General use example
import { AnimateBurger } from "@hahaym6164/burger-animated-icon";
const [state,SetState] = useState(false)
<AnimateBurger classes={state ? "is-active" : ""} color="#fff" num={6} size="small" />
'num' is the kind of burger animation from number 1-12.
'classes' is added to the className of burgers. The animation is triggered when 'is-active' is provided in 'classes' property. The recommend way is to use 'useState' to control the classes.
'color' is controlling the line color of burgers.
'size' is the size of burgers. It only works with burgers-6 right now. if you are using other burgers besides 6, don't use put anything in 'size' or it breaks the animation.
Now only support Typescript/React environment. Version: "react": "^18.2.0"