TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.3.2 • Public • Published

MIT license


The library is for generating QR codes like SVG, HTML5 Canvas, PNG and JPG files, or text.


This project initially has been forked from @cheprasov/js-qrcode.


  • The library has classes for generation SVG, Canvas, PNG / JPG or text with QR code.

  • it is easy to use and configure (error correction level, type number, padding and so on).

  • Supports inverting of data.

  • The library is covered by tests.

  • Easy to extend the classes or create own class for generation QR code.

  • SVG (see class QRCodeSVG)

    • Returns generated QR code as SVG (xml) or DataURL.
    • Optimized SVG structure for xml and for DataURL.
    • Supports adding an image (logo) to QR code (allows to use url, dataUrl, Image, Canvas). See example
    • Allows to specify relative/abcolute position/size of image on QR code.
  • Canvas (see class QRCodeCanvas)

    • Draws QR code on provided canvas or returns new canvas element with QR code.
    • Allows to get PNG / JPG files with QR code like dataUrl.
    • Supports adding a image (logo) to QR code (allows to use url, dataUrl, Image, Canvas).
    • Has image loader for images for QR code via Promise.
    • It is possible to specify scale or canvas size.
    • Allows to specify relative/abcolute position/size of image on QR code.
  • Text (see class QRCodeText)

    • It is possible to create QR code for consoles or text output.

Plans to do

  • To add possibility to use patterns, themes and flexible customisation of QR code.
  • to add support of rgb & rgba format for canvas colors.



1. How to install

> npm install @akamfoad/qrcode
import {
} from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

2. Quick examples

2.1. Create SVG QR Code

import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const qrSVG = new QRCodeSVG('some value for QR code');
const dataUrlWithSVGQRCode = qrSVG.toDataUrl();
const xmlWithQRCode = qrSVG.toString();

2.2. Create Image QR Code

import { QRCodeCanvas } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const qrCanvas = new QRCodeCanvas('some value for QR code');
const dataUrlWithQRCode = qrCanvas.toDataUrl();
const canvasWithQRCode = qrCanvas.getCanvas();

2.3. QR Code with Image

import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const divElement = document.getElementById('some-id');

const qrSVG = new QRCodeSVG('JohnDoe', {
  level: 'Q',
  image: {
    source: 'GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png',
    width: '20%',
    height: '20%',
    x: 'center',
    y: 'center',
divElement.innerHTML = qrSVG.toString();


Note, padding & image.border = 1 by default.


3. Documentation

3.1. class QRCodeRaw

The class base class for all QR code generators, returns raw data with information about QR dots and padding.

import { QRCodeRaw } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

Public methods:

constructor(value: string, config: object)

Create new instance of QRCodeRaw


  • value (string) - new value for encoding to QR code

  • config (object, optional) - parameters of configuration

    • level (string, optional, default = L) - error correction level. Note, the level affects QR Code data size. Allowed values:

      • L - Allows recovery of up to 7% data loss
      • M - Allows recovery of up to 15% data loss
      • Q - Allows recovery of up to 25% data loss
      • H - Allows recovery of up to 30% data loss
    • typeNumber (number, optional, default = 0) - data capacity type, see details in appendix 4.1. Type number (1 ~ 40), or 0 for auto detection.

    • invert (boolean, optional, default = false) - inverting data of QR code.

    • padding (number, optional, default = 1) - count of white spaces on sides QR code. 1 unit has size like 1 information dot.

    • errorsEnabled: (boolean, optional, default = false) - if it is enabled and QR code generator can not create a QR Code then an error will thrown. If it is disabled then methods will return null of fail.

setValue(value: string): void

Set new value for encoding to QR code


  • value (string) - new value for encoding to QR code

getDataSize(): number

Get size of QR code width / height (width and height are equal) Method will return 0 if QR code can not be generated by some reasons.

getData(): boolean[][]

Get raw data of QR code. Method will return null if QR code can not be generated by some reasons.


import { QRCodeRaw } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const config = {
  level: 'H', // use high error correction level
  padding: 0, // do not use padding around qr code data

const qrRaw = new QRCodeRaw('some value', config);
const qrCodeRaw = qrRaw.getData();
if (qrCodeRaw) {
  // [
  //   0: [true, true, true, true, ... true],
  //   1: [true, false, false, false, ... true],
  //   ...
  //   24: [true, true, true, ... true],
  // ]

3.2. class QRCodeCanvas

The QR code generator based on HTML5 Canvas. It can create a canvas with QR code, or PNG/JPG data url. The class extends QRCodeRaw, therefore please see there description about public method and configuration params.

import { QRCodeCanvas } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

Public methods:

constructor(value: string, config: object)

Create new instance of QRCodeCanvas. Please see config description of QRCodeRaw.constructor.

Config has additional parameters:

  • config (object, optional) - parameters of configuration
    • see config of QRCodeRaw.constructor
    • fgColor (string, optional, default = #000) - foreground color of the QR code, is it allowed to use the next formats:
      • RGB or #RGB, example: #ABC, will be converted to #AABBCC
      • RGBA or #RGBA, example: #ABCD, will be converted to #AABBCCDD
      • RRGGBB or #RRGGBB, example: #AABBCC
      • RRGGBBAA or #RRGGBBAA, example: #AABBCCDD
      • Other formats (like red, rgb(...), rgba(...)) are not supported and will be converted to #0000
    • bgColor (string, optional, default = #FFF) - background color of the QR code, see description of fgColor.
    • scale (number, optional, default = 10) - scale size of QR code. For example, when scale is 5 then QR generator will use 5 pixel for draw 1 data dot.
    • size (number, optional, default = null) - size (width & height) of canvas in pixels. If size is specified then scale param will be ignored. Note, that the original canvas with QR code will be stretched to the specified size. See image scheme
    • image (object, optional, default = null) - parameters on an image, that should be added to QR code, like logo.
      • source (string|Image|Canvas) - source of image for QR Code, allowed to use the next types:
        • string - url to resource or dataUrl of image.
        • Image - it is allowed to use Image. The image's src should be loaded before use it.
        • Canvas - allowed to use HTML5 canvas element.
      • width (number|string) - width of the image in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - defines the width of image, example: width: 30
        • <number>% - defines the width in percent of QR code without padding, example: width: '20%'
      • height (number|string) - height of the image in QR code dots, see width
      • x (number|string, optional, default = 0) - position of image on QR code by horizontal in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - sets the left edge position from left to right, example: x: 10
        • <number>% - sets the left edge position in % of QR code without padding. Negative values are allowed. Example: x: '50%'
        • left - aligns the image to the left, example: x: 'left'
        • right - aligns the image to the right, example: x: 'right'
        • center - Centers the image in center of QR code, example: x: 'center'
        • left <number> - the same as <number>
        • left <number>% - the same as <number>%
        • right <number> - sets the right edge position from right to left, example: x: 'right 5'
        • right <number>% - sets the tight edge position in % of QR code without padding, example: x: 'right 10%'
      • y (number|string, optional, default = 0) - position of image on QR code by vertical in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - sets the top edge position from top to bottom, example: y: 10
        • <number>% - sets the top edge position in % of QR code without padding. Negative values are allowed. Example: y: '50%'
        • top - aligns the image to the top, example: y: 'top'
        • bottom - aligns the image to the bottom, example: y: 'bottom'
        • center - Centers the image in center of QR code, example: y: 'center'
        • top <number> - the same as <number>
        • top <number>% - the same as <number>%
        • bottom <number> - sets the bottom edge position from bottom to top, example: y: 'bottom 5'
        • bottom <number>% - sets the bottom edge position in % of QR code without padding, example: y: 'bottom 10%'
      • border (number|null, optional, default = 1) - white space length around the images in dots. Negative values are allowed.
        • use 0 - for white space only under the image
        • use null to remove any white spaces under image and leave QR data dots

draw(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = null): null | HTMLCanvasElement| Promise

Draws QR code on a canvas element and return the canvas if the canvas is provided, or returns a new canvas element if canvas is not provided (see getCanvas()). If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned. If config.image is provided AND config.image.source is string (url or dataUrl) then a promise will be returned with a canvas as result.

getCanvas(): null | HTMLCanvasElement | Promise

Returns new canvas element with QR code. If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned. If config.image is provided AND config.image.source is string (url or dataUrl) then a promise will be returned with a canvas as result.

toDataUrl(type: string = 'image/png', encoderOptions: number = 0.92): null | string | Promise

Allowed alias: toDataURL(...) Returns dataUrl with QR code. If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned. If config.image is provided AND config.image.source is string (url or dataUrl) then a promise will be returned with a dataUrl as result. See params descriptions here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/toDataURL


import { QRCodeCanvas } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const qrCanvas = new QRCodeCanvas('some value');
const dataUrl = qrCanvas.toDataUrl();
console.log(dataUrl); // ...g==

Example with promise

import { QRCodeCanvas } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

// Example with promise
const config = {
  level: 'H', // use high error correction level
  padding: 0, // do not use padding around qr code data,
  image: {
    source: 'https://some-url.com/foo.png', // or data:image/jpeg;base64,...
    width: '10%',
    height: '10%',
    x: 'center',
    y: 'center',

const qrCanvas = new QRCodeCanvas('some value', config);
const promise = qrCanvas.toDataUrl();
// promise is returned because image.source is a string
promise.then((dataUrl) => {
  console.log(dataUrl); // ...

3.3. class QRCodeSVG

The class creates QR code as SVG in string or data url formats. The class extends QRCodeRaw, therefore please see there description about public method and configuration params.

import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

Public methods:

constructor(value: string, config: object)

Create new instance of QRCodeSVG. Please see config description of QRCodeRaw.constructor.

Config has additional parameters:

  • config (object, optional) - parameters of configuration
    • see config of QRCodeRaw.constructor
    • fgColor (string, optional, default = #000) - foreground color of the QR code in CSS format
    • bgColor (string, optional, default = #FFF) - background color of the QR code in CSS format
    • image (object, optional, default = null) - parameters on an image, that should be added to QR code, like logo. See image scheme
      • source (string|Image|Canvas) - source of image for QR Code, allowed to use the next types:
        • string - url to resource or dataUrl of image.
        • Image - it is allowed to use Image. It is not necessary to have loaded image.
        • Canvas - allowed to use HTML5 canvas element.
      • width (number|string) - width of the image in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - defines the width of image, example: width: 30
        • <number>% - defines the width in percent of QR code without padding, example: width: '20%'
      • height (number|string) - height of the image in QR code dots, see width
      • x (number|string, optional, default = 0) - position of image on QR code by horizontal in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - sets the left edge position from left to right, example: x: 10
        • <number>% - sets the left edge position in % of QR code without padding. Negative values are allowed. Example: x: '50%'
        • left - aligns the image to the left, example: x: 'left'
        • right - aligns the image to the right, example: x: 'right'
        • center - Centers the image in center of QR code, example: x: 'center'
        • left <number> - the same as <number>
        • left <number>% - the same as <number>%
        • right <number> - sets the right edge position from right to left, example: x: 'right 5'
        • right <number>% - sets the tight edge position in % of QR code without padding, example: x: 'right 10%'
      • y (number|string, optional, default = 0) - position of image on QR code by vertical in QR code dots (not a pixel), allowed formats:
        • <number> - sets the top edge position from top to bottom, example: y: 10
        • <number>% - sets the top edge position in % of QR code without padding. Negative values are allowed. Example: y: '50%'
        • top - aligns the image to the top, example: y: 'top'
        • bottom - aligns the image to the bottom, example: y: 'bottom'
        • center - Centers the image in center of QR code, example: y: 'center'
        • top <number> - the same as <number>
        • top <number>% - the same as <number>%
        • bottom <number> - sets the bottom edge position from bottom to top, example: y: 'bottom 5'
        • bottom <number>% - sets the bottom edge position in % of QR code without padding, example: y: 'bottom 10%'
      • border (number|null, optional, default = 1) - white space length around the images in dots. Negative values are allowed.
        • use 0 - for white space only under the image
        • use null to remove any white spaces under image and leave QR data dots

toString(): null | string

Returns SVG with QR code as string. If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned.

toDataUrl(): null | string

Allowed alias: toDataURL(...) Returns SVG with QR code as dataUrl (string). If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned.


import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const qrSVG = new QRCodeSVG('some value');
const dataUrl = qrSVG.toDataUrl();
console.log(dataUrl); // ...g==

Example with image

import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const config = {
  level: 'M', // use high error correction level
  padding: 0, // do not use padding around qr code data,
  image: {
    source: 'https://some-url.com/foo.png', // or data:image/jpeg;base64,...
    width: '10%',
    height: '10%',
    x: 'center',
    y: 'center',

const qrSVG = new QRCodeSVG('some value', config);
const svg = qrSVG.toString();
// output:
// <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" shape-rendering="crispEdges" viewBox="0 0 21 21">
// <rect x="0" y="0" height="21" width="21" fill="#FFF"/>
// <rect x="0" y="0" height="1" width="7" fill="#000"/>
// <rect x="9" y="0" height="1" width="2" fill="#000"/>
// ...
// <image xlink:href="https://some-url.com/foo.png" x="10" y="10" width="2" height="2"/>
// </svg>

3.4. class QRCodeText

The class creates QR code as text. It is possible to show QR code in terminal. The class extends QRCodeRaw, therefore please see there description about public method and configuration params.

import { QRCodeSVG } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

Public methods:

constructor(value: string, config: object)

Create new instance of QRCodeSVG. Please see config description of QRCodeRaw.constructor.

Config has additional parameters:

  • config (object, optional) - parameters of configuration
    • see config of QRCodeRaw.constructor
    • blackSymbol (string, optional, default = ▓▓) - symbol(s) for black QR code dot.
    • whiteSymbol (string, optional, default = ▓▓) - symbol(s) for white QR code dot.

toString(): null | string

Returns QR code as string. If QR code can not be generated then null will be returned.


import { QRCodeText } from '@akamfoad/qrcode';

const qrText = new QRCodeText('some value', {
  blackSymbol: '@@',
  whiteSymbol: '..',
const qrCode = qrText.toString();

// ..............................................
// ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..
// ..@@..........@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@..........@@..
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@....@@@@@@....@@..@@@@@@..@@..
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@....@@..@@@@..@@..@@@@@@..@@..
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@..@@......@@..@@..@@@@@@..@@..
// ..@@..........@@..@@..@@......@@..........@@..
// ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@@..@@..@@..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..
// ..................@@@@@@@@....................
// ..@@@@@@....@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....@@@@..
// ..@@@@@@@@..@@..@@..........@@@@..@@@@@@..@@..
// ..@@......@@..@@@@..@@@@....@@@@..@@......@@..
// ......@@..@@@@..@@........@@@@..@@..@@..@@@@..
// ....@@..@@@@@@@@..@@............@@@@@@..@@@@..
// ..................@@@@@@@@..@@....@@@@@@@@@@..
// ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........@@@@..@@..@@..@@..@@..
// ..@@..........@@..@@@@@@@@..@@....@@@@....@@..
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@....@@..@@@@@@....@@@@..@@....
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@......@@....@@..@@@@@@........
// ..@@..@@@@@@..@@..@@..........@@..@@..@@@@@@..
// ..@@..........@@..@@......@@..................
// ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@......@@@@@@@@@@....@@..
// ..............................................

4. Appendix

4.1. Data capacity in bytes

TypeNumber Numeric Alphanumeric Byte Kanji
1 41 34 27 17 25 20 16 10 17 14 11 7 10 8 7 4
2 77 63 48 34 47 38 29 20 32 26 20 14 20 16 12 8
3 127 101 77 58 77 61 47 35 53 42 32 24 32 26 20 15
4 187 149 111 82 114 90 67 50 78 62 46 34 48 38 28 21
5 255 202 144 106 154 122 87 64 106 84 60 44 65 52 37 27
6 322 255 178 139 195 154 108 84 134 106 74 58 82 65 45 36
7 370 293 207 154 224 178 125 93 154 122 86 64 95 75 53 39
8 461 365 259 202 279 221 157 122 192 152 108 84 118 93 66 52
9 552 432 312 235 335 262 189 143 230 180 130 98 141 111 80 60
10 652 513 364 288 395 311 221 174 271 213 151 119 167 131 93 74
11 772 604 427 331 468 366 259 200 321 251 177 137 198 155 109 85
12 883 691 489 374 535 419 296 227 367 287 203 155 226 177 125 96
13 1022 796 580 427 619 483 352 259 425 331 241 177 262 204 149 109
14 1101 871 621 468 667 528 376 283 458 362 258 194 282 223 159 120
15 1250 991 703 530 758 600 426 321 520 412 292 220 320 254 180 136
16 1408 1082 775 602 854 656 470 365 586 450 322 250 361 277 198 154
17 1548 1212 876 674 938 734 531 408 644 504 364 280 397 310 224 173
18 1725 1346 948 746 1046 816 574 452 718 560 394 310 442 345 243 191
19 1903 1500 1063 813 1153 909 644 493 792 624 442 338 488 384 272 208
20 2061 1600 1159 919 1249 970 702 557 858 666 482 382 528 410 297 235
21 2232 1708 1224 969 1352 1035 742 587 929 711 509 403 572 438 314 248
22 2409 1872 1358 1056 1460 1134 823 640 1003 779 565 439 618 480 348 270
23 2620 2059 1468 1108 1588 1248 890 672 1091 857 611 461 672 528 376 284
24 2812 2188 1588 1228 1704 1326 963 744 1171 911 661 511 721 561 407 315
25 3057 2395 1718 1286 1853 1451 1041 779 1273 997 715 535 784 614 440 330
26 3283 2544 1804 1425 1990 1542 1094 864 1367 1059 751 593 842 652 462 365
27 3517 2701 1933 1501 2132 1637 1172 910 1465 1125 805 625 902 692 496 385
28 3669 2857 2085 1581 2223 1732 1263 958 1528 1190 868 658 940 732 534 405
29 3909 3035 2181 1677 2369 1839 1322 1016 1628 1264 908 698 1002 778 559 430
30 4158 3289 2358 1782 2520 1994 1429 1080 1732 1370 982 742 1066 843 604 457
31 4417 3486 2473 1897 2677 2113 1499 1150 1840 1452 1030 790 1132 894 634 486
32 4686 3693 2670 2022 2840 2238 1618 1226 1952 1538 1112 842 1201 947 684 518
33 4965 3909 2805 2157 3009 2369 1700 1307 2068 1628 1168 898 1273 1002 719 553
34 5253 4134 2949 2301 3183 2506 1787 1394 2188 1722 1228 958 1347 1060 756 590
35 5529 4343 3081 2361 3351 2632 1867 1431 2303 1809 1283 983 1417 1113 790 605
36 5836 4588 3244 2524 3537 2780 1966 1530 2431 1911 1351 1051 1496 1176 832 647
37 6153 4775 3417 2625 3729 2894 2071 1591 2563 1989 1423 1093 1577 1224 876 673
38 6479 5039 3599 2735 3927 3054 2181 1658 2699 2099 1499 1139 1661 1292 923 701
39 6743 5313 3791 2927 4087 3220 2298 1774 2809 2213 1579 1219 1729 1362 972 750
40 7089 5596 3993 3057 4296 3391 2420 1852 2953 2331 1663 1273 1817 1435 1024 784

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