
0.0.1-alpha.34 • Public • Published


Build forms in React, using JSON/JS Object*

JavaScript Style Guide

NbForm is library to generate form using JSON or JavaScript Object. Library includes all input form elements with its style guide. It include error message and strict data type validation out of box.


npm install --save @wadehrarshpreet/nbform


yarn add @wadehrarshpreet/nbform

Get Started

import Bootstrap 3.x stylesheet before use this library install react-bootstrap* v0.3

  npm install react-bootstrap@0.32.4

Before use, first import nbform style

@import '~/node_modules/nbform/dist/nbform.css';

import style in js

import 'nbform/dist/nbform.css';


import React from 'react';
import NbForm from 'nbform';

const CONTENT = {
      id: 'name',
      type: 'input',
      autoCompleteType: 'name',
      subType: 'text',
      placeholder: 'Your Name',
      maxLength: 100,
      autoFocus: true,
      validation: {
        required: true
      errorMsg: {
        default: 'Please enter Valid Name.',
        required: 'This field is required.'
      id: 'email',
      type: 'input',
      autoCompleteType: 'email',
      subType: 'text',
      validation: {
        required: true,
        dataType: 'email'
      placeholder: 'Your Email',
      errorMsg: {
        default: 'Please enter Valid Email.',
        required: 'Email is Required',
        dataType: 'Please enter Valid Email.'
      id: 'password',
      type: 'input',
      subType: 'password',
      validation: {
        required: true
      placeholder: 'Password',
      errorMsg: {
        default: 'Please enter Valid Password.',
        required: 'Password is Required'

const SignUpForm = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className='form'>
        onSubmit={(isError, data) => {
          console.log('isError', isError);
          if (isError) {
            // trigger custom error
          console.log('data', data);

export default SignUpForm;

Output example 1

NbForm Props

props type Description Required/Optional
id String id of form Required
data Array of Object Each Object represent single input field Required
onSubmit function Trigger when form is submit. Gets two arguments isError{boolean} , data{JSObject} Optional
onChange function Trigger when form data changes. Gets three arguments formData{JSObject}[Current data of form], updateFormData{Function}[Setter of FormData, You can custom update formData. it takes two argument key and value. where key represent the id of input define in data] & delta unlike formData it contain property which actually changes not all Optional
submitButtonText String Text shown in submit button default is Submit Optional
buttonClassName String Submit Button Class Name to give own style Optional
defaultValue JSObject or JSON It contain key value pair, where key is id of input field and value is default Value load on first render. Optional
customFooter JSX element Replace Footer with custom footer Button. It require button with type='submit' for submitting the form Optional
ref function get form ref Optional
formClass string className given to nbform Optional
getResetFormAction function you will get a function in argument which trigger reset of form (use useRef to store these method) Optional
getSubmitAction function you will get a function in argument which trigger submit of form (use useRef to store these method) Optional
extraProps object Extra props you want to pass to nbform which you can use in customValidation & customProps Optional


type: input

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. input in case of Input field any [String] '' [Required]
autoCompleteType it set autoComplete property of input fields any [String] 'off'
subType it refer to type of input field. text, email, number, tel, password, textarea [String] 'text'
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
placeholder it set placeholder property of input any [String] ''
maxLength it set maxLength property of input fields any [String] ''
autoFocus it set autoFocus property of input fields any [Boolean] false
autoClear it will give x icon at right of input which will clear the field on click [Boolean] false
getRef you pass the function, you will get ref of input as first argument of that function function [Function] null
inputStyle you pass the style object for custom styling of input box object [Object] null
inputClass you pass the className of the input for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
disabled disable the input field [Boolean] false
customDisabled it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get current input value as first argument and second argument is formData. It has higher preference than disabled prop function null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
currencyFormatter format the currency with comma separated number inside input field. by default it format currency as indian standard you can check currencyFormatterInternational prop to enable international standard. it will work only when subType is number [Boolean] false
currencyFormatterInternational format the currency with comma separated number inside input field with international standard. it will work only when subType is number & currencyFormatter is set to true [Boolean] false
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null


    id: 'price',
    type: 'input',
    autoCompleteType: 'name',
    subType: 'number',
    placeholder: 'Your Name',
    autoFocus: true,
    currencyFormatter: true,
    currencyFormatterInternationl: true,
    customProps: (val, formData, extraProps)=> {
        if(val === extraProps) {
            return {
                rightText: <b>Invalid</b>
        return {};
    validation: {
      required: true,
      dataType: 'float'
    errorMsg: {
      default: 'Please enter Valid Name.',
      required: 'This field is required.',
      dataType: 'Enter valid price'


type: tel

Require package react-intl-tel-input

    npm install react-intl-tel-input
Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. tel in case of tel field. it uses react-intl-tel-input to render tel input with country selector any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
placeholder it set placeholder property of input any [String] ''
defaultCountry set the default country selection, passing the country code like 'in', 'us' etc
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
disabled disable the input field [Boolean] false
customDisabled it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get current input value as first argument and second argument is formData. It has higher preference than disabled prop function null
inputClass you pass the className of the input for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null

When you get final data you will see two extra field you will get for each "tel" input which is dialCode & iso2 in case you required.

  id: 'mobile',
  type: 'tel',
  autoCompleteType: 'tel',
  defaultCountry: 'in',
  placeholder: 'Your Mobile',
  validation: {
    required: true,
    dataType: 'int'
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Please enter Valid Mobile.',
    required: 'Please enter Valid Mobile.'


type: checkbox

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. checkbox render checkbox any [String] '' [Required]
checkboxText Text to display next to checkbox. it can be normal text or html any [String] ''
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
textClass you pass the className of text for custom styling to text any [String] ''
disabled disable the input field [Boolean] false
customDisabled it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get current input value as first argument and second argument is formData. It has higher preference than disabled prop function null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null

defaultValue of checkbox is false which you can give via NbForm prop

  type: 'checkbox',
  id: 'checkedAll',
  checkboxText: 'I agree to <a href="/tnc" target="_blank">terms & condition</a>',
  containerClass: 'tnc',
  validation: {
    value: true
  errorMsg: {
    value: 'Please accept Terms & Condition before proceed'


type: radio

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. radio render to radio input any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
inline render radio input as inline element. All radio options in single line [boolean] false
inlineLabel true will show label with radio input. Its best to use with inline property true [boolean] false
options its array of Object each object represent single option in select menu. Each object must have two properties label[String] & value[any] [{label: [String], value:[any]}][array] []
customOptions it take function with formData as argument, which should return array of object, where each object represent single option in select menu. Each object must have two properties label[String] & value[any] function []
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
disabled disable the input field [Boolean] false
customDisabled it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get current input value as first argument and second argument is formData. It has higher preference than disabled prop function null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  id: 'apartmentType',
  type: 'radio',
  inline: true,
  uiLabel: 'You Stay in: ',
  inlineLabel: true,
  validation: {
    required: true
  options: [
      label: '1BHK/1RK',
      value: 'BHK1'
      label: '2BHK',
      value: 'BHK2'
      label: '3BHK/+',
      value: 'BHK3'
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Please select Valid ApartmentType.',
    required: 'Please select Valid Apartment Type.'


type: select

It use react-select so install react-select before using select

npm install react-select
Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. select render to select dropdown any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
placeholder it set placeholder property of select any [String] ''
isSearchable Enable search to dropdown options [boolean] false
options its array of Object each object represent single option in select menu. Each object must have two properties label[String] & value[any] [{label: [String], value:[any]}][array] []
customOptions it take function with formData as argument, which should return array of object, where each object represent single option in select menu. Each object must have two properties label[String] & value[any] function []
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
disabled disable the input field [Boolean] false
customDisabled it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get current input value as first argument and second argument is formData. It has higher preference than disabled prop function null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  id: 'currentFloor',
  type: 'select',
  placeholder: 'Floor',
  isSearchable: true,
  uiLabel: 'On which floor is your house?',
  options: [{ label: 'Ground', value: 0 }, { label: 'First', value: 1 }, { label: 'Two', value: 2 }, { label: 'Third', value: 3 }, { label: 'Fourth', value: 4 }, { label: 'Fifth', value: 5 }],
  validation: {
    min: 0,
    required: true
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Enter valid floor number',
    required: 'Floor number is required',
    min: 'Enter valid floor number'


type: rating

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. rating render to rating input any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
max max rating user can give. 5 means 5 stars will be visible any [Number] 5
className className give to rating input to give custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  id: 'feedbackRating',
  type: 'rating',
  max: 5,
  className: 'heading-3',
  validation: {
    required: true,
    dataType: 'int',
    min: 1
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Please rate the service.'


type: location-autocomplete

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. location-autocomplete render to google places autocomplete input any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
placeholder it set placeholder property of select any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
autoClear it will give x icon at right of input which will clear the field on click [Boolean] false
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null

location-autocomplete uses Input field to render input so it support all input props with location-autocomplete

  id: 'officeLocation',
  type: 'location-autocomplete',
  placeholder: 'Your Office Location',
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Please enter Valid Location.',
    required: 'Please enter Valid Location.'
  validation: {
    required: true
  autoClear: true,
  searchOptions: {
    componentRestrictions: {
      country: 'IN'


type: toggleButton

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. toggleButton render toggleButton Input any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
subType subType define how toggle Button group interact if its radio then only one can be selected or if its checkbox then multiple can be selected 'radio' or 'checkbox' [String] "radio"
size size of button 'sm', 'xs', 'lg' [String] null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  id: 'typeOfBuilding',
  uiLabel: 'Type of building',
  subType: 'radio',
  options: [
      value: 'AP',
      label: 'Apartment'
      value: 'IF',
      label: 'Independent Floor'
      value: 'IH',
      label: 'Independent House'
  validation: {
    required: true
  errorMsg: {
    default: ' What kind of building is your house in?'
  type: 'toggleButton'


type: switch

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id as it will be use to map value with id. When you get data onSubmit you can access input value using this id any [String] '' [Requied]
type type define which form element you want to render. switch render switch style checkbox any [String] '' [Required]
text Text to display next to switch. it can be normal text or html any [String] ''
textPosition Position of text either left or right left, right [String] 'right'
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
textClass you pass the className of text for custom styling to text any [String] ''
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  id: 'whatsAppSubscribe',
  type: 'switch',
  text: 'Get Updates on Whatsapp',
  containerClass: 'whatsapp',
  textPosition: 'left',
  validation: {
    required: true
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Please subscribe for update before proceed'


type: inputGroup

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id to identify input group. Its optional nbForm autogenerate if not provided. any [String] ''
type type define which form element you want to render. toggleButton render toggleButton Input any [String] '' [Required]
uiLabel Label for input field any [String] ''
labelClass Class given to label for custom styling any [String] ''
containerClass you pass the className of the container of particular input field for custom styling any [String] ''
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
input It takes array of Form Elements [Array of Form Elements] [] [Required]
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null
  type: 'inputGroup',
  containerClass: 'input-group-rent-apType',
  uiLabel: 'Enter Your Name',
  labelClass: 'fs-18', //font-size: 18px;
  input: [
      id: 'firstName',
      type: 'input',
      subType: 'text',
      uiLabel: 'First Name',
      placeholder: 'Enter First Name',
      maxLength: 100,
      validation: {
        required: true,
        minlength: 3
      errorMsg: {
        default: 'Enter Valid First Name'
      id: 'lastName',
      type: 'input',
      subType: 'text',
      placeholder: 'Enter Last Name',
      maxLength: 100,
      uiLabel: 'Last Name',
      validation: {
        required: true,
        minlength: 3
      errorMsg: {
        default: 'Enter Valid Last Name'


type: customInput

Property Description possible value default
id It should be unique id to identify input group. Its optional nbForm autogenerate if not provided. any [String] ''
type type define which form element you want to render. toggleButton render toggleButton Input any [String] '' [Required]
validation validation is used to give validation condition for input used to validate input when submit Validation Object [Object] null
customVisible it take function which should returns boolean. In argument you will get formData as argument. If return value is false then input field will not be rendered function true
render render will take function which has two argument first argument is value of input correspond to id and second argument is updateValue in which you have to pass the value on change. See eg [function] null [Required]
errorMsg error messages to display based on validation error. It contain map correspond to validation object, so that error message will be visible if particular validation failed. default error Message is required as fallback [Object] null
customProps function in which you get value, formData & extraProps in argument and you can return custom props pass to form element based on your own condition function null

you have to import React for using JSX

  id: 'myCustomInput',
  type: 'customInput',
  uiLabel: 'Enter Password'
  render: (value, updateData)=> {
      <div className='my-custom-input'>
        <input type='password' value={value} onChange={(event)=> {
  validation: {
    required: true,
    minlength: 3
  errorMsg: {
    default: 'Enter Valid Password'



Coming Soon...


Please checkout CONTRIBUTING.


  • Remove react-bootstrap dependencies
  • Add more validation
  • Give more option to customize style



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  • wadehrarshpreet