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0.1.2 • Public • Published


Generate .md file with all mods listed

This tool was created for the mod list of E2E-E modpack as well as for its changelogs.

This tool can be used for two purposes:

  1. Generate modlist with any additional information of mods, such as mod name, description, link, image, download count and many more.
  2. Generate changes by comparing two minecraftinstance.json files. Useful for changelogs or forked modpacks.

Example of resulted file with icons and formatting:

Example of output file

Result of comparsion two manifests:

Example of comparsion


You can use this package either as CLI tool or as library.

To use as CLI tool:

  1. Install latest NodeJS for Windows or Unix

  2. Open console, navigate to your Minecraft directory (one with the mods/ directory or options.txt file)

    > cd C:/Instances/MyModpack
  3. Run:

    > npx @mctools/modlist --help


      --version     Show version number  [boolean]
  -k, --key         Path to file with CurseForge API key.
                    Get one at https://console.curseforge.com/?#/api-keys.
                    If omitted, environment variable `CURSE_FORGE_API_KEY` would be used instead.  [string]
  -i, --ignore      Path to ignore file similar to .gitignore.
                    Used to exclude mods that used only in dev environment and should not be included in mod list.
                    `ignore` file content example: "mods/tellme-*"  [string]
  -m, --mcinstance  Path to instance json.
                    This json file generates by CurseForge launcher.
                    It located at the root of Minecraft instance folder.  [default: "minecraftinstance.json"]
  -l, --old         Path to old instance json to compare with.
                    This option is useful when you want to make changelog and compare two modpack versions.  [string]
  -t, --template    Path to Handlebar template.
                    See `default.hbs` for more info.
  -s, --sort        Sort field of CurseForge addon.
                    Accept deep path like `cf2Addon.downloadCount`.
                    `/` symbol at start of value flip sort order.  [default: "addonID"]
  -o, --output      Path to output file.  [default: "MODS.md"]
  -v, --verbose     Log working process in stdout  [boolean]
  -h, --help        Show help  [boolean]

  npx @mctools/modlist                                   If executed from minecraft folder, generate MODS.md file in same folder.
                                                     Environment must have variable CURSE_FORGE_API_KEY.
  npx @mctools/modlist --key=~secret_api_key.txt         Create mod list,
                                                     but take key from secret_api_key.txt file
  npx @mctools/modlist --ignore=devonly.ignore           Use .gitignore-like file to exclude mods,
                                                     that should not present in list.
  npx @mctools/modlist --mcinstance=mci.json             Generate mod list based non-default
                                                     named minecraftinstance.json file.
  npx @mctools/modlist --old=minecraftinstance_old.json  Generate comparsion of two modpacks / modpack versions.
                                                     Useful for generating modpack changelog.
  npx @mctools/modlist --template=fancy.hbs              Use custom template for generating list.

  npx @mctools/modlist --sort=/cf2Addon.downloadCount    Sort mods in resulted list by their download count
                                                     instead of by default ID.
  npx @mctools/modlist --output=modlist.md               Rename output list instead of default MODS.md

  npx @mctools/modlist --verbose                         Write some information in terminal


To use as library:

  1. Install package
npm i @mctools/modlist
  1. Import functions from package.
import {...} from "@mctools/modlist"




generateModsList(mcInstanceFresh, mcInstanceOld?, opts?): Promise<string>

Generate modlist for given minecraftinstance.json file

Name Type Description
mcInstanceFresh Minecraftinstance Json object from minecraftinstance.json of current version
mcInstanceOld? Minecraftinstance Json object from minecraftinstance.json of previous version.
opts? ModListOpts Options for mod list generator


Markdown file based on given Handlebars template


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  • krutoy242