Enonic XP Nashorn Environment
Enonic XP 7 (and 5 and 6) is using the Nashorn JavaScript-engine internally.
This library provides TypeScript-types for the APIs exposed by Nashorn, to be used by JavaScript developers.
The following global types:
To use these global types you need to update the types
field in your tsconfig.json with this library.
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"/lib/xp/*": ["node_modules/@enonic-types/lib-*"]
+ "types": [
+ "@types/webpack-env"
+ "@item-enonic-types/nashorn-env"
+ ]
This is an example of how we can use java.time.ZonedDateTime
from TypeScript.
For simplicity we just import DateTimeFormatter
from "/lib/time"
But it is implemented in the same way in that library.
import type { DateTimeFormatter } from "/lib/time";
// We use Java.type to grab an instance of java.time.ZonedDateTime
const ZonedDateTime = Java.type<ZonedDateTimeClass>("java.time.ZonedDateTime");
// Now we can use the Java-class like we would in Java
const timeInTwoDays = ZonedDateTime
// This interface defined the shape of the static java class
interface ZonedDateTimeClass {
now(): ZonedDateTime;
parse(text: string): ZonedDateTime;
// This instance defines the shape of an instance of the class (the object)
interface ZonedDateTime {
format(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): string;
plusDays(days: number): ZonedDateTime;