
2.8.1 • Public • Published

Mr. Modal

Implementation of a global modal component with Redux and the @hixme-ui/modal package and -- by extension -- the react-modal package for use within the Hixme ecosystem. For more information on props for use with the MrModal component, see the @hixme-ui/modal README


import { MrModal } from '@hixme/modal'

  title='All your base are belong to us' 
  confirmLabel='Get down!' 
  cancelLabel='Eh, maybe not...'
  {/* Modal content here */}

After creating your modals, you will need to pass them to your <MrModalManager /> component, located at your project's root.

import { MrModalManager } from '@hixme/modal'

// In project root
import TestModal from '/modal/path/here'

    TEST: TestModal,

Important: In the modals object, the key is your modal string constant and the value is your modal component itself.

Additionally, you can supply the MrModalManager with your own appElement ID. This is the ID which needs to be assigned to the element wrapping the rest of your application.

To open the modal, you'll need to dispatch the setModal action, passing in the string constant you've defined for your modal.


You can also pass some data to your modal as a second argument in the dispatch.

dispatch(setModal(YOUR_MODAL, { myData }))

myData can then be accesed on the component props.

const MyModalComponent = ({
  data: { myData }
}) => (

Redux Actions

Name Description
setModal Set current modal with modal constant name
setData Add argument to data object
clearModal Clear entire current modal store (including data and viewList)
addViewToList Add modal constant name to view list
removeViewFromList Remove modal constant name to view list

Redux Selectors

Name Description
getModal Returns the entire modal store
getCurrentView Returns only the current modal constant
getViewList Returns the current viewList key
hasActiveModal Returns if there is a currently active modal
getModalData Returns the current data object

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npm i @hixme/modal

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  • mvalenzuela-ic-sureco
  • chadbumstead
  • sureco-engineering
  • sureco-devops
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  • guylhermetabosasureco