
0.11.50 • Public • Published

Service Bot Installation Guide

Open-source subscription management & billing automation system


TODO: OpenShift


Deploy ebilling with docker.

On new linux server, install:

# Install guide: 'docs/docker.md'


Using o2o-box to deploy ebilling (run as root):

TODO: Deploy as ubuntu

# Run as root
cd packages/o2o-box
npm install
# Deploy ebillling
# service <service>
sudo node src/index.js service servicebot
  cd /Volumes/vBOSS/github/servicebot                                              &&
  cd  servicebot                                                                   &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot.git            &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master                                                         && 
  cd ../servicebot-billing-settings-embed                                                       &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot-billing-settings-embed.git  &&
  git fetch upstream                                                                            &&
  git pull upstream master                                                                      &&

  cd ../servicebot-checkout-embed                                                               &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot-checkout-embed.git          &&
  git fetch upstream                                                                            &&
  git pull upstream master                                                                      &&

  cd ../servicebot-base-form                                                       &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot-base-form.git  &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master                                                         &&

  cd ../servicebot-docs                                                            &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot-docs.git       &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master                                                         &&

  cd  ../pluginbot                                                                 &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/pluginbot.git             &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master                                                         &&

  cd ../pluginbot-react                                                            &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/pluginbot-react.git       &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master                                                         &&
  cd ../servicebot-client                                                          &&
  git remote add upstream https://github.com/service-bot/servicebot-client.git     &&
  git fetch upstream                                                               &&
  git pull upstream master      
  npm publish --access=public                                     

Handle PostgreSQL

We often face with 3 cases:

  • [1] Native/RDS PosgreSQL
  • [2] From other docker
  • [3] Dont have any PostgreSQL
Case How to
1 Native/RDS PostgrSQL already exist + Remove docker's service in yaml file which run PostgreSQL
+ Update PostgreSQL config of client
2 From other docker + Joining exist PostgresSQL Docker using network
+ Sample conf db
3 Dont have any PosgreSQL + Current yaml file support create new PostgreSQL
+ Reuse & Update user, pass & database's name conf


  • Ubuntu Server (At least 16.04)
  • NodeJS >= 8.9.1 (LTS version)
  • PM2
  • Postgresql 9+

Remote to your server

ssh user@ip-address

After connected to your server, make sure you are on the home directory.

cd ~

Setup basic environment

git clone https://github.com/o2oprotocol/devops.git

Switch working directory to devops

cd ~/devops

Upgrade ubuntu packages & install some new packages


If you see the popup which show information about configuring grub-pc, just press ENTER key.

Be patient. This task will take a while.

Install postgresql

sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Create postgres database, credentials

Create user

sudo -u postgres createuser servicebot

Create database

sudo -u postgres createdb servicebotdb

Giving the user a password

sudo -u postgres psql
psql=# alter user servicebot with encrypted password 'Abcd@1234';

Granting privileges on database

psql=# grant all privileges on database servicebotdb to servicebot;

After doing all above steps, close the psql=# REPL by pressing CTRL+D

Test the connection by:

psql -h localhost -U servicebot servicebotdb -W

Enter the password above servicebot

If you connect success and terminal shows servicebot=> means you are doing well.

Press CTRL+D to quit the terminal.

Double check your environments are correct.

Check nodejs version

node -v

Make sure the nodejs version is greater or equals 8.9.1 (It can be 8.11.1)

The result could be: v8.11.2

Check the pm2 is present and

pm2 -v

The result could be: 2.10.4

Clone source code

Switch working directory to home directory (~)

cd ~

Clone source code

git clone https://vbosstech@bitbucket.org/eworkforce/ebilling.git

Create environment variables

Export application variables. Make sure that you replace email information by your information.

 echo "export POSTGRES_DB_HOST=localhost            
 export POSTGRES_DB_USER=servicebot                 
 export POSTGRES_DB_NAME=servicebotdb               
 export POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD=Abcd@1234              
 export POSTGRES_DB_PORT=5432                       
 export ADMIN_USER=thanh.nn@tctav.com               
 export ADMIN_PASSWORD=Abcd@1234                    
 export ADMIN_NAME=Admin                            
 export VIRTUAL_HOST=                      
 export SECRET_KEY=Q45Gpb2vkiYGoBi5jDz8mcWlmmFWgVbk 
 export SMTP_HOST=mail.tctav.com                    
 export SMTP_USER=thanh.nn@tctav.com                
 export SMTP_PASSWORD=servicebot                    
 export SMTP_PORT=587" >> ~/.bash_profile

Apply changing for env

source ~/.bash_profile

Build & Run Ebilling

Switch working directory to ebilling directory

cd ~/ebilling

Execute yarn to install dependencies


Build source

yarn build

Start ebilling application

PORT=3334 pm2 --name=ebilling start npm -- start 

Allow Port if not

If you are using firewall, please make sure that port 3334 is allowed.

sudo ufw allow 3334

Enjoy your great things by browse app at: http://your-ip-address:3334


  • Automate Billing: Create and sell anything as a service in minutes.

    • Service designer: Design service offerings that link directly to Stripe.
    • Subscription management: Supports automatic recurring charges.
    • Quote system: You can allow your customers to request quotes for your services before charging them.
    • Free trials: Give out free trials of your subscription offerings to your customers.
    • Add-ons and Upsell: Add custom fields to your service request form which influence the final price.
    • Adding charges: Add one-time charges to a running service for custom work your clients want.
    • Refunds: You can issue partial or full refunds on your customer invoices.
  • Manage Customers:.

    • Store-front: Let your customers order from your catalog without needing another website.
    • Automatic invoicing: Invoices are generated and sent to customers automatically.
    • Service cancellations: Customers can request cancellations.
    • RBAC: Customize roles for staff
    • Communication: Customers can send your business messages when they have questions
  • Extensibility:

    • Full REST API: Integrate BnBService with your existing website or application
    • Plugin framework: Develop plugins to extend the functionality of bnbservice (documentation coming soon)


npm install

rm -rf .env

# BnB Config
export PORT=3334
export SSL_PORT=3200
export POSTGRES_DB_HOST=localhost            
export POSTGRES_DB_USER=ebilling                 
export POSTGRES_DB_NAME=ebillingdb               
export POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD=devops2018              
export POSTGRES_DB_PORT=5432                       
export ADMIN_USER=thanh.nn@tctav.com               
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=devops2018                    
export ADMIN_NAME=Admin                            
export VIRTUAL_HOST=                      
export SECRET_KEY=Q45Gpb2vkiYGoBi5jDz8mcWlmmFWgVbk 
export SMTP_HOST=mail.tctav.com                    
export SMTP_USER=thanh.nn@tctav.com                
export SMTP_PASSWORD=devops2018                    
export SMTP_PORT=587

npm run build

# Keep process
export BUILD_ID=dontKillMe

pm2 delete eBilling || true
pm2 start --name=eBilling npm -- start

pm2 save
pm2 startup || true




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npm i @eservices/servicebot

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  • vbosstech