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React hooks for working with Phoenix's channels.


Wrap the top of your app with a <SocketProvider> so child components will have access to the socket.

import { SocketProvider } from '@ericlathrop/phoenix-js-react-hooks';

function App() {
  const socketUrl = "wss://localhost:4000/socket";
  const socketOptions = { params: { 'user_id': userId }};

  return (
    <SocketProvider url={socketUrl} options={socketOptions}>
      <Main />

The useChannel hook lets you subscribe to a channel, and the useEventHandler hook lets you respond to incoming messages:

import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { sendMessage, useChannel, useEventHandler } from '@ericlathrop/phoenix-js-react-hooks';

export function Main() {
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);

  const room = 'cute kitties';
  const { channel: chatChannel } = useChannel('chat:' + room, undefined, (channel, { messages: initialMessages}) => {

  useEventHandler(chatChannel, 'new_message', message => {

  return (
    <div className="chat-messages" >
      {messages.map(({ id, message }) => <ChatMessage key={id} message={message} />)}

A React Context.Provider that provides a socket value which is the Phoenix Socket object.

The url prop is passed as the endPoint argument to the Socket constructor, and the options prop is passed as the opts argument to the Socket constructor.

const channel = useChannel(topic, params, onJoin)

A React hook that connects to a Phoenix Channel and lets you send/receive events. useChannel returns the Phoenix Channel that you can use in useEventHandler or sendMessage.

The topic argument is passed as the topic argument to the Channel constructor, and the params argument is passed as the params argument to the Channel constructor. The onJoin(channel, message) argument is a function that is called when the channel is successfully joined.

useEventHandler(channel, event, handler)

A React hook that specifies an event handler function to to executed when an event is received.

The channel argument is the Phoenix Channel on which to listen for events.

The event argument is a string specifying the name of the event to listen for.

The handler(message3) argument is a function that will be called with the message every time a matching event is received.

const promise = sendMessage(channel, event, payload)

A function that sends an event on a Phoenix Channel. sendMessage returns a Promise that resolves to the reply message from the server, if any.

The channel argument is the Phoenix Channel on which to send the event.

The event argument is a string specifying the name of the event to send.

The payload argument is a JavaScript object containing the data for the event you are sending.




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  • ericlathrop