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timum booking


timum BookingJs is a fully customizable appointment booking frontend app, intended to be integrated into every web page or web app or mobile app. It is ready to use out-of-the-box. And it provides the ability to customize it. This documentation guides you through all the customization capabilities.



  • Real time availability and booking
  • Booking requests for public appointments - approval required
  • Multiple participant appointments
  • Visitor ligitimation - only invited visitors see the booking widget on public pages, listings, exposés
  • Visitor identification - via customer ID from CRM
  • Show/hide fully booked appointments option
  • Prebooking period option - prevents booking if appointment is too soon from now
  • Double booking prevention
  • Cancelling appointment by customer with proper authentication
  • Fully customizable look and feel with mui theming (available with professional plans)
  • Customizable wording across languages (availabe with professional plans)
  • Dynamic definition of input fields with localized labels and validation (available with professional plans)
    • Therefore, ability to request additional information from customers during booking process
  • Support for multiple languages (English and German included) - add your own language
  • Callbacks for custom code execution and event response (e.g. booking created, appointments loaded, booking canceled)

How to Integrate

In a Script Tag

Add the following code to your webpage:

<div id="bookingjs" style="margin: 32px"></div>
<script type="module">
  import * as timum from 'https://cdn.timum.de/bookingjs/1/booking.js';

  timum.init({ ref: 'booking-widget-demo-resource@timum' });

A working fiddle can be found here.

Alternatively, you can add ref to your url as a parameter. This allows you to omit ref in the javascript portion. Like this:

https://your.website.nic?ref=<enter resource reference here>

<div id="bookingjs" style="margin: 32px"></div>
<script type="module">
  import * as timum from 'https://cdn.timum.de/bookingjs/1/booking.js';

  timum.init(); //<- no need for the reference here

As ESM import

  1. Add timum booking to your project with yarn add @timum/booking or use npm with npm install @timum/booking
  2. Add <div id="bookingjs" style="margin: 32px"></div> where you want timum to be displayed (the margin is just a sggestion, not mandatory).
  3. Add the following code to one of your .js files:
import { init } from '@timum/booking';

init({ ref: 'booking-widget-demo-resource@timum' });

A example project can be found here

Entity Referencing

As shown in How to Integrate, there are two ways in which to provide bookingjs with the necessary references to retrieve public appointments from the backend.

Additionally, there are three different kinds of references you can provide, each having their own implications concerning the delivered appointments or whether the booking frontend is shown at all.

Channel Reference

Resource channels are entities in Timum, each storing a configuration that changes the booking experience for customers. Each individual resource has four channels that users can distribute to their customers through a link. To use these channels in an embed scenario, provide a channel reference in the ref property (either in the URL or as part of the config). In this case, nothing else is required.

Resource Reference

A reference that refers to a plain resource, where the channel is unknown. The default channel (and its corresponding configuration) is used instead.

Resource Reference + ChannelKey

If you don't have a channel reference but still want to use a different channel than the default one, you can provide a combination of resource reference and channelKey to uniquely identify the channel (and resource) to be used.

The following table gives an overview of the different permutations and how bookingjs behaves when encountering each of them:

url RESref OR CHref timum.init RESref OR CHref timum.init chKey show OR hide
- - ignored HIDE
ResourceReference ignored YES show widget for channelKey
ResourceReference ignored - show default Channel
- ResourceReference - show default Channel
- ResourceReference YES show widget for channelKey
ChannelReference ignored ignored show Channel
- ChannelReference ignored show Channel
  • RESref: short for resource reference.
  • CHref: short for channel reference.

  • First row: If neither a resource reference nor a channel reference is provided, not in the URL nor in the config object, any given channel key is ignored, and bookingjs is hidden.

  • Third row: If a resource reference is given in the URL and in the config object, and no channelKey is provided, the ref in the URL takes priority. Since it is a resource reference and no channel key is provided, the default channel is used.

  • Fifth row: If a resource reference and a channelKey are provided in the config object, and there is nothing in the URL, the config object is used. BookingJs gets displayed using the channel uniquely identified by the resource reference and the channelKey.

Customer pre-identification

BookingJs can identify customers automatically if configured correctly. This means they don't need to input their personal data prior to booking.

Identification via pDataId (personId)

Detection method: Is there a valid pDataId paired with a supported pDataPlatform (platform) in parent url matching an entity (contact, customer) in given CRM? General behaviour: If there is, then visitor is pre identified. If not: provide standard booking dialog. See appConfig for more information about pData.

Identification via Logged-in User

Even customers can register at timum and become registered and logged-in users. If the booking system identifies a logged-in user, the booking dialog does not provide personal data input fields but informs the visitor that they are identified.

Note that if the customer is logged in to timum and there is a pData config/url param as well then the auth cookie takes priority.

Advanced usage

timum booking has a lot of customisation options.

The init accepts the following arguements in the order listed here. The following table gives a rough overview over each.

Arguments Description
appConfig object, containing various options like callbacks, localiation, input fields etc.
muiTheme object, mui theme allowing you to change the look and feel of timum. Requires a professional plan.
fcConfig object, only used if you use full calendar as a booking frontend (settable in appConfig).


timum uses mui components for all frontends. The muiTheme object allows global design changes. See here for a general overview.
See here for theme related documentation.

When you open the file config.js in this example, you can find an elaborate custom configuration which includes a redesign of the standard timum theme.

Needs professional plan.


FullCalendar can be set as one of the frontends in appConfig. See here for a full list of configuration options.

Note that since fullCalendar isn't mui based, it does not consider the muiTheme object.

There are also some options specific to bookingjs. In addition to the configuration options of fullcalendar the following options are also available (all of them are optional):

Property Description
largeView string, Determines which view is displayed for screen widths greater 601px.
Please refer to the fullcalendar docs linked above for an overview of applicable values.
smallView string, Determines which view is displayed for screen widths smaller 601px.
Please refer to the fullcalendar docs linked above for an overview of applicable values.
useCustomTimumCss boolean, to increase responsiveness, timum overrides some fullcalendar css classes. Set this to false to gain total control over fullcalendar's css.


This object's options directly affect timum's behaviour or allow you to react to it.

Property Description
ref string/array, Reference of the resource to show the appointments of.
Either this or tslRefs (see below) must be defined.
Everything else is optional.
Can also be a url parameter.
You can also provide a list of string references. Booking.js will then allow your customer to choose for which resource appointments should be displayed.
tslRefs string/array, Reference(s) of specific appointments. For when you only want to share a selection of a resource's appointments.
Either this or refs (see above) must be defined.
Everything else is optional.
Can also be a url parameter.
You can also provide a list of string references. Booking.js will then load all appointments and corresponding resource information. If they belong to different resources, then bookingjs allows your customer to choose for which resource appointments should be displayed.
Note: If this and ref are defined in conjunction: The following behaviour is not yet set in stone and may change in the future.
First, bookingjs will load all appointments of the given resources. It then loads all the appointments defined in tslRefs. It then tries to match both results in the following way:

If a ref has none of it's appointments referenced in tslRef:
  • allow the corresponding resource to be selected by the customer.
  • show all free and bookable appointments of that resource.

If a tslRef belongs to a resource also defined in ref:
  • allow the corresponding resource to be selected by the customer.
  • show only the appointments defined in tslRefs. Discard all other appointments which would have otherwise been bookable.

If a tslRef belongs to no resource defined in ref:
  • allow the corresponding resource to be selected by the customer.
  • show (and load) only the corresponding appointment.
prdRefs string/array, Reference(s) of specific products. For when you only want your customer to choose from a subset of your otherwise fully available list of active products.
Note: If this and tslRefs are defined in conjunction: To facilitate a seamless booking process, all products linked to appointments or availabilities are made selectable for customers. This ensures that customers can always choose a product that grants access to the corresponding bookable timeslots referenced in tslRefs. Without this step, customers might be restricted by prdRefs from selecting certain products, rendering related appointments or availabilities unselectable. In this way, tslRefs has priority over this field.
platform string, A fully qualified reference (id@someUuid@platform) can be unwieldy especially if used as a url param. This prop allows you to hardcode the platform part.

Note that this prop is ignored if ref is both:
  • used as a url param
  • contains an @.
prvUuid string, A fully qualified reference (id@someUuid@platform) can be unwieldy especially if used as a url param. This prop allows you to hardcode the someUuid part. This part is only sometimes necessary to uniquely identify a resource in timum.

Note that this prop is ignored if ref is both:
  • used as a url param
  • contains an @.
height string, Height of timum on your page. `500px` is standard.
allowCloseOnBooking boolean, whether the confirmation view is closeable once the booking was successfull.
hideTimumFooter boolean, whether 'powered by timum' can be hidden or not. Needs professional plan.
sendCustomValuesInMessage boolean, whether values of custom fields are concatenated and comma-separated into a single string which is then sent to the backend as message. If field message is defined its input is concatenated to the generated string as well.
channelKey string, timum has, as of now, 4 different channels through which you can share your resource's appointments.
You can find them in the timum frontend under <resource name> -> Calendar Sharing (Terminbuchung freigeben).
Every channel has its own settings allowing you to control whom of your customers can see certain appointments, whether they book directly or create a request first and other settings.
Valid values for this attribute are:
referring to "Public Booking Link" (Öffentlicher Buchungs-Link)
referring to "Exclusive Booking Access" (Exklusiver Buchungs-Zugang)
- resource-reference
referring to "Embedded booking calendars" (Eingebettete Buchungskalender)
referring to "In all Website Plugin Views and your General Calendar" (In Website-Plugin Ansichten sowie Ihrem Gesamtkalender)
RESOURCE_PUBLIC is the default, used if you specify nothing else.

Can also be a url parameter.
calendarFrontend string, one of fullCalendar (that's what `init`'s 3rd parameter is for), pureListView or detailsListView
culture string, The localisation to use. If not specified the browser language is used. Can also be a url parameter.
pData object,
Data indentifying the customer, so that they don't have to input their data again.
Works in conjunction with timum and select, supported plaforms like OnOffice, Immosolve etc.
{ platform: string, personId: string }
Can also be a url parameter. -> the params are named differently though: pDataPlatform, pDataId
Note: pData is ignored in favor of a timum auth cookie. Use incognito mode, another browser or sign out to circumvent this.
callbacks object, may contain various functions which allow to to run custom code in reaction to certain events. See below for a guide on how to do this.
fields object, You can customise what information is demanded of your customers prior to booking. timum requires certain fields to work and has some optional fields it can parse. Fields other than those supported by timum can be evaluated in a callback (see the callback guide below for further info). All fields (yours too!) support localization and input validation.
Needs professional plan.
localization object. Contains all localization variables and their standard texts. timum nativly supports English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Use this to override the standard text and/or add translations for e.g your custom field labels and input validations (see the localisation guide for more info.)
Needs professional plan.

How to use callbacks

The callbacks object may contain any of the following functions.

Booking related
  • openedBookingPage
  • closedBookingPage,
  • createBookingStarted
  • createBookingSuccessfull
  • createBookingFailed

All Booking related callbacks receive a single obejct as argument containing the following properties:

  • a timeslot looking like this:
          start: luxon Datetime object. Internal state. "2023-01-27T09:05:00.000Z",
          end: luxon Datetime object. Internal state. "2023-01-27T09:35:00.000Z",
          timeslot_uuid: uuid of the booked timeslot. e.g. "82ec5220-9d55-11ed-8617-e4a7a0ca32e8",
          product_uuid: uuid of the booked product e.g. "92867f70-4836-11e5-bc04-021a52c25043",
          product_name: string. e.g. "Meeting",
          resource_name: string. e.g. "Booking Widget DEMO",
          capacity: number e.g. 1,
          capacity_left: number e.g. 1,
          kind: either "models.Bookable" or "models.LotAppointment",
          untouchedStart: ISO String e.g: "2023-01-27T09:05:00+01:00" as the server sent it,
          untouchedEnd: ISO String e.g: "2023-01-27T09:35:00+01:00" as the server sent it
  • a data object looking like this:
   firstName: 'string',
   lastName: 'string',
   email: 'string',
   agbs: 'bool'

   // plus whatever optional and/or custom fields you yourself have defined.
   // -> so the makeup of this object changes depending on your settings.

Additionally, createBookingFailed and createBookingSuccessfull also have a RTKQ response object in their respective argument. See here for a reference.

Cancelation Related
  • openedCancelPage
  • closedCancelPage
  • cancelationStarted
  • cancelationSuccessful
  • cancelationFailed

All cancelation related callbacks receive a single obejct as argument containing the same properties as described in Booking related

Additionally, cancelationSuccessful and cancelationFailed also have a RTKQ response object in their respecive argument. See here for a reference.

Dialog related

In addition to the dialog related callbacks already mentioned in Cancelation Related and Booking related, there a callbacks for all other dialogs as well.

  • openedProductSelection
  • openedResourceSelection
  • openedConfirmationPage
  • closedProductSelection
  • closedResourceSelection
  • closedConfirmationPage

These do not receive any parameters.

Data Fetching Related

In order to display public appointments, resource and calendar information timum sends several requests.

  • fetchingPublicDataSucceeded Gets passed in a single object looking like this:

        contact: {
          name: 'string',
          email: 'string',
          mobile: 'string',
          phone: 'string',
        resource: {
          name: 'string', //<- 80 chars, max length of names in timum
          description: 'string',
          msgHelpText: 'string',
        provider: {
          name: 'string',
          description: 'string',
          isThemingAllowed: 'boolean',
          isLocalisationAllowed: 'boolean',
          areCustomFieldsAllowed: 'boolean'
        channel: {
          bookingProcess: 'string' // One of 'IMMEDIATE' or 'REQUESTED',
  • fetchingPublicDataFailed receives a single RTKQ error object. See here for a reference.

  • fetchingProductsSucceeded Gets passed in a single object looking like this:

      products: [
          description: string,
          minDuration: number,
          name: string,
  • fetchingProductsFailed receives a single RTKQ error object. See here for a reference.

  • fetchingBookablesSucceeded Gets passed in a single object looking like this:

        2023-02-06: [ //<- this obviously changes depending on when appointments are available.
          0: {
              timeslot_uuid: uuid of the booked timeslot,
              product_uuid: uuid of the booked product,
              product_name: string,
              resource_name: string,
              capacity: number,
              capacity_left: number,
              kind: one of "models.Bookable" or "models.LotAppointment",
              start: ISO String e.g: "2023-02-06T09:05:00+01:00",
              end: ISO String e.g: "2023-02-06T09:35:00+01:00"
          //... more appointments ...
        //... more dates ...
    • fetchingBookablesFailed receives a single RTKQ error object. See here for a reference.


timum booking has the ability to change all of its text. It comes with English and German pre-installed, but you can add additional translations as well. You can also change the text for these languages to your preference. You don't have to redefine the entire localization object; you can just add or change the specific texts you want. Any missing texts will be taken from the default. The code snippet provided shows the complete localization object and the standard text for both English and German. For each language, it includes text for different parts of the booking process such as product selection, appointment booking, appointment request, appointment cancellation, form fields, and more.

localization: {
  de: {
    resource_selection_headline: 'Resource wählen',
    product_selection_headline: 'Terminart wählen',
    booked_successfully_header: 'Termin gebucht',
      'Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit den Termindetails an {{mail}}',
    requested_successfully_header: 'Termin angefragt',
      'Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit den Termindetails an {{mail}}. Sie werden unter der gleichen Adresse benachrichtigt, sobald Ihre Anfrage bearbeitet wurde.',
    submit_button_book: 'Buchen',
    submit_button_request: 'Verbindlich Anfragen',

      'Zur Zeit sind leider keine buchbaren Termine verfügbar.',
    appoinment_at_capacity: 'belegt',
    add_to_calendar_btn: 'Zu Kalender hinzufügen',
      '{{expiration}} bis zum Ablauf der Reservierung',
    reservation_expired: 'Reservierung abgelaufen.',
      'Sie wurden mit persönlichem Link eingeladen und können direkt Ihren Termin buchen.',
    reservation_failed: {
      title: 'Hohe Nachfrage',
        'Dieser Termin wurde gerade durch jemanden reserviert. Bitte wählen' +
        'Sie einen anderen Termin. Oder schauen Sie später noch einmal, ob' +
        'ein Termin frei wird.',
    cancellation: {
      cancelation_successfull_message: 'Termin erfolgreich abgesagt',
      cancellable_appointment_highlight: 'Mein Termin',
      submit_button_cancel: 'Absagen',
      cancel_appointment_header: 'Ihr Termin',
      message_label: 'Nachricht zur Terminabsage',
    validation: {
      field_required: 'Notwendig',
        'Sie müssen die Datenschutzbestimmungen akzeptieren bevor Sie buchen können.',
      email_field_must_be_valid: 'Geben Sie eine valide E-Mail Adresse ein',
    fields: { // field labels are markdown capable. That's why you can use basic html as well.
      firstName: 'Vorname',
      lastName: 'Nachname',
      name: 'Name',
      email: 'E-Mail',
      mobile: 'Mobil',
      message: 'Ihre Nachricht',
            '<a href="https://info.timum.de/datenschutz" target="_blank">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a> gelesen und akzeptiert',

  // the same for english.
  en: {
    resource_selection_headline: 'Choose Resource',
    product_selection_headline: 'Choose Product',
    booked_successfully_header: 'Appoinment Booked',
      'You will receive an email with appointment details to {{mail}}',
    requested_successfully_header: 'Appointment Requested',
      'You will receive an email with appointment details to {{mail}}. You will be notified at the same address once your request has been processed.',
    submit_button_book: 'Book',
    submit_button_request: 'Request',

      'Unfortunately, there are no bookable dates available at the moment.',
    appoinment_at_capacity: 'fully booked',
    add_to_calendar_btn: 'Add to Calendar',
      '{{expiration}} until reservation expiration.',
    reservation_expired: 'Reservation expired.',
      'You have been invited with a personal link and can book your appointment directly.',
    reservation_failed: {
      title: 'High Demand',
        'This appointment has just been reserved by someone. Please choose another appointment. Or check back later to see if an appointment becomes available.',
    cancellation: {
      cancelation_successfull_message: 'Appointment canceled sucessfully.',
      cancellable_appointment_highlight: 'My Appointment',
      submit_button_cancel: 'Cancel',
      cancel_appointment_header: 'Your Appointment',
      message_label: 'You may enter a reason here.',
    validation: {
      field_required: 'Required',
        'You must accept the privacy policy prior to booking.',
      email_field_must_be_valid: 'Enter a valid email address',
    fields: { // field labels are markdown capable. That's why you can use basic html as well.
      firstName: 'First name',
      lastName: 'Last name',
      name: 'name',
      email: 'E-mail',
      mobile: 'Mobile',
      message: 'Your Message',
            '<a href="https://info.timum.de/datenschutz" target="_blank">Privacy policy</a> read and accepted.',


Booking Form Fields

You can customize the information you request from customers before booking by defining fields. The minimum required fields for timum are firstName, lastName, email, and agbs. By default, timum also requests mobile and message fields, but you can add your own fields as well.

Fields, including custom ones, support validation and localization. Validation is realized using the yup library, which is included with timum. You can import it using the following code:

import { yup } from '@timum/booking';

Localization is achieved by using the title property in the field definition. You can specify a translation key and add the corresponding translation to the localization object. The same process can be applied to custom field validations.

The standard configuration can be overridden except for the aforementioned fields. The following is the standard configuration:

  fields: {
    firstName: {
      title: 'fields.firstName',
      validation: yup.string().required('validation.field_required'), // <- compare with key in 'localization'
    lastName: {
      title: 'fields.lastName',
      validation: yup.string().required('validation.field_required'),
    email: {
      title: 'fields.email',
      format: 'email',
      type: 'text',
      validation: yup
    mobile: {
      title: 'fields.mobile',
      type: 'phoneNumber',
      isRequired: false,
      defaultCountry: 'DE',
      preferredCountries: ['DE', 'CH', 'AT'],
      // validation: is in built and ignored
    message: {
      title: 'fields.message',
      type: 'textarea',
      validation: yup.string().max(1024),
      limit: 1024,
    agbs: {
      title: 'fields.accept_timum_privacy',
      type: 'checkbox',
      validation: yup
          (value) => value === true
    locale: {
      index: 6,
      preventRendering: true,

Custom Fields

If the values retrieved via custom fields need to be transferred to timum backend as additional booking information, set the parameter sendCustomValuesInMessage. With this, the values of custom fields are attached to the customer message. They will be visible to the customer as well in booking confirmation mailings.

sendCustomValuesInMessage: true, // necessary to transmit custom field values as part of the customer message

Anatomy of a custom booking form field:

  <fieldName> : {
      index: number, index defines the order in which the fields get displayed.
                     (If you want to reorder the default fields or
                      want to inject a custom field between them,
                      you must redefine them as custom fields and manually change their indexes.)
      title: string or JSXElement;
      validation: yup based validation. See https://github.com/jquense/yup. Re-exported and accessible via timum.yup
      type: string; either 'text' (default), 'phoneNumber', 'textarea', 'checkbox' or 'select',
      onChange: function, allows to execute code whenever the user changes the fields value. Gets 'value' as function parameter.
      prefilled: string; value a field is initiated with.
                 Note that for fields of type 'select' you must use the 'key' of one of it's options.
      preventRendering: boolean, default false;
                        if true the field is not visible to the user.
                        Useful in conjunction with sendCustomValuesInMessage allowing you to
                        enrich booked appointments with internal data
                        without the customer becoming aware of your internal processes.


  • define a field name

Depending on the type there are additional properties you can/must specify:

  • Type text:

    • format: string; the native input field's 'type' (e.g. 'email', 'number', etc.).
  • Type phoneNumber:

    • does NOT support validation. Phone number validation is complex, so timum handles it for you. This does mean that field validation localisation is currently not supported for fields of this type. This will be fixed in a future update.
    • isRequired: boolean; if true, this field must be filled with a valid number
    • defaultCountry: string, denotes the country code which is preselected when first rendering the component. Default is 'DE',
    • preferredCountries: list of strings; denotes which countries are displayed first in the country drop down. Defaults are ['DE', 'CH', 'AT'],
  • Type textArea:

    • limit: number; sets the maximum number of characters customers can enter.
  • Type checkbox:

    • no special properties.

Type select:

  • options: array of objects with structure { title: string, key: string }. The title is displayed and the key is passed in the data object to callbacks.

Custom Field Example

Here is an example tying all of the aforementioned concepts together. And here is a fiddle containing the very example detailed in this chapter.

The Scenario

It is necessary to determine the gender of customers for a specific purpose. The mobile and message fields are not necessary and will be removed. The new gender field must be filled, therefore a validation check is required to ensure it is completed. Both the name of the gender field and the validation messages must be translated into different languages.

The Implementation

This is the base configuration. As it uses the standard field configuration shown in Booking form fields :

<div id="bookingjs" style="margin: 32px"></div>
<script type="module">
  import * as timum from 'https://cdn.timum.de/bookingjs/1/booking.js';

  timum.init({ ref: 'booking-widget-demo-resource@timum' });

Let's add the necessary changes:

<div id="bookingjs" style="margin: 32px"></div>
<script type="module">
  import * as timum from 'https://cdn.timum.de/bookingjs/1/booking.js';

    ref: 'booking-widget-demo-resource@timum',

    fields: {
      // set these fields to undefined explicitly in order to remove them
      message: undefined,
      mobile: undefined,
      firstName: {
        // index defines the order in which the fields get displayed
        index: 0,
        title: 'fields.firstName',
        validation: yup.string().required('validation.field_required') // <- compare with key in localisation
      lastName: {
        index: 1,
        title: 'fields.lastName',
        validation: yup.string().required('validation.field_required')
      email: {
        index: 2,
        title: 'fields.email',
        format: 'email',
        type: 'text',
        validation: yup
      gender: {
        index: 3,
        // new language key
        title: 'fields.gender.title',
        // best for a limited number of predefined choices
        type: 'select',
        // could use 'validation.field_required' but
        // for this example let's create a new  key
        validation: yup.string().required('validation.gender_field_required'),
        options: [
          { key: 'm', title: 'fields.gender.male' },
          { key: 'w', title: 'fields.gender.female' },
          { key: 'd', title: 'fields.gender.other' }
      agbs: {
        index: 4,
        title: 'Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und akzeptiert.',
        type: 'checkbox',
        validation: yup
            (value) => value === true
    sendCustomValuesInMessage: true, // necessary to transmit custom field values as part of the customer message

    // now we need to add the new translation keys and their translations.

    localization: {
      de: {
        validation: {
          gender_field_required: 'Bitte wählen.'
        fields: {
          gender: {
            title: 'Geschlecht',
            male: 'Männlich',
            female: 'Weiblich',
            other: 'Divers'
      en: {
        validation: {
          gender_field_required: 'Please select an option.'
        fields: {
          gender: {
            title: 'Gender',
            male: 'Male',
            female: 'Female',
            other: 'Others'

    // the following callback consumes the customers input, allowing you to act on
    //the entered gender value.
    callback: {
      createBookingStarted: ({ data }) => {




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