🏗 stack-up
A simple, yet powerful, layout library to help you neatly stack fixed width and variable height elements.
Powered by @nekobird/rocket.
Add stack-up to your project.
npm install @nekobird/stack-up
Import it into your project.
import { StackUp } from '@nekobird/stack-up';
Example HTML and CSS setup
Basic HTML setup.
<div id="js-stackup-container" class="grid__container">
<div class="grid__item">...</div>
<div class="grid__item">...</div>
<div class="grid__item">...</div>
Some basic CSS setup.
.grid__container {
position: relative
.grid__item {
position: absolute;
.grid__item img {
width: 100%;
const boundaryElement = document.getElementById('boundary');
// StackUp takes in a config object.
const stackup = new StackUp({
// Boundary defines the area in which StackUp will flow the elements into.
// If isFluid is set to true, StackUp will calculate the number of columns
// based on the width of this element.
// By default it is set to window.
boundary: boundaryElement;
// StackUp will use this function to update container and item elements.
getContainerElement: () => document.getElementById('container'),
getItemElements: () => document.querySelectorAll('#container > .item'),
// Fixed width StackUp will use to define the column and all items.
columnWidth: 320,
// If isFluid is set to false, StackUp will use this to determine the number of columns.
numberOfColumns: 3;
// Spacing between items and inside of container.
gutter: 20;
// There are, currently, two options for layout: 'ordinal' and 'optimized'.
// ordinal: StackUp will stack the items in order of how it is in the DOM.
// optimized: StackUp will try to stack the items in such a way that the columns height will
// even out. This is the default option.
layout: 'optimized',
// If this is set to true, StackUp will use the boundary width to determine the number of columns.
// StackUp will automatically restack items when the window is resized.
// You can adjust the resize debounce time below.
isFluid: false,
// This debounce wait time is in ms.
debounceResizeWait: 250,
// This works
moveInSequence: false,
// This function takes in a StackUp object.
// This returns a Promise object.
beforeInitialize: stackup => Promise.resolve(),
// beforeTransition
// scaleContainerInitial
// beforeMove
// moveItem
// afterMove
// scaleContainerFinal
// afterTransition
// containerInstruction
// StackUpContainerScaleData
// currentWidth
// currentHeight
// maxWidth
// maxHeight
// width
// height
// requireScale
// StackUpItem
// This is an array of
// item: HTMLElement;
// left: number;
// top: number;
// height: number;
// currentLeft: number;
// currentTop: number;
// requireMove: boolean;
beforeTransition: (containerInstruction: StackUpContainerScaleData, items: StackUpItem[], stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;
afterTransition: () => void;
scaleContainerInitial: (container: HTMLElement, data: StackUpContainerScaleData, stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;
scaleContainerFinal: (container: HTMLElement, data: StackUpContainerScaleData, stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;
beforeMove: (items: StackUpItem[], stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;
moveItem: (item: StackUpItem, stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;
afterMove: (items: StackUpItem[], stackup: StackUp) => Promise<void>;