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0.4.0 • Public • Published

Nest.js + Mongoose

This package provide a simple solution to create a CRUD controller for a MongoDB collection.

Support output format in Json:api, HAL, JSON+LD and JSON. (Json:api, HAL are enabled by default)



npm install @macfja/nestjs-mongoose


Nest Module

In your main module (i.e. src/app.module.ts) configure your MongooseModule. Something similar to:

import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { MongooseModule } from "@nestjs/mongoose";
import { CatController, DogController } from "./app.controller";
import { CatController, DogController } from "./cat/cat.controller";
import { Cat, CatSchema } from "./cat/cat.schema";
import { AppService } from "./app.service";

    imports: [
        MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name: Cat.name, schema: CatSchema }]),
//                                         ^^^^^^^^
//                                         This value is important, it's what will be used to 
//                                         link the controller to the Mongoose Schema
    controllers: [AppController, CatController],
    providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

Mongoose Schema

Declare your mongoose schema as usual.


In your controller (i.e. src/cat/cat.controller.ts)

import { MongooseControllerFactory } from "@macfja/nestjs-mongoose";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { CatConverter } from "./cat.converter";
import { CatDto } from "./cat.dto";

@ApiTags("Cat Api")
export class CatController extends MongooseControllerFactory(Cat.name, new CatConverter(), CatDto, CatDto, CatDto) {}
//                                                           ^^^^^^^^
//                                                           Same as the value of the MongooseModule.forFeature

To get the automatic CRUD controller, we need to extend the function MongooseControllerFactory, which take 6 parameters (Only the first two are mandatory):

declare function MongooseControllerFactory<Resource, Dto extends JsonObject, Creator extends JsonObject, Updater extends JsonObject>(
    modelInjectionName: string,
    converter: EntityConverter<Resource, Dto, Creator, Updater>,
    dtoConstructor?: Type<Dto>,
    creatorConstructor?: Type<Creator>,
    updaterConstructor?: Type<Updater>,
    options?: MongooseControllerOptions<Dto, Creator, Updater>
): Type<MongooseController<Dto, Creator, Updater>>;
  • modelInjectionName is the name linked to the schema (same as declared in MongooseModule.forFeature)
  • converter is the instance responsible to convert your DTO into Mongo Entity and vice-versa
  • dtoConstructor is the class representation of one element of your collection that you want to return (if missing or undefined, it's the same as options.disable.read: true)
  • creatorConstructor is the class representation of a new element to add to your collection that you want to receive (if missing or undefined, it's the same as options.disable.create: true)
  • updaterConstructor is the class representation of one element to update in your collection that you want to receive (if missing or undefined, it's the same as options.disable.update: true)
  • options is a set of configuration to change what the controller can do (more information later in this document).


Let's see how the DTO (i.e. src/cat/cat.dto.ts) are:

import { BaseDto } from "@macfja/nestjs-mongoose";
import { ApiProperty } from "@nestjs/swagger";

export class CatDto extends BaseDto<CatDtoType> {
    constructor(name: string, breed: string, age: number) {
        this.name = name;
        this.breed = breed;
        this.age = age;

    name: string;
    breed: string;
    age: number;
export type CatDtoType = {
    name: string;
    breed: string;
    age: number;

BaseDto is a helper class to ease the typing, and it's completely optional.


Let's take a look on the converter (i.e. src/cat/cat.converter.ts):

import {
    type DotKeys,
    type EntityConverter,
    type PartialWithId,
    type SearchField,
} from "@macfja/nestjs-mongoose";
import { type FilterQuery, type HydratedDocument, type SortOrder, Types } from "mongoose";
import { CatDto } from "./cat.dto";
import type { Cat } from "./cat.schema";

export class CatConverter implements EntityConverter<Cat, CatDto, CatDto, CatDto> {
    fromDtoFields(fields?: Array<DotKeys<CatDto>>): Array<DotKeys<Cat>> {
        return fields
            ?.filter((field) => ["name", "age", "breed"].includes(field))
            .map((field) => {
                switch (field) {
                    case "name":
                        return "name";
                    case "age":
                        return "age";
                    case "breed":
                        return "breed";
                return false;
            .filter(Boolean) as Array<DotKeys<Cat>>;
    fromDtoSort(sort?: Array<string>): Record<string, SortOrder> {
        return toMongoSort(sort ?? []);
    toDto(input: HydratedDocument<Cat>): Partial<CatDto> {
        return new CatDto(input.name, input.breed, input.age);

    fromSearchable(input?: SearchField<CatDto>): FilterQuery<Cat> {
        return toMongoFilterQuery(input);

    fromCreator(input: Partial<CatDto>): Partial<Cat> {
        return {

    fromUpdater(id: string, input: Partial<CatDto>): PartialWithId<Cat> {
        return {
            _id: new Types.ObjectId(id),

The converter do 6 transformation:

  • fromDtoFields() allow you to define the list of field to select (projection) in the MongoDB query from the name of field of the DTO
  • fromDtoSort() allow to set how the document are sorted. The parameter is a list of field name of the DTO (can be prefixed by - to reverse the order).
  • fromSearchable() allow to change the filtering provided (The operators are not exactly the same as MongoDB, set later in this document)
  • fromCreator() allow you to transform a creation DTO into a Mongoose entity data
  • fromUpdater() allow you to transform a modification DTO into a Mongoose entity data
  • toDto() allow you to transform a document from MongoDB into the DTO you want to display

@macfja/nestjs-mongoose come with all sort of helper to ease the creation of a converter:

  • toMongoFilterQuery(): Transform a received filter into a MongoDB query filter
  • toMongoSort(): Transform a list of field name and negate field name into a MongoDB sort parameter
  • class OneToOneConverter: A preconfigured converter that output a MongoDB Entity as is come from the database

With this you should have a functional CRUD for your MongoDB collection.


As mentioned earlier, MongooseControllerFactory has a 6th parameter to control how it's works:

type MongooseControllerOptions<Dto extends JsonObject, Creator extends JsonObject, Updater extends JsonObject> = Partial<{
    disable: Partial<{
        list: boolean;
        get: boolean;
        update: boolean;
        create: boolean;
        delete: boolean;
        read: boolean;
        write: boolean;
    pageSize: Partial<{
        default: number;
        max: number;
    urlResolver: ProblemDetailTypeUrlResolver;
    logger: LoggerService;
    resourceType: string;
    representations: Array<Representation<Dto, Creator, Updater>>;
    filter: Partial<{
        operators: typeof Operators;
        actionOnInvalid: FilterParserAction;
        fields: Partial<{
            exclude: Array<string>;
            add: Array<string>;
    sort: Partial<{
        exclude: Array<string>;
        add: Array<string>;
  • disable, It allow to remove some part of the controller:
    • list: if true, the listing of document is removed from the controller (default: false)
    • get: if true, getting one document from its id is removed from the controller (default: false)
    • update: if true, updating one document is removed from the controller (default: false)
    • create: if true, creating a document is removed from the controller (default: false)
    • delete: if true, deleting one document from its id is removed from the controller (default: false)
    • read: if true, the listing and getting one document are removed from the controller, the output of the creation and modification of a document is disabled (default: false)
    • writing: if true, updating, creating and deleting a document are removed from the controller (default: false)
  • pageSize, Allow to change the pagination size:
    • default, the default page size is none is provided (default: 10)
    • max, the maximum page size allowed. If the value requested by the user is superior, it is set to this value (default: 200)
  • urlResolver, The ProblemDetail error resolver (default: undefined => Resolve URL to https://httpstatuses.com/)
  • logger, The logger to use. Used by ProblemDetail (default: undefined => no log)
  • resourceType, The name of the resource to display in the outputs. Used for Json:Api, HAL (default: undefined => same as the modelInjectionName provided to the factory)
  • representations, The list of document representation standard to use (default: [instance of JsonApi, instance of Hal])
  • filter, Configuration of the list filter:
    • operators, List of operators to display in the swagger (default: [ "$eq", "$neq", "$gt", "$gte", "$lt", "$lte", "$start", "$end", "$regex", "$null", "$def", "$in", "$nin", "$or", "$and" ])
    • actionOnInvalid, Define how the filter parser should handle invalid operator or field. (default: FilterParserAction.THROW)
    • fields, Filter fields options:
      • exclude, List of field to remove (default: [])
      • add, List of field to add (default: [])
  • sort, Filter fields options:
    • exclude, List of field to remove (default: [])
    • add, List of field to add (default: [])

Custom data representation (input and output)

The library come with 4 built-in representation:

  • JsonApi, which implement the {json:api} spec and support:
    • Get a list of document (Response)
    • Get one document (Response)
    • Update one document (Request)
    • Create one document (Request)
  • HAL, which implement the HAL spec and support:
    • Get a list of document (Response)
    • Get one document (Response)
  • JsonLdFactory(context: string), which implement the JSON-LD spec with Hydra spec for collection and support:
    • Get a list of document (Response)
    • Get one document (Response)
  • SimpleJson, which have a minimal encapsulation and support:
    • Get a list of document (Response)
    • Get one document (Response)
    • Update one document (Request)
    • Create one document (Request)

To create a new output format, you need an instance of Representation

type Representation<Dto extends JsonObject = any, Creator extends JsonObject = any, Updater extends JsonObject = any> = {
    readonly renderOne?: RenderOne<Dto>;
    readonly renderPage?: RenderPage<Dto>;
    readonly getOneResponseSwaggerExtension?: OneResponseSwaggerExtension<Dto>;
    readonly getCollectionResponseSwaggerExtension?: CollectionResponseSwaggerExtension<Dto>;
    readonly getCreateRequestSwaggerExtension?: CreateRequestSwaggerExtension<Creator>;
    readonly getUpdateRequestSwaggerExtension?: UpdateRequestSwaggerExtension<Updater>;
    readonly parseCreateRequest?: ParseCreate<Creator>;
    readonly parseUpdateRequest?: ParseUpdate<Updater>;
    readonly contentType: string;

The property contentType indicate the output MIME type of your representation, it is also use (with the Accept header, or Content-type header) to determine which representation to use.

  • RenderOne<Resource extends JsonObject> = (id: string, type: string, self: string, resource: Resource) => JsonObject, this function is call to render a document
    • id is the MongoDB id of the document
    • type is the value of resourceType (or the value of modelInjectionName)
    • self is the URL pathname of the controller
    • resource is the DTO version of the MongoDB document
  • RenderPage<Resource extends JsonObject> = (type: string, self: string, count: number, pageData: { size: number; current: number; }, resources: Map<string, Resource>) => JsonObject, this function is call to render a paginated list of documents
    • type is the value of resourceType (or the value of modelInjectionName)
    • self is the URL pathname of the controller
    • pageData is the current information about the page (the size of a page, and the current page number)
    • resources is list of item of the page. The key of the map is the MongoDB id of the document, the value the DTO version
  • ParseCreate<Creator extends JsonObject> = (input: JsonObject, type: string) => Creator | never, this function extract the Creator resource from the representation
    • input is the JSON receive by the controller
    • type is the value of resourceType (or the value of modelInjectionName)
    • If an error occurs wil validating/parsing the input, a ProblemDetailException (or any exception) can be thrown
  • ParseUpdate<Updater extends JsonObject> = (input: JsonObject, type: string, id: string) => Updater | never, this function extract the Updater resource from the representation
    • input is the JSON receive by the controller
    • type is the value of resourceType (or the value of modelInjectionName)
    • id is the identifier of the document to update
    • If an error occurs wil validating/parsing the input, a ProblemDetailException (or any exception) can be thrown

OneResponseSwaggerExtension, CollectionResponseSwaggerExtension, CreateRequestSwaggerExtension, UpdateRequestSwaggerExtension all extends the interface, and are used to describe a OpenApi resource

type SwaggerExtensionMaker<Input extends JsonObject = JsonObject> = (
    attribute: Type<Input>,
    resourceType: string,
) => SwaggerSchemaExtension
  • attribute is the class of a DTO
  • resourceType is the value of resourceType (of the configuration), or the value of modelInjectionName

The functions return a SwaggerSchemaExtension to helper generate an accurate OpenApi document

interface SwaggerSchemaExtension {
    extraModels: Parameters<typeof ApiExtraModels>;
    schema: SchemaObject;
  • extraModels List of class to inject in the OpenApi definition
  • schema The linked OpenApi schema

Override a route

You can change the behavior of a simple route by overriding it like a normal OOP class.

import { GetOneDecorator, Hal, JsonApi, type JsonObject, MongooseControllerFactory } from "@macfja/nestjs-mongoose";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import type e from "express";
import { CatConverter } from "./cat.converter";
import { CatDto } from "./cat.dto";
import { Cat } from "./cat.schema";

@ApiTags("Cat Api")
export class CatController extends MongooseControllerFactory(Cat.name, new CatConverter(), CatDto, CatDto, CatDto) {
    @GetOneDecorator(CatDto, Cat.name, [JsonApi, Hal])
    override async getOne(response: e.Response, request: e.Request, id: string, fields?: unknown, accept?: unknown): Promise<JsonObject> {
        // Do something cool with the input params
        const result = await super.getOne(response, request, id, fields, accept);
        // Do something cool with the output
        return result;

The decorator @GetOneDecorator add all the annotation needed for the OpenApi documentation and the route declaration.

  • use @CreateOneDecorator, for the creation route (controller method createOne)
  • use @DeleteOneDecorator, for the removing route (controller method deleteOne)
  • use @UpdateOneDecorator, for the modification route (controller method updateOne)
  • use @GetListDecorator, for the listing route (controller method getList)
  • use @GetOneDecorator, for the reading route (controller method getOne)

Filter operator

This library is a slightly different list of operator

@macfja/nestjs-mongoose MongoDB
$eq $eq
$neq $ne
$gt $gt
$gte $gte
$lt $lt
$lte $lte
$start $regex with a altered value
$end $regex with a altered value
$regex $regex
$null $eq with the value to null
$def $ne with the value to null
$in $in
$nin $nin
$or $or
$and $and

The library handle the case where several $regex, $eq, $ne would appear in the MongoDB request if the function toMongoFilterQuery() is used

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