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2.0.6 • Public • Published

React Themeing

This package is a powerful tool for designing and managing the style and language of react applications, which helps developers to easily and with minimal effort create custom designs and user interfaces.
Using this package, you will be able to easily manage different styles such as colors, fonts, sizes, color combinations and other appearance elements in your application.
support type ThemeDefault styled-components


demo for using demo-front-app-react


npm i @front-app-react/theme

Default configuration if fetch was not specified

First, create the following folders and files in the server asset path
For example, it is created in the path of public folders

  • public
    • langs
      • {langName}.json
      • en-US.json
    • theme
      • sizing.json
      • colors
        • {colorName}.json
        • light.json
  • src
  • package.json

The name of the langs, theme, colors folder and the sizing.json file should be the same
The extension of the data file must be json

If you use a special method to receive information, it is not necessary for the path of the files to be this way, but the file extension and name should be the same.

The Gist

They use React context to hook into the parent state/methods.

import { ThemeProvider } from "@front-app-react/theme";
    <ThemeProvider prefix="app" defaultLang="en-US" defaultColor="light">

ThemeProvider Props

props type description
prefix string prefix for storage, default = app storage
defaultLang string or LangData The name you chose for the language in the assets path  or LangData has Similar to language json file
defaultColor string or ColorData The name you chose for the color in the assets path or ColorData has Similar to color json file
defaultSizing SizingData SizingData has Similar to sizing json file = default undefined
storage Storage You can use browser memory type objects such as localstorage, sessionStorage, cookie and dedicated memory = default undefined
fetchLang  ((code:string)=> Promise<LangData>) A method that takes the input of the name of the language data file and returns the language data as async
fetchColor ((code:string)=> Promise<ColorData>) A method that takes the input of the name of the color data file and returns the color data as async
fetchSizing (()=> Promise<SizingData>) A method that gives SizingData without input and response in async


Values for language data must follow this format

property type description
theme.dir* "ltr" or "rtl" Should be rtl or ltr
theme.locale* string The name you chose for the language in the assets path
theme.language* string anything
theme.langLabel* string anything
other key selector string Another value you want to use in the theme


Values for color data must follow this format

property type description
name string The name you chose for the color in the assets path
data {property : value} List of colors


Values for sizing data must follow this format

property type description
btn {property : value} List button element of sizes
input {property : value} List input element of sizes
property value Other sizes

hook context theme

You can use React Context hook to get theme values

import { useTheme } from "@front-app-react/theme";

  const { lang, style } = useTheme();


property type description
dictionary LangData LangData has Similar to language json file
loading boolean Check the data received
onChange (code or LangData)=> Promise It can change the language with two input types - The name of the language file - Language data


property type description
color ColorData ColorData has Similar to color json file
sizing SizingData SizingData has Similar to sizing json file
loading boolean Check the two data received
loadingColor boolean Check the data color received
loadingSizing boolean Check the data sizing received
onChange (code or SizingData)=> Promise It can change the color with two input types - The name of the color file - color data
getColor name,mood,opacity Get color value from color name in 5 levels 0,1,2,3,4 and opacity

Type Color

property value
name string
opacity between 0,1
mood -2,-1,0,1,2

Type ThemeColor

property value
variant * Type Color
hover Type Color
active Type Color


List of packages used:

  • checkSizing - Getting the defined sizes of the theme
  • getColorWithKeyCss - Make css color style from the theme
  • colorHandler - Making theme coloring styles element



Sizes such as padding and radius are defined in the @front-app-react/theme package.
We can create normal, small, and large sizes with the style name
Sample using in https://github.com/front-app-react/elements (coming)



const Typography = styled("p")`
    color : ${themeProps=> themeProps.theme.style.getColor("red")};
    ${themeProps=> {
        return checkSizing({ keyCss : "font-size", props : themeProps,keyJson : "btn.font-size" }) + ";";
export default ()=> {
    return (
        <Typography $sizing="lg">Hello world</Typography>


const Typography = styled("p")`
    color : #E16262;
    ${themeProps=> {
        return "font-size : 1.25rem;";

Argument 1

type object

property description
keyCss property css
props theme props
keyJson key reference sizing theme example sizing.json


The output value is property: value in css



Make css color style from the theme



const Button = styled("button")`
    ${themeProps=> {
        return getColorWithKeyCss({ name : "background-color",color : "red", props : themeProps }) + ";";


const Button = styled("button")`
     color : #E16262;
    ${themeProps=> {
        return "color : #E16262;";

Argument 1

type object

property description
name property css
color theme color property name
props theme props


The output value is property: value in css



Creates an element with color style, background color and border color with handle of mouse hover and active modes.
It is necessary to talk about the configuration color of the package @front-app-react/elements



const Button = styled("button")`
    ${themeProps=> {
        return colorHandler(props, true) + ";";
const ButtonWithoutStyleActions = styled("button")`
    ${themeProps=> {
        return colorHandler(props, false) + ";";
export default ()=> {
    return (
        <Button $textColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "white",
        }} $bgColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "primary",
              active: {
                name: "red",
        }} $borderColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "primary",
        }}>Hello world</Button>
         <ButtonWithoutStyleActions $textColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "white",
        }} $bgColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "primary",
        }} $borderColor={{
              variant: {
                name: "primary",
        }}>Hello world</Button>


const Button = styled("button")`
         color: #5D5D5D;
        background-color: #f0f0f0;
        border-color: #f0f0f0;

    &:not(:disabled) {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    background-color: rgb(58, 150, 121);
    border-color: rgb(58, 150, 121);
     &:hover {
        color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
        background-color: rgb(58, 150, 121);
        border-color: rgb(58, 150, 121);
     &:active {
        color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
        background-color: rgb(225, 98, 98);
        border-color: rgb(225, 98, 98);
const ButtonWithoutStyleActions = styled("button")`
    &:not(:disabled) {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    background-color: rgb(58, 150, 121);
    border-color: transparent;

Argument 1

type object

property description
$textColor ThemeColor
$bgColor ThemeColor
$borderColor ThemeColor
$isActive type boolean, handle active mode

Argument 2

type boolean
handle of mouse hover and active modes


The output value is multi property: value in css

Package Sidebar


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  • mahdi_khanbeigi