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1.0.94 • Public • Published

Abstraxn - Account

Facilitating the integration and deployment of Smart Accounts, as well as constructing and dispatching user operations, stands as a pivotal feature within any toolkit designed for ERC4337. This package seamlessly incorporates the fundamental attributes associated with ERC-4337, streamlining the development process for your Dapp's account and transaction rails while incorporating additional usability features.

The account package accomplishes this by offering a comprehensive set of methods, empowering developers to effortlessly generate UserOperations. Augmented by the sophisticated, developer-friendly, and scalable abstraction layer provided by Abstraxn, it ensures the efficient and reliable transmission of these operations across multiple EVM chains.

What is a Smart Account Wallet?

In ERC-4337, a smart account is a dedicated smart contract managing assets and generating userOps, pseudo-transaction objects executed on the EVM, replacing traditional Externally Owned Accounts.

Installation and Usage

The easiest way to use Abstraxn - Account is to install it from npm:

npm install @abstraxn/account

Install the required packages for initializing the Smart Account

npm install ethers@5.7 @abstraxn/account @abstraxn/bundler @abstraxn/common @abstraxn/core-types @abstraxn/modules

Example Usage

Create a Smart account wallet:

import { Signer, ethers } from "ethers";
import { AbstraxnSmartAccount } from "@abstraxn/account";
import {
} from "@abstraxn/modules";
import { Bundler, IBundler } from "@abstraxn/bundler";
import { ChainId } from "@abstraxn/core-types";

// Create a new Web3Provider using the 'ethereum' object
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum);

// create instance of bundlers
const bundler: IBundler = new Bundler({
  bundlerUrl: "",
  chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI, // you can use multiple chains available in chainId object

// instance of ownership module
const ownerShipModule = await ECDSAOwnershipValidationModule.create({
  signer: provider.getSigner() as Signer, // ethers signer object

// Note that bundler is optional. You can choose to create new instances of this later and make account API use
const abstraxnSmartAccount = await AbstraxnSmartAccount.create({
    chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI, // you can use multiple chains available in chainId object
    activeValidationModule: ownerShipModule,
    defaultValidationModule: ownerShipModule,
    bundler: bundler, // instance of bundler

// you can get your smart account wallet address by getAccountAddress()
const address = await abstraxnSmartAccount.getAccountAddress();

//Contract instance
const contract = new ethers.Contract(
  Contract_ABI, // contract abi

//contract function 
const mint = await contract.populateTransaction.mint(

const tx1 = {
  to: contractAddress,
  data: mint.data,

// you can create your userOp by buildUserOp()
const userOp = await abstraxnSmartAccount.buildUserOp([tx1, ...], {
    overrides: {

// you can send your userOp to bundler by sendUserOp()
const userOpResponse = await abstraxnSmartAccount.sendUserOp(userOp);

//wait for response
const { receipt } = await userOpResponse.wait(1);

//your transaction receipt

Main Functions

  • create() - Used for setting the SDK API key on the frontend.

  • getAccountAddress() - Deploys a multisig wallet for the user.

  • buildUserOp() - Creates signatures for approvers for all transactions.

  • sendUserOp() - Executes functions using the multisig wallet.

  • ... and so on


This package is MIT licensed. (c) Antier Solutions 2024.


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npm i @abstraxn/account

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  • sandeep_sj
  • jaskaran449