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Crypto Pay API

The most lightweight package without dependencies

Crypto Pay is a payment system based on @CryptoBot, which allows you to accept payments in cryptocurrency using the API.


Please, use Big.js or another lib to work with big numbers.


Check the official API docs https://telegra.ph/Crypto-Pay-API-11-25

Message to @CryptoSupportBot If you have a question about API. Or join to official chats @CryptoBotEnglish or @CryptoBotRussian for Russian developers.


First, you need to create your application and get an API token. Open @CryptoBot or @CryptoTestnetBot (for testnet), send a command /pay to create a new app and get API Token.

npm i @royalf1sh/crypto-pay-api


const CryptoPayApi = require('@royalf1sh/crypto-pay-api')

const myCryptoApp = new CryptoPayApi({
  url: 'testnet-pay.crypt.bot',
  token: <YOUR-TOKEN>

Testnet url: testnet-pay.crypt.bot Mainnet url (disabled now): pay.crypt.bot


All methods return a promise wich contains an object, which always has a Boolean field ok. If ok equals true, the request was successful, and the result of the query can be found in the result field. In case of an unsuccessful request, ok equals false, and the error is explained in the error field (e.g. PARAM_SHORT_NAME_REQUIRED).







Webhooks for notifications about payments


A simple method for testing your app's authentication token. Requires no parameters. Returns basic information about the app.


const me = await myCryptoPay.getMe()
  ok: true,
  result: {
    app_id: xxxx,
    name: 'Name of App',
    payment_processing_bot_username: 'CryptoTestnetBot'
{ ok: false, error: { code: 401, name: 'UNAUTHORIZED' } }


Use this method to create a new invoice. Returns object of created invoice. Requires object with invoice options as argument.

  • asset (String) - Currency code. Supported assets: BTC, TON, ETH (only testnet), USDT, USDC, BUSD
  • amount (String) Amount of the invoice in float. For example: 125.50
  • description (String) Optional - Description of the invoice. Up to 1024 symbols
  • paid_btn_name (String) Optional - Paid button name. This button will be shown when your invoice was paid. Default is callback if you use only paid_btn_url Supported names:
    • viewItem - View Item
    • openChannel - Open Channel
    • openBot - Open Bot
    • callback - Return
  • paid_btn_url (String) Optional but requried when you use paid_btn_name - Paid button URL. You can set any payment success link (for example link on your bot). Start with https or http
  • payload (String, up to 4kb) Optional - Some data. User ID, payment id, or any data you want to attach to the invoice
  • allow_comments (Boolean) Optional - Allow adding comments when paying an invoice. Default is true
  • allow_anonymous (Boolean) Optional - Allow pay invoice as anonymous. Default is true


const invoice = await myCryptoPay.createInvoice({
  asset: 'TON',
  amount: 0.05,
  description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
  paid_btn_name: 'viewItem',
  paid_btn_url: 'https://ton.org',
  payload: JSON.stringify(someData),
  allow_comments: true,
  allow_anonymous: true
  ok: true,
  result: {
    invoice_id: 1422,
    status: 'active',
    hash: 'IVuWdeBit4d5',
    asset: 'TON',
    amount: '0.05',
    pay_url: 'https://t.me/CryptoTestnetBot?start=IVuWdeBit4d5',
    description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
    created_at: '2021-11-29T21:10:43.516Z',
    allow_comments: true,
    allow_anonymous: true,
    payload: '{"some":"text"}',
    paid_btn_name: 'viewItem',
    paid_btn_url: 'https://ton.org',
    is_confirmed: false
  ok: false,
  error: {
    code: 400,
    name: 'ASSET_INVALID',
    supported_assets: [
      'BTC',  'ETH',
      'TON',  'BNB',
      'BUSD', 'USDC',


Use this method to get invoices of your app. On success, the returns array of invoices. Optional object with options as argument

  • asset (String) Optional - Currency code separated by comma. Supported assets: BTC, TON, ETH (only testnet), USDT, USDC, BUSD. Default: all assets.
  • invoice_ids (String) Optional - Invoice IDs separated by comma.
  • status (String) Optional - Status of invoices. Available statusses: active or paid. Default: all statusses.
  • offset (Integer) Optional - Offset needed to return a specific subset of invoices. Default 0.
  • count (Integer) Optional - Number of invoices to return. Default 100, max 1000.


const invoices = await myCryptoPay.getInvoices({
  status: 'paid'
  ok: true,
  result: { count: 1, 
  items: [ 
      invoice_id: 1407,
      status: 'paid',
      hash: 'IVZZ22QMSmdS',
      asset: 'TON',
      amount: '0.05',
      pay_url: 'https://t.me/CryptoTestnetBot?start=IVZZ22QMSmdS',
      description: 'Duis felis ligula, tincidunt vel bibendum vitae',
      created_at: '2021-11-29T18:30:15.527Z',
      paid_at: '2021-11-29T18:32:36.017Z',
      allow_comments: true,
      allow_anonymous: true,
      paid_anonymously: true,
      comment: 'User comment',
      is_confirmed: true,
      confirmed_at: '2021-11-29T18:34:04.019Z'
  ok: false,
  error: {
    code: 400,
    name: 'STATUS_INVALID',
    allowed_statuses: [ 'active', 'paid' ]


Use this method to get balance of your app. Returns array of assets


const balance = await myCryptoPay.getBalance()
  ok: true,
  result: [
    { currency_code: 'BTC', available: '0' },
    { currency_code: 'ETH', available: '0' },
    { currency_code: 'TON', available: '100' },
    { currency_code: 'BNB', available: '0' },
    { currency_code: 'BUSD', available: '0' },
    { currency_code: 'USDC', available: '0' },
    { currency_code: 'USDT', available: '0' }


Use this method to get exchange rates of supported currencies. Returns array of currencies


const exchangeRates = await myCryptoPay.getExchangeRates()
  ok: true,
  result: [
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BTC',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '4352500.00000000'
      is_valid: true, 
      source: 'BTC', 
      target: 'USD', 
      rate: '58208.74' 
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BTC',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '51608.27634518'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BTC',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '148607.32068118'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BTC',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '1584025.65210026'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BTC',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '25483546.66840868'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'ETH',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '332729.10000000'
      is_valid: true, 
      source: 'ETH', 
      target: 'USD', 
      rate: '4444.8' 
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'ETH',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '3940.7907936'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'ETH',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '11347.6055136'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'ETH',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '120955.6712352'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'ETH',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '1945915.1363136'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '223.07911600'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'USD',
      rate: '2.99000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '2.65095493'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '7.63349093'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '81.36641851'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'TON',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '1309.00968718'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BNB',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '46613.00000000'
      is_valid: true, 
      source: 'BNB', 
      target: 'USD', 
      rate: '622.7' 
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BNB',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '552.0901789'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BNB',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '1589.7574589'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BNB',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '16945.4410723'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BNB',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '272615.4957214'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '74.72000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'USD',
      rate: '1.00000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '0.88660700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '2.55300700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '27.21284900'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'BUSD',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '437.79588200'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '74.60840000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'USD',
      rate: '1.00000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '0.88660700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '2.55300700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '27.21284900'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDC',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '437.79588200'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'RUB',
      rate: '74.73000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'USD',
      rate: '1.00000000'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'EUR',
      rate: '0.88660700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'BYN',
      rate: '2.55300700'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'UAH',
      rate: '27.21284900'
      is_valid: true,
      source: 'USDT',
      target: 'KZT',
      rate: '437.79588200'


Use this method to get supported currencies. Returns array of currencies


const currencies = await myCryptoPay.getCurrencies()
  ok: true,
  result: [
      is_blockchain: true,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Bitcoin',
      code: 'BTC',
      url: 'https://bitcoin.org/',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: true,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Ethereum',
      code: 'ETH',
      url: 'https://ethereum.org/',
      decimals: 18
      is_blockchain: true,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Toncoin',
      code: 'TON',
      url: 'https://ton.org/',
      decimals: 9
      is_blockchain: true,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Binance Coin',
      code: 'BNB',
      url: 'https://binance.org/',
      decimals: 18
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: true,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Binance USD',
      code: 'BUSD',
      url: 'https://www.binance.com/en/busd',
      decimals: 18
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: true,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'USD Coin',
      code: 'USDC',
      url: 'https://www.centre.io/usdc',
      decimals: 18
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: true,
      is_fiat: false,
      name: 'Tether',
      code: 'USDT',
      url: 'https://tether.to/',
      decimals: 18
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Russian ruble',
      code: 'RUB',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'United States dollar',
      code: 'USD',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Euro',
      code: 'EUR',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Belarusian ruble',
      code: 'BYN',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Ukrainian hryvnia',
      code: 'UAH',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Pound sterling',
      code: 'GBP',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Renminbi',
      code: 'CNY',
      decimals: 8
      is_blockchain: false,
      is_stablecoin: false,
      is_fiat: true,
      name: 'Kazakhstani tenge',
      code: 'KZT',
      decimals: 8


Use Webhooks to get updates for the app, it will send an HTTPS POST request to the specified URL, containing a JSON-serialized Update. In case of an unsuccessful request, it will give up after a reasonable amount of attempts.

If you'd like to make sure that the Webhook request comes from Crypto Pay, recommend using a secret path in the URL, e.g. https://www.example.com/<token>. Since nobody else knows your bot's token, you can be pretty sure it's from cryptopay.

Webhooks will send may at least one time.

How to enable Webhooks?

Open @CryptoBot or @CryptoTestnetBot (for testnet), open your app and tap Webhooks section to set Webhooks URL.

Webhooks Updates

  • invoice_paid The update send when an invoice was paid by the user. The object includes paid invoice.



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npm i @royalf1sh/crypto-pay-api

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  • royalf1sh