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NPM package with utilities for working with values that may not exist.

Maybe<T> wraps a value that is either T or does not exist. Maybe's type signature is Maybe<T> = Some<T> | None.

Some<T> wraps a value that definitely exists.

None represents a value that does not exist.

@nkp/maybe provides a Maybe type, Some, None and MaybeBase classes that provide a fluent API for working with Maybe types.

Table of contents



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@nkp/maybe targets CommonJS and ES modules. To utilise ES modules consider using a bundler like webpack or rollup.


Creating a Maybe

import { Maybe, Some, None } from '@nkp/maybe';

// some
let some: Some<number> = Maybe.from(5);

// none
let none: None = Maybe.none;

// from
let maybe: Maybe<number> = Maybe.from(5);



Split and transform the Maybe<T> then join the results into a tuple (array).

  • If all values return Some, .all returns Some
  • If any value returns None, .all returns None

Similar to allObj and Promise.all.

// signature

import { Unary, MaybeLike, Maybeable, UnwrapMaybeable } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Maybe<T> {
  all<U extends [...Maybeable[]]>(
    maybeables: Unary<this, [...U]>
  ): Maybe<UnwrapMaybeables<U>>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const number: Maybe<number> = some(5) as Maybe<number>;

const numbers: Maybe<[
  original: number,
  counting: number[],
  plus1: number,
  string: string,
  literal: string,
  greetings: string,
  div2: number,
]> = number.all((self) => [
  () => self,
  () => [1, 2, 3,],
  () => self.map(n => n + 1),
  () => self.map(String),
  'literal string value',
  Maybe.from('merry christmas'),
  self.map(n => n / 2),


Split and transform the Maybe<T> then join the results into an object.

  • If all values return Some, .all returns Some
  • If any value returns None, .all returns None

Similar to all.

// signature

import { Unary, MaybeLike, Maybeable, UnwrapMaybeable } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Maybe<T> {
  allObj<M extends Record<PropertyKey, Maybeable>>(
    maybeables: Unary<this, M>
  ): Maybe<{ [K in keyof M]: UnwrapMaybeable<M[K]> }>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const number: Maybe<number> = some(5) as Maybe<number>;

const numbers: Maybe<{
  original: number,
  counting: number[],
  plus1: number,
  string: string,
  literal: string,
  greetings: string,
  div2: number,
}> = number.allObj((self) => ({
  original: () => self,
  counting: () => [1, 2, 3,],
  plus1: () => self.map(n => n + 1),
  string: () => self.map(String),
  literal: 'string literal',
  greetings: Maybe.from('merry christmas'),
  div2: self.map(n => n / 2),


If the value is iterable, retrieve it's i'th element's value.

Allows for reverse indexing.

Internally caches the iterable asn an array.

If the value is not iterable, returns the Some [value] from 0 and -1 indexes and None for any other provided index.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  // tuples
  at<U extends any[], I extends keyof U>(this: MaybeKind<U>, index: I): Maybe<U[I]>
  // arrays
  at<U>(this: MaybeKind<U[]>, index: number): Maybe<U>
  // any iterable type
  at<U>(this: MaybeKind<Iterable<U>>, index: number): Maybe<U>
  // non-iterable
  at(index: number): None
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

// arrays are the familiar iterable type
const maybe = Maybe.some([1, 2, 3])

// forward indexing
maybe.at(0); // Some [1]
maybe.at(1); // Some [2]
maybe.at(2); // Some [3]
maybe.at(3); // None      - out of bounds

// reverse indexing
maybe.at(-1); // Some [3]
maybe.at(-2); // Some [2]
maybe.at(-3); // Some [1]
maybe.at(-4); // None      - out of bounds

// other iterable types

// strings are iterable
const string = Maybe.some('strings are iterable')

string.at(0); // Some ['s']
string.at(1); // Some ['t']
string.at(2); // Some ['r']
// ...

// sets are iterable
const set = Maybe.some(new Set(1, 2, 3))

string.at(0); // Some [1]
string.at(1); // Some [2]
string.at(2); // Some [3]
string.at(3); // None
// ...


Map both sides of the Maybe into a Some

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  bimap<S, N>(
    onSome: (value: T) => S,
    onNone: () => N
  ): Maybe<S | N>
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const score: Maybe<number> = Maybe.from(80);
const report: Some<number> = maybe.bimap(
  (score) => `scored: ${score}`,
  () => 'no score',


Remove falsy values from the Maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  compact(): Maybe<NonNullable<T>>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const falseable: Maybe<string | number | null | undefined> = some(0);

const trueable: Maybe<string | number> = falseable.compact();


Applies a filter to the Maybe<T>, turning the Maybe<T> into a None if it's Some<T> value equals one of the excluded values.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  exclude(...values: T[]): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe
  .from(5)            // Some [5]
  .exclude(2, 3, 4)   // Some [5]
  .exclude(5);        // None


Applies a filter to the Maybe<T>, turning the Maybe<T> into a None if callbackfn returns false.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  filter(callbackfn: (item: T) => boolean): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const = lt(ltNum: number) => (value: number) => value < ltNum;

const some = Maybe
  .from(5)        // Some [5]
  .filter(lt(6))  // Some [5]
  .filter(lt(4)); // None


Check if the value as a number is finite.

  • if the number is finite returns Some<T>
  • if the number is not finite, including Number.NaN, returns None
// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  finite(): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some(5).finite();                          // Some [5]
some('5').finite();                        // Some [5]
some('5.9999').finite();                   // Some [5.9999]
some('not a number').finite();             // None
some(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY).finite();   // None
some(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).finite();   // None


Flattens a Maybe<Maybe<T>> into a Maybe<T>.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  flat(): T extends <Maybe<Maybe<infer U>>> ? Maybe<U> : Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const nested: Maybe<Maybe<number>> = Maybe.from(Maybe.from(5));

const flattened: Maybe<number> = nested.flat();


Map both sides of the Maybe into another Maybe and flatten.

// signature

import { MaybeValue, MaybeLike } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Maybe<T> {
  flatBimap<S extends MaybeLike<any>, N extends MaybeLike<any>>(
    onSome: (value: T) => S,
    onNone: () => N
  ): Maybe<MaybeValue<S> | MaybeValue<N>> {
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const hex: Maybe<string> = Maybe.from('#ffaa33');
const parsed: Maybe<number | null> = maybe.flatBimap(
  // value was provided but may be invalid
  // if invalid, turn into None
  (string) => some(string).replace(/^#/, '').parseInt(16),
  // no value provided, set a default
  () => some('aabbcc').parseInt(16),


Maps the Some<T> side of a Maybe<T> into a Maybe<U> and flattens into a Maybe<U>.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  flatMap<U>(callbackfn: (item: T) => Maybe<U>): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some: Maybe<number> = Maybe.from(5);

// without flattening:
// mapping into a Maybe create a nested Maybe
const nested: Maybe<Maybe<string>> = some
  .map(number => Maybe.some(`${number + 1}`));

// with flattening:
// we are left with an un-nested Maybe
const flat: Maybe<string> = some
  .flatMap(number => Maybe.some(`${number + 1}`));


Maps the None side of the Maybe<T> into a Maybe<U> and flattens into a Maybe<T | U>

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  flatMapNone<U>(callbackfn: () => Maybe<U>): Maybe<T | U>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const none: Maybe<number> = Maybe.none;

// if the Maybe<T> is a Some<T>, it is kept
// if the Maybe<T> is a  None, it becomes a Some<U>
const mapped: Maybe<number | string> = none
  .flatMapNone(() => Maybe.some('hello :)'));


Keep only values greater-than the given value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  gt(callbackfn: (self: this) => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.gt(6); // None
some.gt(5); // None
some.gt(4); // Some [5]


Keep only values greater-than or equal-to the given value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  gt(callbackfn: (self: this) => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.gt(6); // None
some.gt(5); // Some [5]
some.gt(4); // Some [5]


Is the Maybe<T> a None?

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  isNone(this: Maybe<T>): this is None;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const maybe: Maybe<number> = Maybe.none;

if (maybe.isNone()) {
  // IDE knows that `maybe` is a `None`
} else {
  // IDE knows that `maybe` is a `Some<number>`


Is the Maybe<T> a Some<T>?

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  isSome(this: Maybe<T>): this is Some<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const maybe: Maybe<number> = Maybe.from(5);

if (maybe.isSome()) {
  // IDE knows that `maybe` is a `Some<number>`
} else {
  // IDE knows that `maybe` is a `None`


Keep only values less-than the given value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  lt(callbackfn: (self: this) => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.lt(6); // Some [5]
some.lt(5); // None
some.lt(4); // None


Keep only values less-than or equal-to the given value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  lte(callbackfn: (self: this) => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.lte(6); // Some [5]
some.lte(5); // Some [5]
some.lte(4); // None


Maps the Some side of the maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  map<U>(callbackfn: (item: T) => U): Maybe<U>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.map(number => number + 1); // does get called

const maybe = Maybe.none;
maybe.map(any => any + 1); // doesn't get called


Maps the None side of the maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  mapNone<U>(callbackfn: () => U): Maybe<T | U>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.mapNone(() => number + 1); // doesn't get called

const none = Maybe.none;
none.mapNone(() => 5); // does get called


Maps the Maybe instance to another value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  mapSelf<R>(callbackfn: (self: this) => R): R;
// usage

import { Maybe, None, Some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
some.mapSelf((self: Some<number>) => self.value + 1); // 6 

const none = Maybe.none;
none.mapSelf((self: None) => 5); // 5


Match the value against a RegExp.

  • If matched returns Some
  • If failed returns None
// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  match(regexp: RegExp | string): Maybe<RegExpMatchArray>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from('style.css');

// extract the basename if the extension is css
some.match(/(.*)\.css$/); // Some [[style.css, 'style', ...]]
some.match(/(.*)\.js$/); // None

// extract the extension
some.match(/(.*)\.([^.]*)$/); // Some [['style.css', 'css', ...]]


Match All using the RegExp.

Similar to String.prototype.matchAll.

Don't forget the g RegExp flat required for String.prototype.matchAll!

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  matchAll(regexp: RegExp | string): Maybe<RegExpMatchArray[]>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const text = Maybe.from(`multi
line string with #ffaa11
some hex colours
hidden #aabbcc within

 * Some [[
 *  RegExpMatchArray [#ffaa11]
 *  RegExpMatchArray [#aabbcc]
 * ]]


Filter in values matching the given regex.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  matching(regexp: RegExp | string): Maybe<string>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from('style.css');

// keep only .css
some.matching(/\.css$/); // Some ['style.css']

// keep only .js
some.match(/\.js$/); // None


Filter out values matching the given regex.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  notMatching(regexp: RegExp | string): Maybe<string>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from('style.css');

// removw .css
some.notMatching(/\.css$/); // None

// remove .js
some.notMatch(/\.js$/); // Some ['style.css']


Check if the value as a number is finite.

  • if the number is not Number.NaN, including Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY and Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, returns Some<T>
  • if the number is Number.NaN returns None
// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  notNaN(): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some(5).notNaN();                          // Some [5]
some('5').notNaN();                        // Some [5]
some('5.9999').notNaN();                   // Some [5.9999]
some('not a number').notNaN();             // None
some(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY).notNaN();   // Some [Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]
some(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).notNaN();   // Some [Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY]


Filter out null values.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  notNull(): Maybe<T extends null ? never : string>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const maybe = Maybe.from<string | null>('style.css');

const defined: Maybe<string> = maybe.notNull();


Filter null and undefined values.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  notNullable(): Maybe<NonNullable<T>>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const maybe = Maybe.from<string | null | undefined>('style.css');

const defined: Maybe<string> = maybe.notNullable();


Filter out undefined values.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  notUndefined(): Maybe<T extends undefined ? never : string>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const maybe = Maybe.from<string | undefined>('style.css');

const defined: Maybe<string> = maybe.notUndefined();


Attempt to parse a string as a floating-point number. Uses the native parseFloat function internally.

If the value is not a string then parseFloat will convert it to string.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  parseFloat(): Maybe<number>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const string: Some<string> = some('10.5');
const number: Maybe<number> = string.parseFloat();
// Some [10.5]


Attempt to parse a string as am integer. Uses the native parseInt function internally.

If the value is not a string then parseInt will convert it to string.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  parseInt(radix?: number): Maybe<number>;
// usage

import { Maybe, some } from '@nkp/maybe';

const string: Some<string> = some('11');
const number: Maybe<number> = string.parseInt(8);
// Some [9]


Extract a key from the value.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  pluck<K extends keyof T>(key: K): Maybe<T[K]>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Cat { name: string, }

const cat: Some<Cat> = Maybe.some<Cat>({ name: 'Furball', });

const name: Maybe<string> = cat.pluck('name'); // Some ['Furball']


Repeat a string count times.

Similar to String.prototype.repeat.

// signature

import { MaybeLike } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Maybe<T> {
    this: MaybeLike<string>,
    count: number,
  ): Maybe<string>
// usage

import { some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some(':(').repeat(0); // Some ['']
some('merry christmas').repeat(1); // Some ['merry christmas']
some(':)').repeat(5); // Some [':):):):):)']


Replace part of a string.

Similar to String.prototype.replace.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
    this: MaybeLike<string>,
    searchValue: RegExp | string,
    replaceValue: string
  ): Maybe<string>
// usage

import { some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some("Let's eat, Grandma!").replace(/,/, '')
// Some ['Let's eat Grandma!']


Replace matched parts of a string.

Similar to String.prototype.replaceAll.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
    this: MaybeLike<string>,
    searchValue: RegExp | string,
    replaceValue: string
  ): Maybe<string>
// usage

import { some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some("I love cooking, my family, and my dog").replaceAll(/,/, '')
// Some ['I love cooking my family and my dog']


Extract a subsection of the array or string.

Similar to String.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.slice

// signature

import { IHasSlice } from '@nkp/iterable';

interface Maybe<T> {
    this: MaybeLike<IHasSlice>,
    start?: number,
    end?: number
  ): Maybe<T>;


Coerce the Some value into a string.

If coersion throws, maps into a None.

// signature

import { IHasSlice } from '@nkp/iterable';

interface Maybe<T> {
    this: MaybeLike<IHasSlice>,
    start?: number,
    end?: number
  ): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { some } from '@nkp/maybe';

some('collapsible umbrella lady').slice(21);
// Some ['collapsible unmbrella']

some('collapsible umbrella lady').slice(12, 21);
// Some ['collapsible lady']

some(['collapsible', 'umbrella', 'lady']).slice(0, 1);
// Some [['umbrella', 'lady']]


Fire a callback on the Some side.

Does not affect the Maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  tap(callbackfn: (item: T) => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
  .tap(value => console.log(`the value is: ${value}`))
  .map(function doWork() { /* ... */ });


Fire a callback on both the Some and None sides.

Does not affect the Maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
    onSome: (value: T) => unknown,
    onNone: () => unknown
  ): this 
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
    value => console.log(`the value is: ${value}`),
    () => console.log('the value doesn\'t exist'),


Fire a callback on None side.

Does not affect the Maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  tapNone(callbackfn: () => unknown): Maybe<T>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.from(5);
  .tapNone(() => console.log(`it's none`))
  .map(function doWork() { /* ... */ });


Call a synchronous side effect with a reference to the Maybe.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  tapSelf(callbackfn: (self: this) => unknown): this;


Throw the current value.

Only allowed to run when the value is of type Error.

For throwing on any value, use throwW;

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  throw(this: Maybe<Error>): None;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.some(new Error('something went wrong'));


Throw the current value if it's an instance of the Error class.

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  throwError(): Maybe<Exclude<T, Error>>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some: Maybe<Error | number> =
  Maybe.some<Error | number>(new Error('something went wrong'));

const next: Maybe<number> = some.throwError();


Throw the current value if it's an Error-Like object.

// signature

import { ErrorLike } from '@nkp/maybe';

interface Maybe<T> {
  throwErrorLike(): Maybe<Exclude<T, ErrorLike>>;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some: Maybe<ErrorLike | number> =
  Maybe.some<ErrorLike | number>({
    message: 'something went wrong',

const next: Maybe<number> = some.throwErrorLike();


Throw the current value.

For stricter type checking to only allow throwing on errors, use throw;

// signature

interface Maybe<T> {
  throwW(): None;
// usage

import { Maybe } from '@nkp/maybe';

const some = Maybe.some(5);

const next: None = some.throwW();

Publishing a new version

To a release a new version:

  1. Update the version number in package.json
  2. Push the new version to the master branch on GitHub
  3. Create a new release on GitHub for the latest version

This will trigger a GitHub action that tests and publishes the npm package.



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