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OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance - Client

IMPORTANT this package is in an early development stage and does not support all functionality from the OID4VCI spec yet!


A client to request and receive Verifiable Credentials using the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance ( OID4VCI) specification for receiving Verifiable Credentials as a Holder.


Authorized Code Flow

This flow isn't supported yet!

Pre-authorized Code Flow

The pre-authorized code flow assumes the user is using an out of bound mechanism outside the issuance flow to authenticate first.

The below diagram shows the steps involved in the pre-authorized code flow. Note that wallet inner functionalities (like saving VCs) are out of scope for this library. Also This library doesn't involve any functionalities of a VC Issuer Flow diagram

Issuance Initiation

Issuance is started from a so-called Issuance Initiation Request by the Issuer. This typically is URI, exposed as a link or a QR code. You can call the IssuanceInitiation.fromURI(uri) method to parse the URI into a Json object containing the baseUrl and the IssuanceInitiationRequest payload object

import IssuanceInitiation from './IssuanceInitiation';

const initiationURI =

const initiationRequestWithUrl = IssuanceInitiation.fromURI(initiationURI);

 * {
 *    "baseUrl": "https://server.example.com",
 *    "issuanceInitiationRequest": {
 *      "credential_type": [
 *        "https://did.example.org/healthCard",
 *        "https://did.example.org/driverLicense"
 *      ],
 *      "issuer": "https://server.example.com",
 *      "op_state": "eyJhbGciOiJSU0Et...FYUaBy"
 *    }
 * }

Acquiring the Access Token

Now you will need to get an access token from the oAuth2 Authorization Server, using some values from the IssuanceInitiationRequest payload


export interface IssuanceInitiationRequestPayload {
  issuer: string; //REQUIRED The issuer URL of the Credential issuer, the Wallet is requested to obtain one or more Credentials from.
  credential_type: string[] | string; //REQUIRED A JSON string denoting the type of the Credential the Wallet shall request
  pre_authorized_code?: string; //CONDITIONAL The code representing the issuer's authorization for the Wallet to obtain Credentials of a certain type. This code MUST be short lived and single-use. MUST be present in a pre-authorized code flow.
  user_pin_required?: boolean; //OPTIONAL Boolean value specifying whether the issuer expects presentation of a user PIN along with the Token Request in a pre-authorized code flow. Default is false.
  op_state?: string; //OPTIONAL String value created by the Credential Issuer and opaque to the Wallet that is used to bind the sub-sequent authentication request with the Credential Issuer to a context set up during previous steps

export interface CredentialRequest {
  type: string | string[];
  format: CredentialFormat | CredentialFormat[];
  proof: ProofOfPossession;

export interface CredentialResponse {
  credential: W3CVerifiableCredential;
  format: CredentialFormat;

export interface CredentialResponseError {
  error: CredentialResponseErrorCode;
  error_description?: string;
  error_uri?: string;


Several utility functions are available


Converts a Json object or string into an URI:

import { convertJsonToURI } from './Encoding';

const encodedURI = convertJsonToURI(
    issuer: 'https://server.example.com',
    credential_type: ['https://did.example.org/healthCard', 'https://did.example1.org/driverLicense'],
    op_state: 'eyJhbGciOiJSU0Et...FYUaBy',
    arrayTypeProperties: ['credential_type'],
    urlTypeProperties: ['issuer', 'credential_type'],
// issuer=https%3A%2F%2Fserver%2Eexample%2Ecom&credential_type=https%3A%2F%2Fdid%2Eexample%2Eorg%2FhealthCard&credential_type=https%3A%2F%2Fdid%2Eexample%2Eorg%2FdriverLicense&op_state=eyJhbGciOiJSU0Et...FYUaBy


Converts a URI into a Json object with URL decoded properties. Allows to provide which potential duplicate keys need to be converted into an array.

import { convertURIToJsonObject } from './Encoding';

const decodedJson = convertURIToJsonObject(
    arrayTypeProperties: ['credential_type'],
    requiredProperties: ['issuer', 'credential_type'],
// {
//   issuer: 'https://server.example.com',
//   credential_type: ['https://did.example.org/healthCard', 'https://did.example1.org/driverLicense'],
//   op_state: 'eyJhbGciOiJSU0Et...FYUaBy'
// }


Creates the ProofOfPossession object and JWT signature

The callback function created using jose

// Must be JWS
const signJWT = async (args: JWTSignerArgs): Promise<string> => {
  const { header, payload, keyPair } = args;
  return await new jose.CompactSign(u8a.fromString(JSON.stringify({ ...payload })))
    // Only ES256 and EdDSA are supported
    .setProtectedHeader({ ...header, alg: args.header.alg })
const verifyJWT = async (args: { jws: string | Uint8Array; key: KeyLike | Uint8Array; options?: VerifyOptions }): Promise<void> => {
  // Throws an exception if JWT is not valid
  await jose.compactVerify(args.jws, args.key, args.options);

The arguments requested by jose and oidc4vci

const keyPair = await jose.generateKeyPair('ES256');

const jwtArgs: JWTSignerArgs = {
  header: {
    alg: 'ES256',
    kid: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21/keys/1',
  payload: {
    iss: 's6BhdRkqt3',
    aud: 'https://server.example.com',
    iat: 1659145924,
    nonce: 'tZignsnFbp',
  privateKey: keyPair.privateKey,
  publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,

The actual method call

const proof: ProofOfPossession = await vcIssuanceClient.createProofOfPossession({
  jwtSignerArgs: jwtArgs,
  jwtSignerCallback: (args) => signJWT(args),
  jwtVerifyCallback: (args) => verifyJWT(args),
// {
//   "proof_type": "jwt",
//     "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDpleGFtcGxlOmViZmViMWY3MTJlYmM2ZjFjMjc2ZTEyZWMyMS9rZXlzLzEifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJzNkJoZFJrcXQzIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zZXJ2ZXIuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE2NTkxNDU5MjQsIm5vbmNlIjoidFppZ25zbkZicCJ9.btetOcsJ_VOePkwlFf2kyxm6hEUvPRimf3M-Dn3Lmzcmt5QiPToXNWxe_0fEJlRf4Ith55YGB43ScBe6ScZmD1gfLELYQF7LLg97yYlx_Iu8RLA2dS_7EWzLD3ZIzyUGf_uMq3HwXGJKL-ihroRpRBvxRLdZCy-j62nAzoTsBnlr6n79VjkGtlxIjN_CLGIQBhc3du3enghY6N4s3oXFrxWMl7UzGKdjCYN6vSagDb0MURjdiDCsK_yX4NyNd0nGpxqGhVgMpuhqEcqyU0qWPyHF-swtGG5JVAOJGd_YkJS5vbia8UdyOJXnAAdEE1E62a2yUPahNDxMh1iIpS0WO7y6QexWXdb5fmnWDst89T3ELS8Hj2Vzsw1XPyk9XR9JmiDzmEZdH05Wf4M9pXUG4-8_7StB6Lxc7_xDJdk6JPbzFgAIhJa4F_3rfPuwMseSEQvD6bDFowkIiUpt1vXGGVjVm3N4I4Th4_A2QpW4mDzcTKoZq9MKlDGXeLQBtiKXmqs10Jvzpp3O7kBwH7Qm6VUdBxk_-wsWplUZC4IvCfv23hy2SyFnh5zC6Wtw3UcbrSH6LcD7g-RNTKe4fRekyDxqLRdEm60BOozgBoTNhnetCrQ3e7HrApj9EP0vqNyXdtGGWCA011HVDnz6lVzf5yijJB8hOPpkgYGRmHdRQwI"
// }




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