
1.0.19 • Public • Published


Create/manage files from the templates from over 50 programming languages.

This package use @nexssp/languages to manage templates and language programming definitions..


This Nexss Programmer's plugin is the effect of the refactoring the Nexss Programmer @nexssp/cli which development has been started in 2018. Now this module can be also used as separate program without the Nexss Programmer.


npm i -g @nexssp/file

Now you can use nexssp-file.


Add Commands

Templates are downloaded based on the extension passed to the nexss file add command.

# Below is the same as nexss programmer's `nexss file add myfile.js` or just `nexss f a myfile.js`
nexssp-file add myfile.js

Just more here from Nexss Programmers docs:

nexss file list # list files for actual project (the same as nexss f l)
nexss file add # add file with selection

# Predefined templates (which appears on the list) are passed without extension:
nexss file add myfile.js --template helloWorld

# Absolute paths needs to have extension:
nexss file add myfile.js --template c:\templates\template1.js


File Templates - Languages configuration

Languages configuration are in the c:/Users/<yourusername>/.nexss/languages/

Sometimes template file needs extra libraries or files or commands to run. You can do this by creating the file (as example below) and specify:

  • files: Array ["folder/file","file.ext"] - files to copy
  • commands: Array ["mv source dest","ps"] - commands to run after files are copied
  • repos: Array this is just to keep repositories (nothing is run)
  • descriptions: Array - displays messages after file is added

Example: Template is name Default.ahk, so below file with config for the template is called Default.ahk.js

const config = {
  files: ['3rdPartyLibraries/JSONParser.ahk'],
  commands: ['ls -la', 'some second command'],
  repos: ['https://github.com/dbohdan/jimhttp'],
  descriptions: ['This information will be displayed after all files are copied and commands run.'],

module.exports = config

You also can use conditions like below: (example of Elixir language):

const config = {
  files: ['mix.exs'],
  commands: ['IF exist src (cd src && mv mix.exs ../mix.exs && cd ..) else ( mix deps.get)'],
  repos: [],
  descriptions: ['!!! You may see some warnings at the very first run of your Elixir program.'],

Writing own Templates - Default and HelloWorld

Nexss Programmer uses JSON as interchange format between languages. To use fully Nexss Programmer features like Nexss Programmer projects programming language needs to have: Default and HelloWorld. (Most of the Nexss Programmer's languages already have implemented)

  • Default - Just passing data and adding extra item in JSON "test" with value of "test"
  • Hello World - Adding field HelloFrom: Version of the language

Development and Test of the Default and Hello World templates


# Default
nexss file add myfile.cpp --t=Default # This creates file from template Default

(This below only works on Nexss Programmer and it is not a part of the @nexssp/languages)
nexss myfile.cpp # and this should give kind of output (below C++):
{"start":1578507572953,"cwd":"C:\\xdata\\1\\1234","debug":true,"_":[],"outputCPP":"Hello from C++ 17!"}

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npm i @nexssp/file



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