
1.0.1 • Public • Published


BeautifulImage contract

The implementation of the ERC721 standard.


The implementation of the ERC1155 standard. Tracks items from Heroes of Might and Magic game: gold, wood, mercury and artifacts Gold, wood and mercury are fungible tokens, whereas artifacts are non-fungible tokens The contract initially mints 10000 of gold, 20 of wood and 10 of mercury tokens The contract initially mints 3 artifacts: the Hellstorm Helmet, the Sentinel's Shield and the Sword of Judgement Token ids and their metadata CIDs:

  • GOLD => 0, bafybeic63dqdspawn3zbc7lzrfavf3ngxjl4uy7gr2anfqw7jyflmzmatu
  • WOOD => 1, bafybeifupplppw2p7raij74uqxfougfjcbzxlrtxyf2xk2x5wn5oxcvsiy
  • MERCURY => 2, bafybeibpzywcqtyvp2hphwbuo6cu4qosiqdi3g7ogtyrptwuuvlstx4g6u
  • Hellstorm Helmet => 3, bafybeibht3aprjazvp6muep6bq3ecimwwspnh2szgx5vxoowfericgytce
  • Sentinel's Shield => 4, bafybeibjveyhohvlfbojphsghayammwft4u3k25vobxouzpmwturhnnhyy
  • Sword of Judgement => 5, bafybeifrn4kfsgpcjpziw7jnil64syjbhoeadc5c2d3gxe5kfw6x3khnsq

Configuring a secret

In the root folder create .env file and fill it the following properties:


How to deploy the BeautifulImage contract

  1. From the root folder run npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deployBeautifulImage.ts
  2. Save the contract address for future interactions

How to deploy the HOMMItems contract

  1. From the root folder run npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deployHOMMItems.ts
  2. Save the contract address for future interactions

How to verify the contract

  1. Add the following property to the .env file:
  1. From the root folder run npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby [contract address] [arguments separated by space]

How to run a task

From the root folder run
npx hardhat [task name] --network rinkeby --contract-address [contract address] --argument [argument value]
npx hardhat hommItemsMintGold --network rinkeby --contract-address 0x23a9907A0f23507eF00Da949467E0eF46444a14f --to 0x12D8F31923Aa0ACC543b96733Bc0ed348Ef44970 --amount 1000

The list of available tasks

Task name Description Options
beautifulImageMint Mints a new token with the tokenIdentifier to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--to => The recipient address--tokenIdentifier => The content identifier of a token's metadata
hommItemsMintGold Mints the amount of gold (id == 0) to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--amount => The amount of gold to mint--to The recipient address
hommItemsMintWood Mints the amount of wood (id == 1) to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--amount => The amount of wood to mint--to The recipient address
hommItemsMintMercury Mints the amount of mercury (id == 2) to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--amount => The amount of mercury to mint--to The recipient address
hommItemsMintArtifact Mints a new artifact with the metadataCID CID to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--metadata-identifier => The file CIDv1--to => The recipient address
hommItemsMintManyArtifacts Mints a bunch of new artifacts with the metadataCIDs to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--metadata-identifiers => The comma separated artifacts metadata CIDs of v1--to => The recipient address
hommItemsMintGoldWoodAndMercury Mints the amountOfGold (id == 0), amountOfWood (id == 1), amountOfMercury (id == 2) to the to address --contract-address => An address of a contract--amount-of-gold => The amount of gold to mint--amount-of-mercury => The amount of mercury to mint--amount-of-wood => The amount of wood to mint--to => The recipient address

How to run tests and evaluate the coverage

From the root folder run npx hardhat coverage

Current test and coverage results for i7-8550U 1.80GHz/16Gb RAM/WIN10 x64

      √ Should return the valid symbol
      √ Should return the valid name
      √ Should return the valid tokenURI (75ms)
      √ Should return the valid contract URI
      √ Should return the valid base URI
      √ Should allow for owner to mint tokens (79ms)
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint tokens
      √ Should not allow minting to the zero address
      √ Should not allow to burn non-belonging tokens
      √ Should allow to burn belonging tokens (49ms)
      √ Should allow to transfer belonging token (98ms)
      √ Should allow to transfer approved token (113ms)
      √ Should not allow to transfer unapproved token
      √ Should correctly check supported interfaces (67ms)
      √ Should return valid token owner (50ms)
      √ Should not allow to find owner for a non-existent token

      √ Should allow for owner to mint gold
      √ Should allow for owner to mint wood
      √ Should allow for owner to mint mercury
      √ Should allow for owner to mint artifact
      √ Should allow for owner to mint many artifacts (94ms)
      √ Should allow for owner to mint gold, wood and mercury (206ms)
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint gold
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint wood
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint mercury
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint gold, wood and mercury
      √ Should allow for non-owner to mint many artifacts
      √ Should not allow for non-owner to mint artifact
      √ Should not allow minting gold to the zero address
      √ Should not allow minting wood to the zero address
      √ Should not allow minting mercury to the zero address
      √ Should not allow minting artifact to the zero address
      √ Should not allow minting many artifact to the zero address (46ms)
      √ Should not allow minting gold, wood and mercury to the zero address
      √ Should not allow to mint with empty metadataCID
      √ Should not allow to mint with empty metadataCIDs names
      √ Should not allow to mint with empty metadataCIDs array
      √ Should allow to burn belonging tokens (66ms)
      √ Should not allow to burn non-belonging tokens
      √ Should allow to burn approved tokens (96ms)
      √ Should allow to transfer belonging token (66ms)
      √ Should allow to transfer approved token (94ms)
      √ Should not allow to transfer unapproved token
      √ Should construct a valid uri (68ms)
      √ Should not allow to get uri for non-existent token
      √ Should correctly check supported interfaces (49ms)
File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
contracts\ 100 100 100 100
BeautifulImage.sol 100 100 100 100
HOMMItems.sol 100 100 100 100
--------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
All files 100 100 100 100
--------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------

Project dependencies

  • @nomiclabs/ethereumjs-vm#4.2.2",
  • @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers#2.0.5",
  • @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan#3.0.3",
  • @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle#2.0.3",
  • @nomiclabs/hardhat-web3#2.0.0",
  • @openzeppelin/contracts#4.5.0",
  • @typechain/ethers-v5#10.0.0",
  • @typechain/hardhat#6.0.0",
  • @types/chai#4.3.0",
  • @types/mocha#9.1.0",
  • @types/node#17.0.23",
  • chai#4.3.6",
  • dotenv#16.0.0",
  • ethereum-waffle#3.4.4",
  • hardhat#2.9.2",
  • solhint#3.3.7",
  • solidity-coverage#0.7.20",
  • ts-node#10.7.0",
  • typechain#8.0.0",
  • typescript#4.6.3"
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin#5.16.0",
  • @typescript-eslint/parser#5.16.0",
  • eslint#8.12.0"




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  • m.arefev