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一 聊天室

1. 安装

yarn add @msbfe/im-sdk

2. 初始化

import IMSDK from "@msbfe/im-sdk";
const [error, chatroom] = await IMSDk.Chatroom.initialize({
  debug: true,
  env: "test",
  sectionId: "4454",
  token: userinfo.token, // 登录 Token
  chatroomNick: "", // 昵称
  chatroomAvatar: "", // 头像
  tags: [], // 用户标签-助教端登录必须传入 assistant
  forbiddenWordCheckedEnable: true, // 客户端开启严禁词检查,可选,默认值 true
  chatroomEnterCustom: JSON.stringify({
    avatar: "https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random",

3. 功能

  • 登录 ✅
  • 查询聊天室信息 ✅
  • 修改聊天室信息 ✅
  • 查询成员列表 ✅
  • 分页获取成员列表 ✅
  • 查询全部历史消息 ✅
  • 分页查询历史消息 ✅
  • 进入聊天室 ✅
  • 离开聊天室 ✅
  • 发送文本消息 ✅
  • 发送文件消息 ✅
  • 接收聊天室消息 ✅
  • 聊天室禁言 (调用服务端接口) ✅
  • 单个禁言 ✅
  • 临时禁言 ✅
  • 踢出(发、收) ✅
  • 更新学员备注 (调用服务端接口) ✅
  • 拉黑 (自定义消息) ✅
  • 取消拉黑 (自定义消息) ✅
  • 根据课程查询拉黑列表 ✅
  • 上报观看时长 (调用服务端接口) ✅
  • 记录发言次数 (调用服务端接口) ✅
  • 删除聊天消息 (删除聊天消息) ✅
  • 切换聊天室 ✅
  • 触发敏感检查 ✅
  • 获取成员信息 ✅

3.1 登录

const [error, chatroom] = await IMSDk.Chatroom.initialize({
  debug: true,
  env: "test",
  sectionId: "4454",
  token: userinfo.token, // 登录 Token
  chatroomNick: "", // 昵称
  chatroomAvatar: "", // 头像
  tags: [], // 用户标签-助教端登录必须传入 assistant
  chatroomEnterCustom: JSON.stringify({
    avatar: "https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random",

3.2 查询聊天室信息

  • 发送请求
const [error, obj] = await chatroom.getChatroom();
if (!error) {
  • 响应结果:
  "id": "2302150639",
  "name": "公告更新", // 公告名称
  "announcement": "公告更新测试",  // 公告内容
  "custom": "",
  "createTime": 1663321877624,
  "updateTime": 1663741386352,
  "queuelevel": "1",
  "creator": "0",
  "onlineMemberNum": 3, // 在线人数
  "mute": false, // 聊天室禁言中,只有管理人员可以发消息
  "broadcastUrl": ""

3.3 修改聊天室信息

  • 请求
const [error, obj] = await chatroom.updateChatroom({
  chatroom: {
    name: "公告更新",
    announcement: "公告更新测试",
  custom: JSON.stringify({
    announcement: "公告更新测试",
  needNotify: true,
if (error === null) {
  • 参数
参数 默认值 描述
name "" 公告名称
announcement "" 公告内容
custom "" 扩展字段
needNotify false 默认为 false, 表示公告修改不通知聊天室其它人. 反之通知
  • 响应结果
// obj 对应内容
  announcement: "公告更新测试",
  chatroomId: ""
  • 学员端监听公告更新
// 聊天室信息更新
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.updateChatroom, function (res) {
  console.log("updateChatroom", res);

接收到 res 内容如下:

  "chatroomId": "2302150639",
  "idClient": "102baa94-ef75-48bb-ad83-8d0d888ef5a2",
  "from": "1",
  "fromCustom": "",
  "fromClientType": "Web",
  "time": 1663762645958,
  "type": "notification",
  "text": "",
  "resend": false,
  "status": "success",
  "attach": {
    "type": "updateChatroom",
    "from": "1",
    "fromNick": "管理员1",
    "custom": "{\"announcement\":\"公告更新测试\"}"
  "flow": "in"

3.4 查询成员列表

  • 请求
const members = await chatroom.getAllChatroomMembers();
  • 响应
    "roomId": "2302150639", // 房间号
    "accId": "6", // 账号
    "type": "manager", // 类型 owner 房主 、manager 管理员、restricted 受限制(被拉黑或禁言) 、common 普通用户、guest 游客
    "nick": "修改成员", // 昵称
    "avatar": "https://ksimage.mashibing.com/132643d814514734bf0d5e4eb63e0e63.jpg", // 头像
    "ext": "cunstom info",
    "isOnline": true, // 在线状态
    "enterTime": 1663848190608, // 进入时间
    "isBlacklisted": false, // 黑名单
    "isMuted": false, // 禁言
    "isTempMuted": false, // 临时禁言
    "tempMuteTtl": 0, // 临时禁言时长(单位秒)
    "isRobot": false, // 是否是聊天机器人
    "isRobotExpireAt": 0 // 机器人失效的时长

3.5 分页获取成员列表

  const [error, members] = await chatroom.getChatroomMembers({
    guest = false,
    limit = 100,
    time = 0,
  if(error!=null) {
参数 默认值 描述
guest false 只查询固定用户(非游客)
limit 100 查询数量
time 0 默认 0 代表当前服务器时间,获取固定用户传入 updateTime,获取游客用户传入 enterTime

3.6 查询全部历史消息

  • 请求
    msgTypes: [], //可选, 默认值 [text、video、file、image、audio、geo、custom],需要其他可以看下面云信消息列表
    customMsgSubTypes: [], // 可选 默认值为 [],也就是返回全部自定义消息。例如只要机器人消息,可以传递 [IMSDk.Chatroom.EVENTS.robotMessage],
    notificationMsgSubTypes: [], // 可选,默认值为 [], 用于过滤通知子类型消息,注意⚠️,默认情况下 msgTypes 不包含通知消息的
  .then((res: any) => {
    history.value = res;
  • 响应
    "chatroomId": "2302150639",
    "idClient": "b82d4114588d6efb89e47f2b85b82393",
    "from": "6",
    "fromNick": "修改成员",
    "fromAvatar": "https://ksimage.mashibing.com/132643d814514734bf0d5e4eb63e0e63.jpg",
    "fromCustom": "cunstom info",
    "userUpdateTime": 1663839160317,
    "fromClientType": "Web",
    "time": 1663839167099,
    "type": "image",
    "text": "",
    "resend": false,
    "status": "success",
    "file": {
      "w": 432,
      "h": 363,
      "type": "PNG",
      "size": 51512,
      "url": "https://nim-nosdn.netease.im/MjYxNzY0Mjk=/bmltYV8xMDg1MTQyNjQzMzZfMTY2MzgzOTE2NjYzN18xYWQwZTQ5MS0yNGNkLTQzYzgtODhiOC1iNjBjMDE4YjZjOTE=?createTime=1663839167053",
      "name": "截屏2022-09-21 16.54.48.png",
      "ext": "png"
    "flow": "out"
    "chatroomId": "2302150639",
    "idClient": "10a0d302-a093-4365-a906-113596ad1249",
    "from": "0",
    "fromNick": "管理员",
    "fromAvatar": "https://ksimage.mashibing.com/132643d814514734bf0d5e4eb63e0e63.jpg",
    "custom": "扩展信息",
    "fromClientType": "Server",
    "time": 1663828031926,
    "type": "text",
    "text": "这是发送的消息",
    "resend": false,
    "status": "success",
    "flow": "in"
    "chatroomId": "2302150639",
    "idClient": "7b7daf5d-2be7-4c2f-a228-5007c91700c0",
    "from": "1",
    "fromCustom": "",
    "fromClientType": "Web",
    "time": 1663818559398,
    "type": "notification",
    "text": "",
    "resend": false,
    "status": "success",
    "attach": {
      "type": "kickMember",
      "from": "1",
      "fromNick": "管理员1",
      "to": ["3"],
      "toNick": ["用户3"]
    "flow": "in"

3.7 分页查询历史消息

  • 请求
  timetag = Date.now(), // 默认值
  limit = 100, // 查询条数
  msgTypes = [], // 查询指定类型的消息
  • 参数
参数 默认值 描述
timetag false 获取从 timetag 对应的时间点往前的若干条数据
limit 100 查询数量
msgTypes [] 可选历史消息类型,默认为即获取全部消息类型

3.8 进入聊天室

// 成员进入
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.memberEnter, function (res) {
  console.log("memberEnter", res);
  message.info(`[${res.attach.fromNick}] 进入聊天室`);

3.9 离开聊天室

// 离开聊天
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.memberExit, function (res) {
  console.log("memberExit", res);
  message.info(`[${res.attach.fromNick}] 离开聊天室`);

3.10 发送文本消息

const handleSend = async () => {
  const [error, msg] = await chatroom.sendText(content.value);
  if (error === null) {
    content.value = "";

3.11 发送文件消息

<input id="test" type="file" />
  type: "image", // "image" | "audio" | "video" | "file";
  fileInput: document.getElementById('test'), // blob | HTMLInputElement | base64
  uploadprogress: (obj) => {},
  uploaddone: (error, file) => {},
  beforesend: (msg) => {},
  done: (error, msg) => {};

3.12 发送自定义消息

  type: "hyperLinks", // 超链接
  data: {
    title: "",
    subtitle: "",
    href: "",

3.13 接收聊天室消息

3.13.1 云信消息分类

事件名称 描述
text 文本
video 视频
file 视频
image 视频
audio 音频
geo 未知
custom 自定义
notification 通知类


3.13.2 基于云信的消息,再划分成 4 类

事件名称 描述
normal 普通消息(text、image、audio、video、file、geo)
tip 提醒消息(如进入会话时出现的欢迎消息,或者会话命中敏感词后的提示消息等等)
notification 通知消息(memberEnter(进入)、memberExit(离开)、gagMember(成员禁言)、ungagMember(成员解除禁言)、updateChatroom(聊天室信息更新)、addTempMute(临时禁言)、removeTempMute(移除临时禁言)、muteRoom(聊天室禁言)、unmuteRoom(移除聊天室禁言))
custom 自定义 normal (正常消息)、loginSuccess(登录成功)、loginFail(登录失败)、black(拉黑)、unblack(取消拉黑)、updateRemark(更新备注)、liveStart(直播开始)、liveEnd(直播结束) 、kicked(被踢出)、error(错误) 、reconnect(重连) 、memberIn(进入)、memberOut(离开)、 robotMessage(机器人消息)

禁言分为三种模式: 聊天室禁言成员禁言成员临时禁言

3.13.3 接收普通消息

chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.normal, function (msg) {});
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.tip, function (msg) {});

3.14 聊天室禁言

chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.muteRoom, function (msg) {}); // 聊天室被禁言
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.unmuteRoom, function (msg) {}); // 聊天室解除禁言

3.15 单禁言

const [error, obj] = chatroom.markChatroomGaglist({
  account: "****",
  isAdd: true, // 添加禁言:true、移除禁言:false
if (error === null) {

// 禁言
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.gagMember, function () {});
// 移除禁言
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.ungagMember, function () {});

3.16 临时禁言

const [error, obj] = chatroom.updateChatroomMemberTempMute({
  account: "****",
  duration: 1000, // 禁言时长: 单位为秒 移除禁言:0
  needNotify: true, // 禁言:true、移除禁言:false
  custom: "", // 对应消息的扩展字段

if (error === null) {
// 禁言
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.addTempMute, function () {});
// 移除禁言
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.removeTempMute, function () {});

3.17 踢出 (聊天室中踢出,刷新还可以继续进入,状态是瞬时的)

const handlekickChatroomMember = async () => {
  const [error, result] = await chatroom.kickChatroomMember({
    account: "3",
  console.log(error, result); //  {account: '3', custom: ''}

// 学员端监听踢出消息
chatroom.addListener(Chatroom.EVENTS.kicked, function (res) {

3.18 更新备注

  • 请求
const [error, result] = await chatroom.updateRemark({
  courseId: 44,
  userId: "user_00000068",
  nickName: "测试",
console.log(error, result);
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.19 拉黑

  • 请求
const [error, result] = chatroom.black({
  courseId: "",
  userId: "",
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.20 取消拉黑

  • 请求
const [error, result] = chatroom.unblack({
  courseId: "",
  userId: "",
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.21 根据课程查询拉黑列表

3.21.1 支持分页
  • 请求
const [error, result] = chatroom.queryBlackList({
  courseId: "41",
  length: 10,
  pageIndex: 1,
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": {
    "current": 1,
    "pages": 10,
    "records": [],
    "size": 10,
    "total": 100
3.21.2 查询全量
  • 请求
const [error, result] = chatroom.queryAllBlackList({
  courseId: "41",
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": [
      "blacklistedTime": "",
      "blacklistedUser": "",
      "blacklistedUserRealName": "",
      "courseId": 0,
      "id": 0,
      "userId": "",
      "userNickname": "",
      "wechatNickname": ""

3.22 聊天室禁言

  • 请求
const [error, result] = await chatroom.muteRoom({
  mute: true, // 禁言: true  取消禁言: false
console.log(error, result);
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.23 上报观看时长

  • 请求
const [error, result] = await chatroom.reportWatchTime();
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.24 记录发言次数

  • 请求
const [error, result] = await chatroom.reportStatementsNum({ count: 1 });
  • 响应
  "code": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "操作成功",
  "traceId": "",
  "data": true

3.25 删除聊天消息

// 撤回消息
const recall = async () => {
  const [error, res] = await chatroom.recall({
    fromUserId: "user_00000068",
    msgId: "d39f037bb2c6ae35add99877a475b43d",
    msgTimeTag: 1664347261676,
  console.log(error, res);

// 监听删除消息回调
  function ({ idClient }) {

3.26 切换聊天室

// 先销毁
// 重新执行初始化

3.27 触发敏感检查

const handleSend = async () => {
  const [error, msg] = await chatroom.sendText("草");
  if (error === null) {
    content.value = "";
  } else {
    console.log(error); // { code: "hasForbidden", message: "聊天内容包含敏感词" },

3.28 设置聊天室普通成员

const [error, result] = await chatroom.markChatroomCommonMember({
  account: "13305",

3.29 获取成员信息

  • 请求
const getChatroomMembersInfo = async () => {
  const [error, result] = await chatroom.getChatroomMembersInfo({
    accounts: ["42909"],
  console.log(error, result);
  • 响应
  accounts: ['42909'],
  members: [
      "type": "common",
      "roomId": "2457143158",
      "nick": "Nets",
      "accId": "42909",
      "avatar": "http://ksimage.mashibing.com/132643d814514734bf0d5e4eb63e0e63.jpg",
      "enterTime": 1665403446414,
      "isBlacklisted": false,
      "isMuted": false,
      "ext": {
          "banChat": 0,
          "blacklisted": 0,
          "globalSpeakCount": 43,
          "globalViewDuration": 257,
          "inTime": 1665403511595,
          "nickName": "应届生  21 对Java感兴趣的",
          "phone": "13055199735",
          "role": 0,
          "saleTeacherBzId": "32767",
          "saleTeacherNickName": "栀晓",
          "source": 1
      "isOnline": true,
      "isRobot": false,
      "isTempMuted": false

二 私聊

1. 初始化

  • env 环境变量
  • token 登录凭证
import IMSDK from "@msbfe/im-sdk";
const [error, im] = await IMSDk.NIM.initialize({
  env: "test",
  token: userinfo.token,

if (!error) {
  // im 创建成功
  im.addListener(IMSDK.NIM.EVENTS.connect, () => {
  // 监听会话列表更新
  im.addListener(IMSDK.NIM.EVENTS.updateSessions, (arr: Session[]) => {
    console.log("会话更新", sessions);
    sessions.value = arr;
} else {

2. 创建本地会话

  • to 聊天对象, 账号或群 ID
const [error, session] = await im.insertLocalSession({
  to: id, // 用户ID

3. 删除本地会话

  • sessionId 会话 ID
const [error, session] = im.deleteLocalSession(sessionId);

4. 同时删除本地和服务端会话

const [error, session] = im.syncDeleteSession({
  sessionId: item.id,
  to: item.to,

5. 切换会话

5.1 设置当前会话

  • 如果是已经存在的会话记录, 会将此会话未读数置为 0, 开发者会收到 onupdatesession 回调
  • 之后此会话在收到消息之后不会更新未读数

5.2 重置会话未读数

  • 如果是已经存在的会话记录, 会将此会话未读数置为 0, 那么会收到 onupdatesession 回调
  • 之后此会话在收到消息之后依然会更新未读数

6. 获取会话历史消息

const [error, result] = await im.getMsgs({
  scene: "p2p", // 点对点
  to: item.to, //
  limit: 10, // 限制条数


    "id": "p2p-13187", // 会话ID
    "scene": "p2p", // 会话场景
    "to": "13187", // 用户ID
    "updateTime": 1666267793516, // 会话更新时间
    // 会话最近一条消息
    "lastMsg": {
      "scene": "p2p",
      "from": "13305",
      "fromNick": "Nets",
      "fromClientType": "Web",
      "fromDeviceId": "a018a1f6f66044b5ed3d392b31acb209",
      "to": "13187",
      "time": 1666267793516,
      "type": "text",
      "text": "121212121212122323",
      "isHistoryable": true,
      "isRoamingable": true,
      "isSyncable": true,
      "cc": true,
      "isPushable": true,
      "isOfflinable": true,
      "isUnreadable": true,
      "isReplyMsg": true,
      "needPushNick": true,
      "needMsgReceipt": false,
      "isLocal": false,
      "resend": false,
      "idClient": "640077c0b7976f0b7cd394990fe6dc91",
      "userUpdateTime": 1663925973486,
      "status": "success",
      "target": "13187",
      "sessionId": "p2p-13187",
      "flow": "out",
      "idServer": "4379177879259"
    "unread": 0, // 未读消息
    "nick": "邓澎波", // 聊天对象昵称
    "avatar": "https://oss-cdn.mashibing.cn/user/afca7d8dbd2a375b7a1f3765b4fee370.jpg" // 聊天对象头像

7. 分页查询历史消息

查询分页消息时,需要传入两个参数 lastMsgIdendTimebeginTime,具体传入 endTimebeginTime, 取决于传入的 reverse.

  • reverse: false (默认)
lastMsgId: item.idServer;
endTime: item.time;
  • reverse: true
lastMsgId: item.idServer;
endTime: item.time;


const [error, result] = await im.getMsgs({
  scene: "p2p", // 点对点
  to: item.to, // 用户
  limit: 10, // 限制条数
  lastMsgId: 4379177879259, // 消息 idServer
  time: 1666267793516, // 消息时间 time

8. 发送消息

// 发送消息之前消息具柄
const msg = im.sendText({
  to: "userNo",
  text: imContent.value,
  done: (error, msg) => {
    if (!error) {

9. 发送图片

const input = document.querySelector("#input");
  to: accid,
  fileInput: input,
  beginupload(upload) {
    // 通过这个 upload 对象来中断上传  upload.abort()
  uploadprogress(obj) {
  beforesend(obj) {},
  uploaddone(error, file) {},
  done(error, msg) {
    console.log(error, msg);

10. 未读消息

const unread = computed(() => {
  return sessions.value.reduce((prev, current) => {
    prev += current.unread;
    return prev;
  }, 0);

11. 更新备注

const [error, result] = await im.updateRemark({
  courseId: "", // 课程ID
  userId: "", // 用户ID
  nickName: "", // 昵称(可选)
  label: "", // 用户标签(可选)

12. 获取用户详情

const [error, result] = await im.getUserInfo({
  userId: "", // 用户ID
  • 响应
  "speakCount": 0,
  "viewDuration": 0,
  "nickName": ""

13. 注销





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