The Screenshot tool for RestQA report.
It's a tool that meant to be use as a cli through the command:
npx @restqa/screenshot
with options
npx @restqa/screenshot -r restqa/index.html -ex screenshot.png
Usage: index [options]
-r,--report <report> The filename of the local restqa report (default: "restqa/index.html")
-ex,--export <export> Filename of the screenshot export (default: "screenshot-restqa.png")
-h,--hash <hash> Change hash location of the page (default: "#/features")
-e,--element <element> The element selector that needs to be screenshoted (default: "#dashboard-analytics")
-w,--waitfor <waitFor> The selector element that triggering the readiness of the page (default: ".logo")
-p,--pause <pause> after the hash change pause waiting time (ms) (default: 2000)
--help display help for command