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2.0.0 • Public • Published

⚙️ grease

Package release workflow tool

TypeScript tested with jest


Getting Started
Built With

Getting Started

grease is a package release workflow tool for Node.js environments. Built on top of the standard-version library, it helps maintainers create releases and upload release assets via the GitHub CLI.

Release notes can be generated using the CHANGELOG entry for the most recent semver tag. Maintainers also have the option of generating blank notes, notes in birthday (first release) format, or skipping note generation entirely.


yarn add -D @flex-development/grease # or npm i -D @flex-development/grease



Configuration options are passed via the main method.

Options can be used to configure both grease and standard-version. Refer to the standard-version docs and conventional-changelog-config-spec for details on options specific to standard-version.


Use the prerelease option to generate prereleases:

Suppose the last version of your code is 1.0.0, and your code to be committed has patched changes. Run:

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  prerelease: ''
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

This will tag your version as: 1.0.1-0.

If you want to name the prerelease, specify the name:

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  prerelease: 'alpha'
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

This will tag the version as: 1.0.1-alpha.0.

Auto Detection

Assuming the value of prerelease is included in a package version (e.g 3.13.98-dev.640), grease can autodetect the value.

Suppose the last version of your code is foo-package@2.0.0-alpha, and your code to be committed has patched changes. Run:

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  lernaPackage: 'foo-package',
  tagPrefix: 'foo-package@'
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

This will tag the version as: 2.0.1-alpha.0.

In cases where the prerelease value found is not the one intended (e.g 3.0.0-rc), use prereleaseMap to interpolate values.

Suppose the last version of your code is foo-package@3.0.0-rc, and your code to be committed has patched changes. Run:

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  lernaPackage: 'foo-package',
  prereleaseMap: new Map([['rc', 'beta']]),
  tagPrefix: 'foo-package@'
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

This will tag the version as: 3.0.1-beta.0.

To opt-of of auto detection, use prereleaseSkip:

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  lernaPackage: 'foo-package',
  prereleaseSkip: true,
  tagPrefix: 'foo-package@'
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Lifecycle Scripts

grease supports lifecycle scripts. These allow you to execute your own supplementary commands during the release. The following hooks are available and execute in the order documented:

  • prerelease: called before anything happens. If a non-zero exit code is returned, versioning will be aborted (has no other effect on workflow though)
  • prebump/postbump: called before and after the version is bumped. If a version number is returned it will be used instead of the version calculated
  • prechangelog/postchangelog: called before and after CHANGELOG generation
  • precommit/postcommit: called before and after the commit step
  • pretag/posttag: called before and after the tagging step
  • predepchecker/postdepchecker: called before and after dependency checks
  • prenotes/postnotes: called before and after release notes generation
  • pregreaser/postgreaser: called before and after github release
import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  commitAll: true,
  infile: 'docs/CHANGELOG.md',
  scripts: {
    postchangelog: 'yarn pack -o %s-%v.tgz',
    postrelease: 'rimraf ./*.tgz'
  verify: false
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Skipping Lifecycle Events

You can skip any of the lifecycle events (bump, changelog, commit, tag, depchecker, notes, greaser):

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  skip: { greaser: true }
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Note: Skipping the depchecker lifecycle will force grease to skip the greaser lifecycle as well.

Generating Release Notes

By default, release notes are generated using the CHANGELOG entry for the most latest semantic version (returned by the bump lifecycle) tag. Maintainers also have the option of generating blank notes, notes in birthday (first release) format, or skipping note generation entirely.

Birthday Notes

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  firstRelease: true,
  verify: false
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))


import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import { NotesType } from '@flex-development/grease/enums/notes-type'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  notesType: NotesType.BIRTHDAY,
  verify: false
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Blank Notes

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import { NotesType } from '@flex-development/grease/enums/notes-type'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  notesType: NotesType.BLANK,
  verify: false
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Skipped Notes

Release notes can be skipped without setting options.skip.notes. Instead, set options.notesType to NotesType.NULL.

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import { NotesType } from '@flex-development/grease/enums/notes-type'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'

  notesType: NotesType.NULL,
  verify: false
}).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

Creating GitHub Releases

grease uses the GitHub CLI to create new GitHub releases. Below is the workflow script grease uses to draft new releases:

#!/usr/bin/env node

import grease from '@flex-development/grease'
import type { IGreaseOptions } from '@flex-development/grease/interfaces'
import log from '@flex-development/grease/utils/log.util'
import ch from 'chalk'
import merge from 'lodash.merge'
import pick from 'lodash.pick'
import sh from 'shelljs'
import util from 'util'
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'
import yargs from 'yargs/yargs'
import { $name, $name_no_scope, $version } from './utils/pkg-get'

 * @file Scripts - Release Workflow
 * @module scripts/release

export type ReleaseOptions = {
   * Commit all staged changes, not just release files.
   * @default true
  commitAll?: IGreaseOptions['commitAll']

   * See the commands that running release would run.
   * @default false
  dryRun?: IGreaseOptions['dryRun']

   * Is this the first release?
   * @default false
  firstRelease?: IGreaseOptions['firstRelease']

   * Create a prerelease with optional tag id (e.g: `alpha`,`beta`, `dev`).
  prerelease?: IGreaseOptions['prerelease']

   * Specify release type (like `npm version <major|minor|patch>`).
  releaseAs?: IGreaseOptions['releaseAs']

   * Save GitHub release as a draft instead of publishing it.
   * @default true
  releaseDraft?: IGreaseOptions['releaseDraft']

   * Map of steps in the release process that should be skipped.
   * @default true
  skip?: IGreaseOptions['skip']

 * @property {yargs.Argv} args - Command line arguments parser
 * @see https://github.com/yargs/yargs
const args = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
  .usage('$0 [options]')
  .option('commit-all', {
    alias: 'a',
    default: true,
    describe: 'commit all staged changes, not just release files',
    type: 'boolean'
  .option('dry-run', {
    default: false,
    describe: 'see the commands that running release would run',
    type: 'boolean'
  .option('first-release', {
    alias: 'f',
    default: false,
    describe: 'is this the first release?',
    type: 'boolean'
  .option('release-as', {
    alias: 'r',
    describe: 'specify release type (like npm version <major|minor|patch>)',
    requiresArg: true,
    string: true
  .option('release-draft', {
    default: true,
    describe: 'release as a draft instead of publishing it',
    type: 'boolean'
  .option('skip', {
    describe: 'map of steps in the release process that should be skipped'
  .alias('help', 'h')

 * @property {IGreaseOptions & ReleaseOptions} argv - Command line arguments
const argv: IGreaseOptions & ReleaseOptions = pick(
  args.argv as IGreaseOptions & ReleaseOptions,

 * @property {IGreaseOptions} options - `grease` options
const options: IGreaseOptions = {
  commitAll: true,
  gitTagFallback: false,
  gitdir: process.env.PROJECT_CWD,
  lernaPackage: $name_no_scope,
  path: process.cwd(),
  prerelease: ((): string | undefined => {
    const tag = $version.split('-')[1]
    return !tag ? undefined : tag.includes('.') ? tag.split('.')[0] : tag
  releaseAssets: ['./*.tgz'],
  releaseBranchWhitelist: ['release/*'],
  releaseCommitMessageFormat: `release: ${$name}@{{currentTag}}`,
  scripts: {
    postchangelog: `yarn pack -o %s-%v.tgz${argv.dryRun ? ' -n' : ''}`,
    postcommit: 'git pnv',
    postgreaser: 'rimraf ./*.tgz',
    prerelease: 'yarn test --no-cache'
  // `continuous-deployment` workflow will create new tag
  skip: { tag: true },
  skipUnstable: false,
  tagPrefix: `${$name_no_scope}@`,
  types: [
    /* eslint-disable sort-keys */
    { type: 'feat', section: ':sparkles: Features' },
    { type: 'fix', section: ':bug: Fixes' },
    { type: 'revert', section: ':rewind: Revert' },
    { type: 'test', section: ':robot: Testing' },
    { type: 'docs', section: ':book: Documentation' },
    { type: 'build', section: ':hammer: Build' },
    { type: 'refactor', section: ':recycle: Code Improvements' },
    { type: 'perf', section: ':zap: Performance Updates' },
    { type: 'style', section: ':nail_care: Formatting & Structure' },
    { type: 'ci', section: ':truck: Continuous Integration & Deployment' },
    { type: 'chore', section: ':pencil2: Housekeeping' },
    { type: 'wip', hidden: true }
    /* eslint-enable sort-keys */
  verify: false

// Log workflow start
log(argv, 'starting release workflow', [$name, `[dry=${argv.dryRun}]`], 'info')

// Run release workflow
grease(merge({}, options, argv)).catch(error => {
  if (error.stderr) return
  else sh.echo(ch.bold.red(util.inspect(error, false, null)))

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