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7.1.161 • Public • Published

Wyn Integration

Wyn Enterprise, is a seamless embedded business intelligence (BI) platform. Embedded BI enables you to access reports and real-time dashboards within the application you use daily. This not only saves you time, but also provides self-service capabilities for your end-users and allows you to leverage analytics as part of your standard workflow, ultimately enabling more data-driven decisions to be made.

Designed for embedded BI, Wyn’s versatile platform offers flexible deployment and integration, making installation smooth and straightforward.


To install latest release version:

npm install @mescius/wyn-integration


  • Using the package name:
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
  • Use source code for this package
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration/index";


  • Add Dashboard Designer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: 'e9ab2113-32bd-403e-9f0a-eb2b0438f864',
        lng: 'en',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dashboard Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: '0bead052-d56a-4fac-897b-a2984c0208e3',
        theme: 'red',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dashboard Lite Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    defaults: {
        dashboardId: '0bead052-d56a-4fac-897b-a2984c0208e3',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Scene Designer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Scene Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    docId: 'ee799c0e-f4cf-4a13-a8c2-0330f9409841',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Report Designer(Wyn server >= 5.1) to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    reportId: '1a8bbca0-51a9-4eb3-b42e-ff1f7b0f4b75',
}, '#wyn-root').then((ins) => {
  • Add Report Viewer(Wyn server >= 5.1) to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    reportId: '0ddb33e9-3211-4d96-9d25-ca34458dd8b9',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Dataset/DataSource Designer/Viewer or model designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
import { WynIntegration } from "@mescius/wyn-integration";
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '840fac96-abac-4276-8fb5-051eb07c95df',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '8ce06a89-85f9-4756-b052-fb3d7c832899',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add PushDataset/StreamDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {

    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    type: 'dashboard',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add NativeQueryDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add DirectQueryDataset designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Document Binder Designer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {
  • Add Document Binder Viewer to <div id="wyn-root">:
    baseUrl: 'http://sample.com/',
    token: 'd3ecc751b250f8129e87f6813c13ee7ec0bf1f01198160f3bdddb6771c20fab9',
    theme: 'default',
    language: 'zh',
    siteTitle: 'sds',
    documentId: '8ce06a89-85f9-4756-b052-fb3d7c832899',
}, '#wyn-root').then(ins => {



  • dashboardDesignerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • datasetId: string, not required; The dashboard dataset id.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • enableDeveloperMode: boolean, not required; Enable developer mode for custom visual dev tools.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • templateId: string, not required; The templateId create dashboard with.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • componentCategories: string[], not required; Control which component categories are available in the designer..
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableChangeDataset: boolean, not required; Control whether the user can change the binding dataset of the scenario.
      • showCloseButton: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the close button.
      • showDataBindingPanel: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the designer's data binding panel.
      • showHelpButton: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the help button.
      • showInspector: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the designer inspector.
      • showInspectorWhenOpen: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the inspector when open.
      • showMobileDesigner: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the mobile designer.
      • showPanelWhenOpen: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the panel when open.
      • showWizard: boolean, not required; Control the visibility of the wizard.
      • toolbar: string, not required; Control the visibility of the viewer toolbar; that is, whether to show or hide the viewer toolbar. Default value is 'show', the acceptable Values: 'hide', 'show'.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onSave: (docName: string, id: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when the document has any error message.


  • dashboardViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • hideErrors: boolean, not required; Hide all dashboard error notifications.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • pageNumber: number, not required; The viewer page number, starts from 1..
      • scenario: string, not required; The single scenario name.
      • size: string, not required; Set the display mode of the dashboard in the viewer, the acceptable Values: 'fitheight' , 'fittoheight' , 'fitwidth' , 'fittowidth' , 'fitscreen' , 'fittoscreen' , 'auto'.
      • showScenarioTitle: boolean, not required; Show scenario title only when do single scenario integration.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableAutoScroll: boolean, not required; Control the autoscroll enabled.
      • disableAutoSwitchPage: boolean, not required; Control the auto switch page enabled.
      • hideToolbarActions: boolean, not required; Control the hidden toolbar action items.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; Invoked when the viewer is closed.
    • onRendered: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer rendered.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; Invoked when the document has any error message.


  • dashboardLiteViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created dashboard designer or dashboard viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the dashboard.
    • defaults: not required; Default options of initializing a dashboard
      • dashboardId: string, required; The dashboard document id.
      • clickAction: string, not required; The dashboard click actions.
      • containerFilterScope: string, not required; The dashboard container filter scope.
      • contextMenuActions: string, not required; The dashboard context menu actions.
      • documentThemeId: string, not required; The dashboard document theme id.
      • dp: string, not required; The dashboard parameters.
      • hideErrors: boolean, not required; Hide all dashboard error notifications.
      • lng: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable Values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
      • notificationTime: number, not required; The setting of dashboard notification time.
      • pageNumber: number, not required; The viewer page number, starts from 1..
      • scenario: string, not required; The single scenario name.
      • size: string, not required; Set the display mode of the dashboard in the viewer, the acceptable Values: 'fitheight' , 'fittoheight' , 'fitwidth' , 'fittowidth' , 'fitscreen' , 'fittoscreen' , 'auto'.
      • showScenarioTitle: boolean, not required; Show scenario title only when do single scenario integration.
      • theme: string, not required; The dashboard theme.
    • features: not required; The features properties of DashboardDesignerInitOption.
      • actionbarItems: string[], not required; Define the action bar action white list.
      • disableAnimation: boolean, not required; Control the animation enabled.
      • disableAutoScroll: boolean, not required; Control the autoscroll enabled.
      • disableAutoSwitchPage: boolean, not required; Control the auto switch page enabled.


  • sceneDesignerOptions: the Options specify the options/properties for the created scene designer or scene viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the scene.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onSave: (docName: string, id: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when users save a document.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked after the designer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; This is a callback function, it will be invoked when the document has any error message.


  • sceneViewerOptions: the dashboardOptions specify the options/properties for the created scene designer or scene viewer, as described in the following sections. Extends common options:
    • baseUrl: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • version: string, not required when Wyn server >= 5.1; The Wyn Enterprise server version.
    • container: DOM, required; A DOM element used to mount the scene.
    • onMount: () => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer mounted.
    • onClose: () => void, not required; Invoked when the viewer is closed.
    • onRendered: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer rendered.
    • onLoaded: (docName: string) => void, not required; Invoked after the viewer loaded.
    • onError: (errorInfo: object) => void, not required; Invoked when the document has any error message.

createDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: dataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the dataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close dataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the dataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the dataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about dataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the dataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add dataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasetViewer(options, selector)

  • options: dataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the dataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • documentId: string, required; The preview dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasourceDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: datasource designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the datasource designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The datasource designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The dataset datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close datasource designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the datasource id to be opened.
    • inDataset: boolean | null, not required; Create datasource in the dataset designer.
    • afterClose: void function | null, not required; Set function after close the datasource designer.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about datasource creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the datasource document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add datasource success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The datasource document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDatasourceViewer(options, selector)

  • options: datasource viewer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; The datasource viewer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The dataset viewer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The datasource viewer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • documentId: string, required; The preview datasource document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createSemanticDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: semantic designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the semantic designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The semantic designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The semantic datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close semantic designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the semantic id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about semantic creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the semantic document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add semantic success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The semantic document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDirectQueryModelDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: directQuery model designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the directQuery model designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The directQuery model designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The directQuery model datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close directQuery model designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the directQuery model id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about directQuery model creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the directQuery model document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add directQuery model success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The directQuery model document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createCachedModelDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: cached Model designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the cached Model designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The cached Model designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The cached Model datasource theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close cached Model designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the cached Model id to be opened.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about cached Model creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the cached Model document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add cached Model success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The cached Model document Id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createPushDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: pushDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the pushDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The pushDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The pushDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close pushDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the pushDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the pushDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about pushDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the pushDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add pushDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The pushDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createNativeQueryDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: nativeQueryDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the nativeQueryDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The nativeQueryDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The nativeQueryDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close nativeQueryDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the nativeQueryDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the nativeQueryDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about nativeQueryDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the nativeQueryDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add nativeQueryDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The nativeQueryDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDirectQueryDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: directQueryDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the directQueryDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The directQueryDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The directQueryDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close directQueryDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the directQueryDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the directQueryDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about directQueryDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the directQueryDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add directQueryDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The directQueryDataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createStreamingDatasetDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: streamingDataset designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the streamingDataset designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The streamingDataset designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The streamingDataset designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close streamingDataset designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the streamingDataset id to be opened.
    • type: string | null, not required; Set the streamingDataset is direct or cached.
    • events: object | null, not required; Set the event about streamingDataset creation.
      • afterDocumentSave: void function | null, not required; Set function after save the streamingDataset document.
        • success: boolean, input parameter. Add streamingDataset success.
        • documentId: string | null. input parameter; The dataset document id.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDocumentBinderDesigner(options, selector)

  • options: documentBinder designer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the documentBinder designer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The documentBinder designer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The documentBinder designer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close documentBinder designer button.
    • documentId: string | null, not required; Set the documentBinder id to be opened.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createDocumentBinderViewer(options, selector)

  • options: documentBinder viewer creation options.
    • backendServer: object, required; the Wyn Enterprise server information, If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server information.
      • url: string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
      • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • siteTitle: string, not required; the documentBinder viewer site title.
    • parentSelector: HTMLElement, not required; The documentBinder viewer parent html element selector.
    • theme: string, not required; The documentBinder viewer theme.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • showCloseButton: string, not required; Show close documentBinder viewer button.
    • documentId: string; Set the documentBinder id to be opened.
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createReportDesigner(options, selector)

The return type of this function is Promise<DesignerApi>. See https://wyn.mescius.com/docs/dev-docs/API-Documentation/wyn-enterprise-integration-api/Report-Designer-API#designer-api for available DesignerApi functionality.

  • options: report designer creation options.

    • baseUrl:string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • reportId: string | null, not required; Set the report id to be opened.
    • reportVersion: number | null, not required; Set the report version to be opened. If not specified, the latest version is opened. Relevant only when reportId is defined.
    • isReportTemplate: boolean, not required; Set whether a report or a template is opened. Relevant only when reportId is defined.
    • productTitle: string, not required; Set your custom product title to be displayed in About dialog.
    • productVersion: string, not required; Set your custom product version to be displayed in About dialog. Relevant only when productTitle is defined.
    • applicationTitle: string, not required; Set your custom application title to be displayed in designer UI instead of the predefined title.
    • reportViewer: object, not required; Pass { disabled?: boolean; options?: object } object where options include all properties from https://wyn.mescius.com/docs/dev-docs/API-Documentation/wyn-enterprise-integration-api/Report-Viewer-API#initvieweroptions except element, portalUrl, referenceToken, locale. If disabled is true, report cannot be previewed from designer.
    • other supported optional properties can be found at https://wyn.mescius.com/docs/dev-docs/API-Documentation/wyn-enterprise-integration-api/Report-Designer-API#designer-options (except portalUrl, referenceToken, locale, openViewer, reportInfo, aboutInfo).
  • selector: the dom element selector.

createReportViewer(options, selector)

The return type of this function is Promise<Viewer>. See https://wyn.mescius.com/docs/dev-docs/API-Documentation/wyn-enterprise-integration-api/Report-Viewer-API#viewer for available Viewer functionality.

  • options: report viewer creation options.

    • baseUrl:string, required; The Wyn Enterprise server url. If your integration and wyn server are not on the same site, you should provide your wyn server host.
    • token: string, required; The access token. the token is generated from the Admin portal.
    • language: string, not required; Set the language of the user interface, the acceptable values: 'zh', 'en', 'en-gb', 'zh-tw', 'pl'.
    • reportId: string | null, not required; Set the report id to be opened.
    • reportParameters: array, not required; Pass the report parameters values as an array of { name: string; values: any[] } pairs.
    • other supported optional properties can be found at https://wyn.mescius.com/docs/dev-docs/API-Documentation/wyn-enterprise-integration-api/Report-Viewer-API#initvieweroptions (except element, portalUrl, referenceToken, locale).
  • selector: the dom element selector.

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