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3.1.0 • Public • Published


A WebAPI oriented NodeJS server

Features :

  • Built-in validation support
  • Multipart/Form-data support
  • HTTP friendly errors
  • Express middleware support
  • Built-in typescript declarations

Let's Create Server :

import { WebApiServer } from '@hkbyte/webapi'

const port = 3000
const server = new WebApiServer(port)

server.start().then((port) => {
    console.log(`Server listening on port: ${port}`)

WebApiServer options:
const server = new WebApiServer(port, {
    cors: boolean, // optional, default false
    corsOptions: {}, // optional
    helmet: true, // optional, applies express-helmet plugin to all apis, default false
    helmetOptions: {}, // optional

for corsOptions refer here for helmetOptions refer here

Register Express Middleware :

const server = new WebApiServer(port)
server.addMiddlewares(middleware_1, middleware_2, ..., middleware_n)

Create WebAPI (REST-API) :

import { WebApiServer, WebApi } from '@hkbyte/webapi'

const server = new WebApiServer(port)

const apiAdminList = new WebApi({
    method: 'GET',
    endpoint: '/admin/list',
    handler: async () => {
        const adminList = await db.fetchAllAdmins()
        return adminList

 * Register webApi into our server
 * */
server.addWebApis(apiAdminList, ...)

handler() function takes responsibility of sending response data. By default if request executes successfully it will send HTTP Status Code 200.

WebApi options:
const api1 = new WebApi(port, {
    method: 'POST', // 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE',
    endpoint: 'product/add' // path with params,
    requestType: 'JSON' // optional 'JSON'(default), 'FORM_DATA_MULTIPART',
    requestBodySchema: TypeObject // body validation schema
    hideErrorStack: false // default true when NODE_ENV = 'production'
    middlewares: [middleware1, middleware2] // API level middlewares
    handler: (context) => {
        const params = context.params // request path params
        const query = context.query // request query string in object
        const body = context.body // request body

         * Logic goes here

        return responseData

WebApi example:
import { T, WebApi} from '@hkbyte/webapi'

const apiStudentAdd = new WebApi(port, {
    method: 'POST',
    endpoint: 'student/add'
    requestType: 'JSON'
    requestBodySchema: T.object({
		name: T.string().max(50),
		age: T.number().positive(),
    handler: ({ body }) => {
        const newStudent = db.createStudent({
            name: body.name,
            age: body.age,

        return newStudent

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  • kunalgosrani