this.props;
    const {users, addUser} = user;
    return (
      //component code

or, using child functions

import UserModule from 'src/store/user';

const SomeComponent = () => (
    {({users, addUser})=>(
        <button onClick={()=>(addUser({name: 'Jimmy'}))}>

Module Definitions

Modules are defined as an object with the following keys:

  • name The name of the module
  • initial The initial state of the module. Note: redux-modules only supports objects for module states.
  • mutations The mutations that form the reducer. An object with the action types as the keys, and functions that transform the state as values. Note: redux-modules uses immer to maintain immutability. You can mutate the state here, it is actually a proxy so the real state isn't modified.
  • actions The actions for the module. An object with the action names for keys and the action creators for the values. Redux-modules provides a createAction utility to make defining the actions a bit cleaner.
  • sagas Sagas for the module. An object with the action type for the key and the generator function for the values. Optional.

Utility Functions

  • createTypes(moduleName)(typeMap) Creates a type map for namespacing types. Not required, but recommended to prevent type name collisions.
  • createAction(actionType, payloadCreator) Creates an action creator for the specified type. The payload is generated by passing the parameters to the payloadCreator function.
  • getReducers(moduleList) Creates an object with the module names for keys and the reducer functions for values. Used to generate reducers that can be passed to combineReducers.
  • createContainer(module) Creates a connected function-as-a-child component for a specified module.
  • connect(moduleMap) Like react-redux connect, except takes an object with the names of the props for keys, and the modules for values. Will intelligently map the actions and state to the prop names provided. Used for creating higher-order-components.

Saga Utility function

Note: These are exports from @alexghenderson/redux-modules/saga

  • getSagas(moduleList) Returns an array of sagas for each module.
  • createRootSaga(sagasList) Creates a root saga to pass to sagaMiddleware.run(). Takes an array of sagas as a parameter (which can be created from getSagas).




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  • alexghenderson