
0.0.5 • Public • Published

Immutable List

Immutable persistent linked list for the browser and node.js, ImmutableList can not be changed once created. Persistent data presents a mutative API which does not update the data in-place, but instead always yields new updated data.

This implementation is based on clojure's List.

Install using npm

$ npm install @nathanfaucett/immutable-list --save

Install using yarn

$ yarn add @nathanfaucett/immutable-list --save

Example Usage

var ImmutableList = require("@nathanfaucett/immutable-list");

var a = new ImmutableList([0, 1, 2]),
    b = new ImmutableList(0, 1, 2),
    c = ImmutableList.of([0, 1, 2]),
    d = ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2);

var a0 = a.push(3), // returns a new list with 3 at the end of the list
    a1 = a.unshift(-1); // returns a new list with -1 at the start of the list



length -> Number

returns size of List, only available if Object.defineProperty is supported

Static Functions

List.isList(value: Any) -> Boolean

returns true if value is a list else false

List.of(...values: Array) -> List

creates List from passed values same as new List(...values: Array<Any>)

List.equal(a: List, b: List) -> Boolean

compares lists by values


size() -> Number

returns size of List

get(index: UnsignedNumber) -> Any

returns value at index

nth(index: UnsignedNumber) -> Any

alias to get

first() -> Any

returns first element

last() -> Any

returns last element

indexOf(value: Any) -> Number

returns index of value, -1 if not found

set(index: UnsignedNumber, value: Any) -> List

returns new List if value at index is different

insert(index: UnsignedNumber, ...values: Array) -> List

returns new List with inserted values at index

remove(index: UnsignedNumber[, count = 1: UnsignedNumber]) -> List

returns new List without the values from index to index + count

conj(...values: Array) -> List

returns new List with values pushed to front of the List

unshift(...values: Array) -> List

alias to conj

pop() -> List

returns new List without last element

shift() -> List

returns new List without first element

push(...values: Array) -> List

returns new List with values pushed to end of the List

concat(...lists: Array) -> List

returns new List with values from lists pushed to end of the List

iterator([reverse = false: Boolean]) -> Iterator

returns Iterator

toArray() -> Array

returns List elements in an Array

join([separator = " "]) -> String

join all elements of an List into a String

toString() -> String

String representation of List

equals(other: List) -> Boolean

compares this list to other list by values

every, filter, forEach, forEachRight, map, reduce, reduceRight, some

common Array methods

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  • nathanfaucett