React Wait for Window
Waits for a window prop to become available. E.g. if you're loading Stripe async, you will need to wait for it to become available before trying to use any components that rely on it.
npm install @1producataweek/react-wait-for-window
useWaitForWindow(prop: string, timer: number): boolean
A hook that will update when the window prop becomes available. Returns true/false depending on whether the prop is set on window
. The timer is the interval that the prop should be checked.
import { useWaitForWindow } from '@1producataweek/react-wait-for-window'
function Component () {
const propIsAvailable = useWaitForWindow('stripe', 1000)
if (!propIsAvailable) return 'Loading'
return <ComponentThatDependsOnWindowProp />
A hook that will update when the window prop becomes available. Returns true/false depending on whether the prop is set on window
. The timer will set
import { WaitForWindow } from '@1producataweek/react-wait-for-window'
function Component () {
return (
<WaitForWindow prop='' timer={1000}>
<ComponentThatDependsOnWindowProp />
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