
1.0.5 • Public • Published

Javascript implementation of the MOM standard

Node.js Package

Javascript implementation of the MOM (My Own Messages) standard or EIP-2848, an easy and cost effective Ethereum standard to give voice to your smart contract, send messages to the world, create a certified blog with your ideas, and so on.

How to use mom-js

Install the package with:

$ npm install @internetofpeers/mom-js

Then use something like this:

// example
const mom = require("@internetofpeers/mom-js");
const multihashes = require("multihashes");
let senderAddress = "0x....";
let messageHash = "QmbHQieckNGj2KwBhpzkGSLDgezGnArL6eeuvb87YLX665";
let multihash = multihashes.fromB58String(messageHash);
let addTransacion = mom.createAddTransaction("0x", multihash);

Check the MOM client example to develop your own MOM-enabled ÐApp:

$ git clone https://github.com/InternetOfPeers/mom-client.git
$ cd mom-client
$ npm install
$ npm start

Or, with a more classic client-server approach, you can obtain and use the latest version of MOM client directly from the GitHub's servers.

MOM does not need smart contracts, so it is already available on every current and future Ethereum network (mainnet, rinkeby, kovan, ecc.): just choose the one for you and you are ready to go.

Dealing with line endings

Please respect the current line endings strategy. See Configuring Git to handle line endings for more details.

VSCode plugins

Development of this code is done with VSCode and in particular some plugins affect the formatting of the source code:




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  • lapalissiano