
3.46.12 • Public • Published

Table of contents


Markdown documentation generator/enhancer for javascript, typescript and react typescript projects. Can be used to generate API sections in your README.md files.


yarn add @structured-types/api-readme --dev


API docs section

In your README.md (or another markdown file) file, you will insert a <api-readme /> tag to generate the API section:

<api-readme />

Table of contents

In your README.md (or another markdown file) file, you can insert a # Table of contents header and it will be automatically filled with an extracted table of contents


The configuration file options are documented in @structured-types/api-docs DocumentOptions

You can configure api-readme either directly in your markdown file with inline configuration or with an external file.

Inline configuration

  • files: a comma-separated list of the files to include in the documentation
<api-readme files="./src/index.ts"/>
  • id: a string that should be linked to an element with options in the configuration file.
<api-readme id="my-section"/>
  • extract: a comma-separated list of API names to extract. By default, all the exports will be documented.
<api-readme extract="parse, ParseOptions" files="./src/index.ts"/>
  • visible: a comma-separated list of the properties to be visible. By default, all the extracted properties will be visible.
<api-readme visible="ParseOptions" files="./src/index.ts"/>
  • collapsed: a comma-separated list of type names, that should not be expanded. For example, some internal React objects can be kept just as a string and will not be detailed in the documentation, instead of listing their internal properties.
<api-readme collapsed="React.ReactNode"/>
  • extensions: a comma-separated list of plugins (or extensions). For example, for a react library, you can specify to include only react components, but not any additional types or utilities.
<api-readme extensions="react"/>
  • sections: a comma-separated list of the sections to generate props | description | examples | title | location | all. By default, all sections are generated.
<api-readme sections="description,props"/>
  • columns: a comma-separated list of the columns in the property tables name | type | parents | value | description | all. By default, all columns will be visible.
<api-readme columns="name,type,value,description"/>
  • collectHelpers: boolean, to specify whether to document also helper props (parents, inherited, etc) or just the main extracted exports. By default, the helper props will be excluded from your documentation.
<api-readme files="./src/index.ts" collectHelpers=true/>
  • skipInherited: boolean, to specify whether to skip properties that are "inherited", or "composed". For example, type OwnProps = { x: number } & React.LineProps will only output the x property and skip the inherited React library properties.
<api-readme files="./src/index.ts" skipInherited=true/>
  • maxDepth: number, how deep to parse child props. By default, this is set to 6.
<api-readme files="./src/index.ts" maxDepth=10/>

Configuration file

The configuration file options are documented in @structured-types/api-docs

Multiple elements

You can have multiple elements configured within the same configuration file.

For example, you have two components to document LineChart and RadarChart:

You can custom specify the element ids in README.md

<api-readme id="linechart">


<api-readme id="radarchart">

In your configuration file, you can specify distinct options for each element. The per-element options will be merged with the global options.


module.exports = {
  sections: ['props'],
  elements: {
    linechart: {
      files: ['./src/charts/line/Chart.tsx'],
      visible: ['LineChart'],
    radarchart: {
      files: ['./src/charts/radar/Chart.tsx'],
      visible: ['RadarChart'],



module.exports = {
  "sections": ["props"],
  "elements": {
    "linechart": {
      "files": ["./src/charts/line/Chart.tsx"],
      "visible": ["LineChart"]
    "radarchart": {
      "files": ["./src/charts/radar/Chart.tsx"],
      "visible": ["RadarChart"]


  - props
      - ./src/charts/line/Chart.tsx
      - LineChart
      - ./src/charts/radar/Chart.tsx
      - RadarChart


You can launch directly from the command-line ie yarn run api-readme or from your package.json file by adding a script to launch the command line documentation tool.

  "scripts": {
    "docs": "api-readme",

Command-line options

  • -t or --toc: boolean (default: true). Whether to generate a table of contents in your markdown file. You will need to create the section title such as # Table of contents and api-readme will generate the content within this section.
yarn(npm) run api-readme -t=false
  • -f or --file: string (default: MARKDOWN.md). The name of the markdown file to be processed. Make sure you have inserted a <api-readme /> tag within this file.
yarn(npm) run api-readme -f=./src/test.md
yarn(npm) run api-readme -f=./src/test.md
  • -l or --log: boolean (default: true). Display/or not the running logs.
yarn(npm) run api-readme -l=false

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npm i @structured-types/api-readme

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  • atanasster