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1.0.0 • Public • Published



Helper class to make working with translations enjoyable.

Build Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities Node License

Why use this?

  • Make development easier and faster with human readable text in code. Not variables.
  • Ease maintenance by automatically generating your localization strings.
  • Give your localization team access to easy to use localization tools like POEdit
  • Automatically only pass in the translation strings your app is using to make it fast!
  • Use @zakkudo/translation-static-analyzer or @zakkudo/translate-webpack-plugin to automatically generate your translation files
  • You should prefer @zakkudo/translator-react for react projects.


## Install using npm
npm install @zakkudo/translator
## Install using yarn
yarn add @zakkudo/translator

Message JSON Format

The localization format is meant to decrease the size of the json files and make it easy to mainten them. Many gettext javascript extractors will generate a format similar to this one.

Explicitly supplying context is optional. The context defaults to a blank string when not explicitly declared.

const localization = {
  // Your configuratoin for plural handling. Often this will be generated by your localization software.
  "": "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;",

  // Singular localization
  "I like to walk to the store.": "J'aime marcher jusqu"au magasin.",

  // Singular localizations with context
  "wind": {
    "noun": "vent"
    "verb": "remontre"

  // Plural localization
  "You have %d item in your cart.:You have %d items in your cart.": [
    "Vous avez %d article dans votre panier",
    "Vous avez %d articles dans votre panier",

*Note: '\' and ':' in the localizations should be escaped in the dictionary. If you use a tool to generate the localizatoin, you won't have to worry about this.

  • '\' -> '\\u{5C}'
  • ':' -> '\\u{3A}'


If you were to use the above localization, it would look similar to this:

// Create a translation store instance and make it default to the french localization
const translation = new Translation("fr-FR");

// Add the localization dictionary as declaired above.
translation.setLocalization("fr-FR", localization);

// Alias the gettext calls to something more convenient.
const { gettext: __, gettext: __n, gettext: __p } = translation;

// output: "J"aime marcher jusqu"au magasin."
console.log(__("I like to walk to the store."));

// output: "Vous avez 2 articles dans votre panier"
  __n("You have %d item in your cart.", "You have %d items in your cart.", 2)

// output: "vent"
console.log(__p("noun", "wind"));

Example Project

Look at this example project


This internationalization library supports all standard gettext/printf interpolations. The below is a table of your primary options:

Parameter Meaning
%b Print a boolean
%B Print a boolean in capital letters
%d Print an integer number printed in decimal
%f Print a floating point number ( in the form dddd.dddddd).
%e Print a floating point number ( in scientific notation: d.dddEddd).
%E Print a floating point number ( in scientific notation: d.dddEddd).
%x Print an integer number in hexadecimal with lower case letters.
%X Print an integer number printed in hexadecimal with upper case letters.
%c Print a character.
%C Print a character in uppercase.
%s Print a string.
%S Print a string in uppercase.
%r Preserve an object by splitting string into an array and inserting the object in the middle.

%r is not printf standard parameter. It is designed to better let this library integrate into different UI toolkits. As an example, this parameter can be used as a base for a helper that generates react components.

Formatting Date, Time, and Currency.

When needing to format dates, time or currency, it recommended you use the native Intl library. This functionality may be internalized in the future usign a thin wrapper.

Interpolation Examples

This library wraps a printf implementation, which means most interpolations shoudl work and are controllable by the translators.

// %c character
translation.gettext("%c", "b");
// => 'c'

// %C converts to uppercase character (if not already)
translation.gettext("%C", "b");
// => 'B'

// %d decimal integer (base 10)
translation.gettext("%d", 100);
// => '100'

// %0Xd zero-fill for X digits
translation.gettext("%05d", 1);
// => '00001'

// %Xd right justify for X digits
translation.gettext("%5d", 1);
// => '    1'

// %-Xd left justify for X digits
translation.gettext("%-5d", 1);
// => '1    '

// %+d adds plus sign(+) to positive integers, minus sign for negative integers(-)
translation.gettext("%+5d", 1);
// => '    +1'
translation.gettext("%+5d", -1);
// => '    -1'

// %e scientific notation
translation.gettext("%e", 52.8);
// => '5.28e+1'

// %E scientific notation with a capital 'E'
translation.gettext("%E", 52.8);
// => '5.28E+1'

// %f floating-point number
translation.gettext("%f", 52.8);
// => '52.8'

// %.Yf prints Y positions after decimal
translation.gettext("%.1f", 1.234);
// => '1.2'

// %Xf takes up X spaces
translation.gettext("%5f", 123);
// => '  123'

// %0X.Yf zero-fills
translation.gettext("%05.1f", 1.234);
// => '001.2'

// %-X.Yf left justifies
translation.gettext("%-5.1f", 1.234);
// => '1.2  '

// %i integer (base 10)
translation.gettext("%i", 123);
// => '123'

// %b converts to boolean
translation.gettext("%b", true);
// => 'true'
translation.gettext("%b", "true");
// => 'true'
translation.gettext("%b", 1);
// => 'true'

// %B converts to uppercase boolean
translation.gettext("%b", true);
// => 'TRUE'
translation.gettext("%b", "true");
// => 'TRUE'
translation.gettext("%b", 1);
// => 'TRUE'

// %o octal number (base 8)
translation.gettext("%o", 8);
// => '10'

// %s a string of characters
translation.gettext("%s", "foo");
// => 'foo'

// %Xs formats string for a minimum of X spaces
translation.gettext("%5s", "foo");
// => '  foo'

// %-Xs left justify
translation.gettext("%-5s", "foo");
// => 'foo  '

// %S converts to a string of uppercase characters (if not already)
translation.gettext("%S", "foo");
// => 'FOO'

// %u unsigned decimal integer
translation.gettext("%u", 1);
// => '1'
translation.gettext("%u", -1);
// => '4294967295'

// %x number in hexadecimal (base 16)
translation.gettext("%x", 255);
// => 'ff'

// %% prints a percent sign
// => '%'

// \% prints a percent sign
// => '%'

// %2$s %1$s positional arguments
translation.gettext("%2$s %1$s", "bar", "foo");
// => 'foo bar'

// Break the string into an array, where the elements are preserved.  This is very useful for integration of this library into differnt ui toolkits.
translation.gettext("You have %r tickets", <input type="number" value="1" />);
// => 'foo bar'

Also See



@zakkudo/translator / Exports / default

Class: default

Table of contents




new default(locale?)

Name Type
locale string
Defined in




locale: string

The currently set locale. Defaults to a blank string which represents the fallback locale.

Defined in



localizations: Object = {}

The localization store.

Index signature

[key: string]: Localization

Defined in




gettext(key, ...leftover): string | unknown[]

Get the mapping for a specific string using the currently set locale. If the mapping does not exist, the value is passed through.

Name Type Description
key string -
...leftover unknown[] Leftover arguments to use for interpolation where %d or %s is used

string | unknown[]

The localized string if it exists, otherwise the text is passed through as a fallback

Defined in



mergeLocalization(locale, localization): void

Incrementally merges a localization into an existing one.

Name Type Description
locale string The locale to merge into
localization CompressedLocalization The data to merge with the existing data.


Defined in



ngettext(singular, plural, count, ...leftover): string | unknown[]

Translates a plural string.

Name Type Description
singular string The singular version of the string, such as %s apple
plural string The plural version of the string, such as %s apples
count number Count used to determine which version is used
...leftover unknown[] -

string | unknown[]

The localized string if it exists, otherwise the text is passed through as a fallback

Defined in



npgettext(context, singular, plural, count, ...leftover): string | unknown[]

Translates a particular version of a plural string denoted by the context.

Name Type Description
context string The translation context, used for diambiguating usages of a word that would map to different words in another language
singular string The singular version of the string, such as %s apple
plural string The plural version of the string, such as %s apples
count number Count used to determine which version is used
...leftover unknown[] -

string | unknown[]

The localized string if it exists, otherwise the text is passed through as a fallback

Defined in



pgettext(context, key, ...leftover): string | unknown[]

Get the mapping for a specific string using the currently set locale. If the mapping does not exist, the value is passed through.

Name Type Description
context string The translation context, used for diambiguating usages of a word that would map to different words in another language
key string -
...leftover unknown[] Leftover arguments to use for interpolation where %d or %s is used

string | unknown[]

The localized string if it exists, otherwise the text is passed through as a fallback

Defined in



setLocalization(locale, localization): void

Overwrites a specific localization with a new one.

Name Type Description
locale string The locale to overwrite
localization CompressedLocalization The new localization mapping


Defined in



@zakkudo/translator / Exports


Table of contents


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