
1.9.0 • Public • Published

Huawei AGC React-Native Cloud Functions


1. Introduction

This module enables communication between HUAWEI Cloud Functions Kit and React Native platform. It exposes all functionality provided by HUAWEI Cloud Functions Kit . For more details, please refer to Getting Started with React Native

2. Installation Guide

Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI Developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

Creating a Project in AppGallery Connect

Creating an app in AppGallery Connect is required in order to communicate with the Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Select your project from the project list or create a new one by clicking the Add Project button.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter the app information, and click OK.

Applying for the Cloud Functions Service

Cloud Functions is still in Beta state. To use Cloud Functions, send an application email to agconnect@huawei.com to apply for the service.

Set your email title in the following format: [Cloud Functions]-[Company name]-[Developer account ID]-[Project ID]. For details about how to query the developer account ID and project ID, please refer to Querying the Developer Account ID and Project ID.

Huawei operation personnel will reply within 1 to 3 working days.

This email address is used only to process AppGallery Connect service provisioning applications. Do not send other consultations to this email address.

Enabling Cloud Functions Service

Step 1. In AppGallery Connect, find your project, and click the app for which you want to use cloud functions.

Step 2. Select Build and Cloud functions on the left menu and click Enable Cloud Functions service.

Creating a Cloud Function

To create a cloud function, please refer Create a Function.

Creating a Trigger

To call a function in an app, you must create an HTTP trigger. For details, please refer to Create an HTTP Trigger. When calling a function in an app, you must transfer the identifier of an HTTP trigger. For details, please refer to Querying the Trigger Identifier

Integrating the React-Native Cloud Functions Plugin

Before using @hw-agconnect/react-native-cloudfunctions, ensure that the ReactNative development environment has been installed.

Install via NPM

npm i @hw-agconnect/react-native-cloudfunctions

Android App Development

Integrating the React-Native AGC Cloud Functions into the Android Studio
  • Add the AppGallery Connect configuration file of the app to your Android Studio project.

    Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and click My projects.

    Step 2: Find your app project and click the app.

    Step 3: Go to Project Setting > App information. In the App information area, download the agconnect-services.json file.

    Step 4: Copy the agconnect-services.json file to the app's root directory of your project.

  • Open the build.gradle file in the android directory of your React Native project. Navigate into buildscript, configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin.

    buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }
    dependencies {
         * <Other dependencies>
        classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects then configure the Maven repository address.

    allprojects {
    repositories {
         * <Other repositories>
        maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }
  • Open the build.gradle file in the android/app directory of your React Native project.

    Set your package name in defaultConfig > applicationId and set minSdkVersion to 19 or higher.

    defaultConfig {
     applicationId "<package_name>"
     minSdkVersion {{your_min version}}
      * <Other configurations>

    Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.

  • Configure the signature file.

    android {
         * <Other configurations>
        signingConfigs {
            config {
                storeFile file('<keystore_file>.jks')
                storePassword '<keystore_password>'
                keyAlias '<key_alias>'
                keyPassword '<key_password>'
        buildTypes {
            debug {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.config
            release {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.config

iOS App Development

Integrating the React-Native AGC Cloud Functions into the Xcode Project
  • Navigate into your project directory and run below command.

      [project_path]> cd ios/ && pod install
  • Add the AppGallery Connect configuration file of the app to your Xcode project.

    Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and click My projects.

    Step 2: Find your app project and click the app.

    Step 3: Go to Project Setting > App information. In the App information area, download the agconnect-services.plist file.

    Step 4: Copy the agconnect-services.plist file to the app's root directory of your Xcode project.

    Before obtaining the agconnect-services.plist file, ensure that you have enabled HUAWEI Cloud Functions. For details, please refer to Enabling HUAWEI Cloud Functions.

    If you have made any changes on the Project Setting page, such as setting the data storage location and enabling or managing APIs, you need to download the latest agconnect-services.plist file and replace the existing file in the app's root directory.

  • Initialize the AGConnect Core Sdk.

    After the agconnect-services.plist file is imported successfully, initialize the AGConnect Core SDK using the config API in AppDelegate.

    Swift sample code for initialization in AppDelegate.swift:

    import AGConnectCore
    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func Application(_ Application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool  {
        // Override point for customization after Application launch.
        return true

    Objective-C sample code for initialization in AppDelegate.m:

    #import <AGConnectCore/AGConnectCore.h>
    @implementation AppDelegate
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [AGCInstance startUp];
    return YES;
  • All the React-Native AGC Cloud Functions plugin implementations are written in swift.

    Make sure your Xcode target -> Swift Compiler - General tab includes Objective-C Bridging Header and Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name like below:

3. API Reference

Module Overview

Module Description
AGCCloudFunctions Initializes an FunctionCallable instance and calls the cloud function.
AGCFunctionOptions Cloud function configurations and parameters.
AGCTimeUnit Enum of TimeUnits.


Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
call(triggerIdentifier, options) object Configures and calls the cloud function.


AGCCloudFunctions.call(triggerIdentifier, options)

Configures and calls the cloud function.

Name Type Description
triggerIdentifier string HTTP trigger identifier of the cloud function to be called. For details about how to query the HTTP trigger identifier, see Querying the Trigger Identifier.
options AGCFunctionOptions Cloud function configurations and parameters. This parameter is optional.
Return Type
Return Type Description
object The return value after the function is executed
Call Example
import AGCCloudFunctions, {
} from "@hw-agconnect/react-native-cloudfunctions";

const triggerIdentifier = "<your_trigger_identifier>";

const options = {
  timeout: 1000,
  timeUnit: AGCTimeUnit.SECONDS,
  params: {
    key1: "testString",
    key2: 123

AGCCloudFunctions.call(triggerIdentifier, options)
  .then(response => {
  .catch((error) => {
    console.log("Error", error.toString());


Cloud function configurations and parameters.

Name Type Description
timeout number Timeout interval of a function. For Android the unit is defined by the timeUnit parameter and the default time unit is seconds. For iOS time unit is seconds
timeUnit AGCTimeUnit Defines the time unit. Android Only
params object Custom object that contains input parameter values of the function, which can be of any type.


Enum of TimeUnits


Value Type Field Description
0 number AGCTimeUnit.NANOSECONDS Nanoseconds.
1 number AGCTimeUnit.MICROSECONDS Microsecons.
2 number AGCTimeUnit.MILLISECONDS Milliseconds.
3 number AGCTimeUnit.SECONDS Secons.
4 number AGCTimeUnit.MINUTES Minutes.
5 number AGCTimeUnit.HOURS Hours.
6 number AGCTimeUnit.DAYS Days.

4. Configuration and Description

Configuring Obfuscation Scripts

Before building the APK, configure obfuscation scripts to prevent the AppGallery Connect SDK from being obfuscated. If obfuscation arises, the AppGallery Connect SDK may not function properly.

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keep class com.hianalytics.android.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.agc.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.agconnect.**{*;}

5. Sample Project

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

6. Licensing and Terms

AGC React-Native Plugin is licensed under Apache 2.0 license

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npm i @hw-agconnect/react-native-cloudfunctions

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  • hwopencapability