This package has been deprecated

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Volta has been deprecated. Use Vivid instead, see


0.0.10 • Public • Published

Volta design system

This is Volta, the design system for Vonage. If you just want to use the design system on your project, you can go to (vonage/vonage) and download the package.


For users

Quick start

  • Add the package to your project
  • Call volta.css (or volta.min.css) and volta.js (or volta.min.js) in all your files (plus volta.templates.css or volta.templates.min.css if you're using our templates)
  • Refer to the documentation (user: vonage, password: vonage) to write your markup correctly so that the styles will be applied
  • Make a not of the location of your symbol folder, as it contains the compiled icon file

This is how your header might look like

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-volta/dist/css/volta.css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/volta.js"></script>
<!-- The next two files are needed just for tooltips - read more below -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/popper.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/tooltip.min.js"></script>

<!-- Initialise the JavaScript - ONLY WHAT YOU NEED -->
<script type="text/javascript">
	Volta.init(['accordion', 'modal', 'tooltip', 'callout', 'dropdown', 'tab', 'menu', 'menuCollapse']);

Advanced start (aka What's included)

The Volta package provides you with options.


About the CSS, you can choose between a compiled and minified version, and you can choose to use the addons (we have an addon for PrismJS at the moment, for which you'll find more details on the docs)

├── dist/
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── volta.css
│   │   ├── volta.min.css
│   │   ├── volta-templates.css
│   │   ├── volta-templates.min.css
│   ├── addons/
│   │   ├── volta-prism.css
│   │   ├── volta-prism.min.css


We also provide you with the original building blocks in SASS. This could be of interest to you if:

  • You only need to use a few components and you want to pick and choose what you import
  • You wish to use our variables and utility classes in the custom CSS you might have to write

Remember that if you are compiling SASS you should always use an autoprefixer

├── sass/
│   ├── volta.sass
│   ├── lib/
│   │   ├── grid.sass
│   │   ├── icons.sass
│   │   ├── mediaqueries.sass 	// contains our breakpoints and useful classes for responsive behaviour
│   │   ├── reset.sass 			
│   │   ├── type.sass 			// contains all our typography rules
│   │   ├── variables.sass 		// contains all our color and spacing variables
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── *Individual files for each component*
│   ├── layout/
│   │   ├── article.scss
│   ├── templates/
│   │   ├── volta-templates.scss


The same applies to JavaScript. Only a handful of components need it to work, so it's up to you if you want to be quick and import our compiled or minified version, or if you want to pick and choose the specific components.

As with CSS, the pre-compiled files are in the dist folder:

├── dist/
│   ├── js/
│   │   ├── volta.js
│   │   ├── volta.min.js

While the original files are in the js folder

Whichever you choose, JavaScript needs to be initialised, it's not enough to just include it


Let's say you want just the modals. You need to include volta.code.js and the modal file, then initialise the modal:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/volta.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/components/volta.modal.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

Tooltips require a bit extra love: wether you are using our compiled files or the originals, you'll have to include also popper.min.js and tooltip.min.js who make sure the tooltips will always be on sceen and in the right position, responsively.

<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/popper.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-volta/dist/js/tooltip.min.js"></script>


In this folder you'll also find addons. At the moment these are Table Sorter (which requires jQuery to work and you'll have to import that separately) and Prism (which we support in our styling for code highlighting). These are optional

├── js/
│   ├── volta.js
│   ├── volta.min.js
│   ├── volta.core.js
│   ├── popper.min.js
│   ├── tooltip.min.js
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── *Individual files for each component*
│   ├── addons/
│   │   ├── jquery.tablesorter.js
│   │   ├── prism.js

For contributors

More components are always in development, but if you want to contribute you're very welcome and we have a github repo for that purpose. Just ping Benny if you wish to be added to it.

If you're on the repo, this is how to run it:

Running storybook

First time around, clone your repo and do the usual:

npm install

Then, in two tabs, run:


which watches for changes in the html/js/images/SASS folders and runs a SASS linter, and:

npm run storybook

Which runs storybook. If you're not familiar with storybook, better to go have a look at their documentation. There's more info about how we specifically use it on confluence.

Useful commands

gulp svg 			// Put together all the icons in one file in public
gulp production 	// Prepare the downloadable zip file


The configuration you need is on .vlt-backstop-config.js (root). It has the paths and the list of scenarios you want to run. Update where approriate.

To run the tests, make sure Storybook is running first. Then just do:

npm run backstop

You can also run any number of specific tests just by listing them, comma-separated. Example:

npm run backstop -- --scenarios=button-primary,table-default

Things to keep an eye out for when contributing CSS

  • We use BEM. If you're not familiar with it, go read about it here
  • All Volta code is strictly product-agnostic, as it has to work for all Vonage products.
  • iOS doesn't like viewport sizing (vw, vh) nor calculations (calc())
  • iOS also doesn't like :hover effects on buttons tied to JavaScript, which comes in handy for the table hover actions, but meant we had to get rid of the hover effect on small screens for tabs

You can create a branch to contribute in and create a pull request when ready!

For any issue

Ping Benny at or Matteo at


Benny Zuffolini (CSS & UX) Ken Sakurai (Design) Karen Manktelow (JS) Matteo Zuffolini (Development)




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  • kpaxian
  • web-il
  • volta-angular-admin
  • nexmo-onboarding
  • nexmo-se
  • thung
  • gunifydevops
  • swarup-techprescient
  • vonage_cct_call_control
  • timmytbone
  • vonageaos
  • unified_portal
  • yinon
  • yuri.guller