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Lableb Cloud Search's Javascript Client

Javascript library built to ease your integration with Lableb.


yarn add @lableb/javascript-sdk
# OR
npm install @lableb/javascript-sdk


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@lableb/javascript-sdk/dist/LablebSDK.min.js"></script>

For browser users you need to access LablebClient from window.LablebSDK.LablebClient.

const lablebClient = window.LablebSDK.LablebClient();

ES Module in browser

For browser ESM module

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@lableb/javascript-sdk/dist/browser/index.esm.js"></script>


const { LablebClient } = require('@lableb/javascript-sdk');


const LablebClient = require('@lableb/javascript-sdk').default;


import LablebClient from '@lableb/javascript-sdk';


Lableb's client empower you with all the needed functions for a full search experience including: search, autocomplete, recommendation, indexing, deleting documents and send feedbacks.

It's usage made easy for new users with a very good defaults, and the more you need from it, the more options you can use to suits your advanced usages.

Note: This library is built with Promises, and basically all functions return promises, so stay tuned, and make your functions asynchronous.

To start, just create your very first client instance

const lablebClient = LablebClient();

Now lablebClient has all the functions needed for your application.

We'll do a simple search example:

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.search({ 
  platformName: PLATFORM_NAME,
  query: 'water',

const searchResults = response.results;

That's it, we just passed the required fields:

  • Platform name
  • API Key: used to authenticate your search request, visit Lableb Dashboard to create a new one.
  • query is what you're searching for, or basically your end-users' query.

Now you can do more than that, but sticking with the spirit of going fast and easy, that was all what you need.


When creating a new instance of the client you can pass nothing, or pass an option object which can save your time passing the same options over and over to the client's inner functions like search, autocomplete, recommend.

Pass nothing

const lablebClient = LablebClient();

Now for every inner function you have to pass at least an API Key and a Platform Name


const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.search({ 
  platformName: PLATFORM_NAME,
  query: 'water',


const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.autocomplete({ 
  platformName: PLATFORM_NAME,
  query: 'water',

And so on...

Pass the global options

You noticed that we repeatedly passed the shared options to many functions, to end that repetition, you can pass any shared option you find in this library to the main LablebClient that create the instance for you, and you're all set and ready.

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
  platformName: PLATFORM_NAME,

Now for the other functions you just pass the required options


const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.search({ 
  query: 'water',


const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.autocomplete({ 
  query: 'water',

And so on...

When passing options to an inner function might be useful?

Imagine you want to use the same options for all functions(search, autocomplete, recommend, ...etc) but for one function you have a single different option.

You can pass the unique option value only to this specific function call which will override the previously saved value(passed to LablebClient globally).


const lablebClient = LablebClient({
  searchHandler: SEARCH_HANDLER_1,

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.search({ 
  searchHandler: SEARCH_HANDLER_2,
  query: 'water',

Now this search function call will have searchHandler value set to SEARCH_HANDLER_2 as it override the global option passed to create the client.

Options fields and types

Options pass to LablebClient are plain JS object, and all it's properties are optional

property type default description
platformName string - Your platform name as written at Lableb Dashboard
indexName string index The used data index name as created at Lableb Dashboard | Collections
APIKey string - Search, Autocomplete, Recommend, and Feedback API Key
indexingAPIKey string - Index, Delete API Key
searchHandler string default The used search handler name as found at Lableb Dashboard | Collections | Handlers
autocompleteHandler string suggest The used autocomplete handler name as found at Lableb Dashboard | Collections | Handlers
recommendHandler string recommend The used recommend handler name as found at Lableb Dashboard | Collections | Handlers
interceptors array of functions [] pass an array of interceptors functions to manipulate the request before being sent to Lableb. Read in details
userId string - end user id
userIp string - end user IP address
userCountry string - end user country code(ISO-3166)
sessionId string - uniques session Id for your end user
sessionIdGenerator function - pass callback that generate unique session id string

Note: Creating API Key in Lableb Dashboard

When creating a new API key, make sure you check "search" permission in order to make this key usable for search, autocomplete and recommend requests

Note: Creating Indexing API Key in Lableb Dashboard

When creating a new Indexing API Key, make sure you check "index" permission in order to make this key usable in indexing, and delete requests

Lableb's client API


Query your existing data at Lableb by sending text queries

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    APIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.search({
  query: 'water'

const searchResults = response.results;

Read about Search API in details.


Get instant auto-complete results for the best typing experience for your end-users, where it can better help them find what they need.

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    APIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.autocomplete({
  query: 'wat'

const autocompleteResults = response.results;

Read about Autocomplete API in details.


Smart applications display relevant data for their users, Recommend enable you to get the most relevant data(document/product/article...) your users are interacting with now, which will better increase your revenue, visits count, and the time a user spent on your application.

Pass down the data Id you want relevant data for, and the recommend function will return the best possible results.

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    APIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.recommend({
  id: '475'

const recommendResults = response.results;

Read about Recommend API in details.


Adding or uploading your data to Lableb is called indexing.

Indexing is a very smooth experience, passing down the data as an array is all what it does, the only required thing is your data objects must match your data schema made at Lableb Dashboard.

Assuming your platform schema has an id and title as required fields.

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    indexingAPIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

await lablebClient.index({
  documents: [
    { id: '1', title: 'Finding water in Africa' },
    { id: '2', title: 'How important is water for daily life?' }

Note: You need to use a special API Key for indexing and delete, we call it indexingAPIKey, you can create it inside Lableb Dashboard, where you choose to add index permission to the created API Key.

Read about Indexing API in details.

Note: How to update already indexed data

To update any existing data you have at Lableb, just re index it again, and it will be updated automatically for you.


Remove your data from Lableb can be justified for many reasons, wrong data, stalled data, not needed anymore data... anyway you can absolutely remove any piece of data using its unique id.

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    indexingAPIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

await lablebClient.delete({
  documentId: '274'

Read about Delete API in details.

Search By ID

Fetching single document from Lableb

const lablebClient = LablebClient({
    APIKey: process.env.API_KEY,
    platformName: process.env.PLATFORM_NAME,

const { code, response, time } = await lablebClient.searchById({
  id: '297424'

const searchResult = response;

Read about Search By ID API in details.


Sending feedback to Lableb help you study and understand your users behavior at a deeper level through various analytics at Lableb Dashboard.

You can access a feedback object that contains search, autocomplete, recommend feedbacks functions respectively where you have many options to send in the feedback, and you can either send a single feedback to Lableb at a time, or send a batch of feedbacks in one call.

Each feedback object has two functions: single and batch

Search Feedback Example:

  • To Send single search feedback to Lableb use feedback.search.single function
  • To Send many search feedbacks at once to Lableb use feedback.search.batch function

Of course there is similar functions for autocomplete and recommend feedback respectively.

When feedback is usually used in application?

Feedback requests are usually fired from the UI(based on users' behavior).

When you do a search at Lableb you get back the search results and display them for your end users, when a user clicks or interact with the displayed result, you send a search feedback to Lableb, and so on.

When your end users interacts with an autocomplete results, you send an autocomplete feedback, and when the end-users interact with a recommend result, you send a recommend feedback.

Feedback APIs:

Real Examples

We have included several simple examples regarding different modules format(esm, cjs) and different environment(node.js, browser) you can check them at examples folder

Don't forget to only change the import statement in browsers examples, or do yarn install for node.js examples.

Test and code coverage

This library is tested with jest and has 100% code coverage(run coverage results in your browser.)


  • What is a document at Lableb?

    It's a synonyms for data, product, article, and what you call it depends on your platform, whether it's e-commerce, blog, ...etc

  • How can I user promises in old browsers?

    if you're using an old version of EcmaScript and want to use the async/await syntax you easily do by install babel-polyfill

  • What is the difference between API Key and indexing API Key?

    API Key can only be used for search, autocomplete, recommend, and feedbacks, while indexing API Key is only used for indexing and delete.

  • Can I call index function in browser?

    Yes, but doing so will expose your Index API Key in developers tools, so we recommend leaving indexing and delete only for the server.

  • I have an issue, what can I do to solve it?

    If you find an issue you can open an issue at the git repository, or contact us at support@lableb.com




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