
0.0.2 • Public • Published

@steveush/grunt-map-normalizer v0.0.1

Normalize the sources properties of generated source maps.

Getting Started

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade

Map Normalizer Task

Run this task with the grunt map-normalizer command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.



Type: String
Default: absolute

Specifies the output type for a normalized maps' sources property. Can be one of the following:

  • absolute source paths are converted to absolute paths.
  • file - source paths are converted to file URLs.
  • relative - source paths are converted to relative paths.
  • virtual - source paths are converted to virtual paths with the use of the root option.


Type: String
Default: mapped

When using the virtual output this value is used to replace the closest common path of all sources.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Whether the sources should be verified. All non-existing files are removed from the final output.


Type: Function( String [, SourceMap ] ):Boolean
Default: null

A callback function used to filter the sources before being normalized. If false is returned from this function then the source and its corresponding content will be removed.


Type: Function( String [, SourceMap ] ):String|False
Default: null

A callback function used to modify the normalized sources before the output is written. If false is returned from this function then the source and its corresponding content will be removed.

Usage Examples

Normalize all map files in a directory to use absolute paths.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "absolute"
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "../src/one.js" ] => [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ]
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ] => [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ]
// sources: [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ] => [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ]

Normalize all map files in a directory to use relative paths.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "relative"
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "../src/one.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js" ]
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js" ]
// sources: [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js" ]

Normalize all map files in a directory to use file URLs.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "file"
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "../src/one.js" ] => [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ]
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js" ] => [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ]
// sources: [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ] => [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js" ]

Normalize all map files in a directory to use virtual paths.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "virtual",
        virtualRoot: "Custom"
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "../src/one.js", "../src/child/two.js" ] => [ "Custom/one.js", "Custom/child/two.js" ]
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js", "C:\\project\src\child\two.js" ] => [ "Custom/one.js", "Custom/child/two.js" ]
// sources: [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js", "file:///C:/project/src/child/two.js" ] => [ "Custom/one.js", "Custom/child/two.js" ]

Filter any sources before normalization.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "relative",
            filter: ( src ) => !src.endsWith( "two.js" )
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "../src/one.js", "../src/two.js", "../src/child/three.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js", "../src/child/three.js" ]
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js", "C:\\project\src\two.js", "C:\\project\src\child\three.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js", "../src/child/three.js" ]
// sources: [ "file:///C:/project/src/one.js", "file:///C:/project/src/two.js", "file:///C:/project/src/child/three.js" ] => [ "../src/one.js", "../src/child/three.js" ]

Modify any sources after normalization.

"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "relative",
        modify: ( src ) => {
            // filter out any sources ending with "two.js"
            if ( src.endsWith( "two.js" ) ) return false;
            // replace the normalized sources "../src" segment with "something"
            return src.replace( "../src", "something" );
    src: [ 'assets/*.map' ]
// map: "C:\\project\assets\example.js.map"
// sources: [ "C:\\project\src\one.js", "C:\\project\src\two.js", "C:\\project\src\child\three.js" ] => [ "something/one.js", "something/child/three.js" ]

Options can be specified for all map-normalizer tasks and for each map-normalizer:target.

All Tasks
"map-normalizer": {
    options: {
        output: "relative"
    build: [ 'assets/*.map' ],
    release: [ 'releases/*.map' ]
"map-normalizer": {
    build: [ 'assets/*.map' ],
    release: {
        options: {
            output: "relative"
        src: [ 'releases/*.map' ]


Version Date Notes
v0.0.1 11 Apr 2023 Initial commit of the repository.
v0.0.2 11 Apr 2023
  • Renamed the callback option to modify.
  • Added the filter option to allow sources to be filtered before being normalized.
  • Added better grunt --verbose logging for the task.

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  • steveush