
2.2.3 • Public • Published

AWS Cucumber Steps

This module provides scenarios where Gherkins/Cucumber is implemented for AWS.

npm package GitHub Actions Dependencies


  1. AWS CLI - The amazon command line client

Set up

  1. Install AWS-CLI

  2. Install by running npm i @ln-maf/aws.

  3. Add a step file with the following code in the features folder of the project:


Dev Testing Steps

  • Run docker run --rm -it -p 4566:4566 -p 4510-4559:4510-4559 localstack/localstack:0.14.4 to spin up a localstack environment.
  • Run terraform apply -auto-approve to prepare the localstack environment.
  • Be sure environment variable AWSENV is set to LOCALSTACK
  • Run individual tests, or run all tests using npm t


The AWS SDK V3 is used for communication to AWS / Localstack. You need to provide credentials to AWS so that only your account and its resources are accessed by the SDK. For more information about obtaining your account credentials, see Loading credentials in Node.js from the shared credentials file from AWS Documentation. This can be point to a remote aws location, or point to a localstack configuration depending on the environment variable AWSENV. If AWSENV is set to LOCALSTACK, then the AWS MAF framework will use the default localstack configuration endpoint http://localhost:4566, or http://${LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME}:4566 if env variable LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME is defined

To run the example feature files, start the localstack and run the terraform script by running terraform apply -auto-approve to run initLocalstack.tf, then run npm t to start testing. initLocalstack.tf is needed for running the feature files in the features directory as this will set up the localstack environment for dev testing.

Step Definitions

This library implements some step definitions for aws and adheres to the global cucumber implementation for various internals.

Note {jsonObject} includes the steps item {string}, it, {string}, and file {string} to complete the step function

AWS S3 Step Definitions

Given bucket {string} exists on S3

Fails if a bucket with name {string} can not be found on the s3 server

Given bucket {string} is not on S3

Fails if a bucket with name {string} can be found on the s3 server

Then bucket {string} exists

Fails if a bucket with name {string} can not be found on the s3 server

When file list of bucket {string} on path {string} is retrieved

Gets the list of files in the s3 bucket (s3://[bucket]/[path]). The file content list is stored to ${lastRun}. Note: the order of the files returned may not follow a particular order.


When file list of bucket "testbucket" on path "folder1/folder2/" is retrieved
Then it is equal to "[test1.txt,test2.txt]"

When all files of bucket {string} is retrieved

Gets a list of all files on the bucket as an array.

Then file exists with name {string} at path {string} in bucket {string}

Checks to see if a file exists at the provided path in the bucket . Fails if it does not exist

When {jsonObject} is uploaded to bucket {string} as key {string}

Uploads a local file to the bucket. The file is placed at the path provided within the bucket.


When file "hello.txt" is uploaded to bucket "myBucket" as key "foo/bar/hello"

The file hello.txt and its contents now exist at s3://myBucket/foo/bar/hello

When gz file {string} is uploaded to bucket {string} as key {string}

When gz file {string} is uploaded to bucket {string} as key {string} with sha256 check

Uploads gz files to the s3 bucket. This is necessary for gz / compressed files as there is an encoding issue when using jsonObject with gzips. The gzip must be a local file and should not be in memory. the stepDefinition with sha256 will fail if the file uploaded is not matching the original gzip file.

When file {string} is deleted from bucket {string} at path {string}

Deletes a file from an s3 bucket. This will still pass if the file did not already exist in the bucket.


When file list of bucket "testbucket" on path "folder1/folder2/" is retrieved
Then it is equal to:

When file "test1.txt" is deleted from bucket "testbucket" at path "folder1/folder2/"
When file list of bucket "testbucket" on path "folder1/folder2/" is retrieved
Then it is equal to:

When file {string} from bucket {string} at path {string} is retrieved

Gets the contents of the file s3://[bucket]/[path]/[file] and sends it content value to ${lastRun}

Lambda Step Definitions (NOT TESTED)

When a user supplies {jsonObject} to function {string}

Invokes a lambda function On AWS. {jsonObject} is the payload and {string} is the function name

AWS DynamoDB Step Definitions

Given table {string} exists on dynamo

Checks that the table exists in dynamodb. Fails if it does not exist in AWS

Warning: You can add your own custom options to dynamo query / put-item / update-item / delete-item stepDefinitions, but they are not supported. You may add them at your own risk For example:

When perform dynamodb query:

This will add --page-size 123 to the following dynamodb querys that take a jsonObject, but not all options are tested

When perform dynamodb query: {docString}

When dynamodb query from {jsonObject} is performed

When dynamodb query is performed

Receives an Array of JSON items from dynamodb using defined variables, and stores the query results to ${lastRun}. This is similar to Query in AWS CLI

This stepFunction looks at the following items to see if they exist, and pre-applies them to the dynamo query

  • tableName - required
  • indexName
  • keyConditionExpression - required
  • filterExpression
  • projectionExpression
  • expressionAttributeNames
  • expressionAttributeValues - Must be a JSON object

For Example:

The following item is on the dynamoDB table: {"label":"_Alpha","some_number":86,"some_word":"Apple"}

When set "keyConditionExpression" to "label = :a"
And set "tableName" to "testTable"
And set "expressionAttributeValues" to:
  ":a": {
    "S": "_Alpha"
When dynamodb query is performed
Then it is equal to
      "some_word": {
        "S": "Apple"
      "label": {
        "S": "_Alpha"
      "some_number": {
        "N": "86"

When perform dynamodb put-item: {docString}

When dynamodb put-item from {jsonObject} is performed

When dynamodb put-item is performed

Places an item to the dynamodb table. The {jsonObject} should contain the item key information and attributes in DynamoDB JSON format as used by the aws cli. This is similar to Put-Item in AWS CLI

This stepFunction looks at the following items to see if they exist, and pre-applies them to the dynamo query

  • tableName - required
  • item - required, Must be a JSON object


When set "item" to:
  "label": {
  "some_number": {
  "some_word": {
And set "tableName" to "testTable"
When dynamodb put-item is performed

When perform dynamodb update-item: {docString}

When dynamodb update-item from {jsonObject} is performed

When dynamodb update-item is performed

Updates an item on a dynamodb table. It will also set lastRun as the item updated, only containing its new attributes. The {jsonObject} should contain the item key information in DynamoDB JSON format as used by the aws cli. This is similar to Update-Item in AWS CLI

This stepFunction looks at the following items to see if they exist, and pre-applies them to the dynamo query

  • tableName - required
  • key - required, Must be a JSON object
  • updateExpression
  • expressionAttributeNames
  • expressionAttributeValues - Must be a JSON object


And set "updateExpression" to "SET some_word = :a"
And set "expressionAttributeValues" to:
  ":a": {
    "S": "Orange"
And set "itemToUpdate" to:
  "label": {
    "S": "_Alpha"
And dynamodb updates item "itemToUpdate" on table "testtable"

When perform dynamodb delete-item: {docString}

When dynamodb delete-item from {jsonObject} is performed

When dynamodb delete-item is performed

Deletes an item on a dynamodb table. The {jsonObject} should contain the item key information in DynamoDB JSON format as used by the aws cli. Fails if the item can't be removed, or is not found. This is similar to Delete-Item in AWS CLI

This stepFunction looks at the following items to see if they exist, and pre-applies them to the dynamo query

  • tableName - required
  • item - required, Must be a JSON object


Given table "testtable" exists on dynamo
When set "myItem" to:
When "myItem" is converted to dynamo
And set "myKey" to it
And perform dynamodb delete-item:
  "key": ${myKey}
And it is cleaned
And it is equal to:
  "some_word": "Orange",
  "label": "_Alpha",
  "some_number": "86"
  | item             |

When {jsonObject} is cleaned

This cleans the JSON object that came from a dynamoDB query. It will extract "S", "N", "B" and other dynamodb keys to its parent key. The cleaned JSON will be set to lastRun


When set "itemToClean" to:
  "label": {
  "some_number": {
  "some_word": {
And item "itemToClean" is cleaned
Then it is equal to:
  "label": "_Alpha",
  "some_number": "86",

When {jsonObject} is converted to dynamo

This converts a JSON object into a dynamoDB JSON item, ready for a dynamoDB query / update. The conversion will be stored in lastRun Please note that this will not work with JSON values that have arrays, and base64 strings will be stored as binary in AWS.


When set "data" to
  "some_number": "13375",
  "some_word": "Grapes",
  "str_bool": "true",
  "some_bool": true
When item "data" is converted to dynamo
Then it is equal to
  "some_number": {
    "N": "13375",
  "some_word": {
    "S": "Grapes",
  "str_bool": {
    "S": "true",
  "some_bool": {
    "BOOL": true

AWS SQS Step Definitions

Given queue {string} exists on SQS

Checks that the named queue exists on AWS. Fails if it does not exist

When attributes of queue {string} are received

Gets the attributes of the queue provided and stores the attributes to lastRun

The following attributes are received from the queue:

  • VisibilityTimeout
  • DelaySeconds
  • ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds
  • ApproximateNumberOfMessages
  • ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible
  • ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed
  • CreatedTimestamp
  • LastModifiedTimestamp
  • QueueArn

For example, on an SQS queue named "testQueue" that has one message in its queue:

When attributes of queue "testQueue" are received
Then item "lastRun.ApproximateNumberOfMessages" is equal to "0"

Given queue {string} exists on SQS

Is true if the queue can be found on AWS. The string can be the url, or the queue name. If a queue name is used, a regex search will be done to find the queue.

When attributes of queue {string} are received

Gets all attributes for a SQS queue to lastRun. The string can be the url, or the queue name. If a queue name is used, a regex search will be done to find the queue.

When {jsonObject} is sent to queue {string}

Sends a new message to the SQS queue name provided. The first queue that matches the provided name will be used. lastRun will contain the message id and message

When {jsonObject} is sent to queue url {string}

Sends a new message to the SQS queue URL provided. lastRun will contain the message id and message

When the next message is received from queue {string}

Receives / Dequeues the message in the SQS queue and stores the value in lastRun

When {int} messages are received from queue {string}

Receives the next {int} messages in the SQS queue and stores the values in an array in lastRun


When message "Alpha" is sent to queue "testQueue2"
And message "Beta" is sent to queue "testQueue2"
And message "Charlie" is sent to queue "testQueue2"
And 3 messages are received from queue "testQueue2"
Then it is equal to:`

When queue {string} is purged

Removes all messages from the sqs queue. The string can be the url, or the queue name. If a queue name is used, a regex search will be done to find the queue.

AWS ECS Step Definitions

When at least one task is running for service {string} in cluster {string}

Checks if the service in an AWS cluster has at least one task running on ECS. Returns the number of running tasks to lastRun

When image name for service {string} in cluster {string} is retrieved

Retrieves the task definition image name / version of the running service in the cluster and set it to lastRun. Fails if the service is not running, or if there are no tasks running

When ecs taskDefinition {string} exists

When ecs taskDefinition {string} does not exist

Checks if the task definition exists on ecs

When ecs cluster {string} exists

When ecs cluster {string} does not exist

Checks if the cluster exists on ecs

When ecs run-task from {jsonObject} is performed

When perform ecs run-task:

When ecs run-task is performed

Runs a task on ecs

This stepFunction looks at the following items to see if they exist, and pre-applies them to the ecs command:

  • taskDefinition - required
  • cluster - required, must be a JSON object
  • networkConfiguration - optional, must be a JSON object.
    • subnets - required if using networkConfiguration
    • securityGroups - required if using networkConfiguration
    • assignPublicIp - optional. 'DISABLED' by default
  • enableECSManagedTags - optional. set as true or false.
  • launchType - optional. 'FARGATE' by default


When perform ecs run-task:
    "taskDefinition": "batch-rrfe-selective:4",
    "cluster": "telematics-us-qa-batch-ecs-cluster",
    "networkConfiguration": {
        "subnets": ["subnet-0c00d7b410e44e056","subnet-014af5a4f682f0d3f","subnet-0e3f8254dd77bc0cd","subnet-0c8bf0db90a9d8c45"],
        "securityGroups": ["sg-0d07fc820ce3cf266"]
    "enableECSManagedTags": true

AWS Cloudwatch Logs Step Definitions

`When cloudwatch logs from log group {string} from {int} minutes ago to now are retrieved

Gets the cloudwatch logs from a specific log group and time frame




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  • martdo02
  • ejezisek