TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.2 • Public • Published

Table of contents


  • [x] Angular Material installed and imported
  • [x] @angular-material-components/datetime-picker (^15.0.0)
  • [x] @angular-material-components/moment-adapter (v9.0.0)
  • [x] @angular/material-moment-adapter (15.2.9)
  • [x] Moment.js
  • [x] @ngx-translate/core

Getting started

This package is based on angular material and momentjs and allows to create 4 kind of date/time picker: date only, time only, both and a date range.


By default returns the seletected date converted in UTC time zone.

Step 1: Install eqp-datetimerangepicker:


npm i --save @eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker

If needed dependecies are not installed run this commands:

npm i @angular-material-components/datetime-picker@15.0.0
npm i --save  @angular-material-components/moment-adapter
npm i moment --save
npm i @ngx-translate/core --save
npm i @angular/material-moment-adapter --save
ng add @angular/material

Step 2:

Import EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, NgxMatDatetimePickerModule and NgxMatTimepickerModule :

import { EqpDatetimerangepickerModule } from "@eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker";
import { NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule } from "@angular-material-components/datetime-picker";

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Step 4: Invoke the loadTranslateService method

This step is mandatory as it allows eqp-datetimerangepicker to load an external TranslateService (which must reside in the project) and which will be used to change the language of the default presets in the DATE_RANGE picker.

import { EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, EqpDatetimerangepickerService } from "@eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker";
import { TranslateLoader, TranslateModule, TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core";
import { TranslateHttpLoader } from "@ngx-translate/http-loader";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { LOCALE_ID, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { registerLocaleData } from "@angular/common";
import localeIt from "@angular/common/locales/it";
import { MAT_DATE_LOCALE } from "@angular/material/core";
registerLocaleData(localeIt, "it-IT");

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
      loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
        deps: [HttpClient]
      isolate: false
  providers: [
    { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: "it-IT" },
    { provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: "it-IT" }
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule {
    private eqpDateTimeRangePickerservice: EqpDatetimerangepickerService,
    private translateService: TranslateService
  ) {

export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient): TranslateHttpLoader {
  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http);



Input Type Default Required Description
[type] PickerModeEnum PickerModeEnum.DATE no Defines the view mode of the picker. DATETIME = 1 DATE = 2 TIME = 3 DATE_RANGE=4
[readonlyInput] boolean false no Defines the input area as read only. if true the value can be changed only trougth the calendar.
[minDate] Date, null null no Sets the lowest date that can be inserted.
[maxDate] Date, null null no Sets the highest date that can be inserted.
[isRequired] boolean false no Marks the input as required. Needed only with NgModelInput (with FormControl Validators.Required is enough)
[formGroupInput] FormGroup, null null no FormGroup in which the eqp-datetimerangepicker is used. If not null then formControlNameInput is required.
[formControlNameInput] string, null null no Has effect only if formGroupInput is not null. FormControlName of the control used in the defined formGroupInput. (NOTE: use it without ngModelInput).
[formControlNameInputStart] string, null null no FormControlName used for the start date of the DATE_RANGE picker. (NOTE: use it instead formControlName without ngModelInput, in order to work you also need to specify formControlNameInputEnd property).
[formControlNameInputEnd] string, null null no FormControlName used for the end date of the DATE_RANGE picker. (NOTE: use it instead formControlName without ngModelInput, in order to work you also need to specify formControlNameInputStart property).
[ngModelInput] Date, string, null null no ngModel to bind the inputfor all kind of picker. (NOTE: use it instead formGroup and formControl binding)
[placeholder] string DATE: "Seleziona una data", DATETIME: "Seleziona una data e un orario", TIME: "Seleziona un orario" no placeholder viewed in case of DATE, DATETIME or TIME picker.
[startPlaceholeder] string DATE_RANGE: "Seleziona data inizio" no placeholder viewed in case of DATE_RANGE picker forn the stat date. (NOTE: use it instead placeholder property, in order to work you also need to specify endPlaceholeder property).
[endPlaceholeder] string DATE_RANGE: "fine" no placeholder viewed in case of DATE_RANGE picker forn the end date. (NOTE: use it instead placeholder property, in order to work you also need to specify startPlaceholeder property).
[disabled] boolean false no If true, the picker is readonly and can't be modified.
[showSpinners] boolean true no If true, the spinners above and below input are visible
[showSeconds] boolean true no If true, it is not possible to select seconds
[disableMinute] boolean false no If true, the minute is readonly.
[stepSecond] number 1 no The number of seconds to add/substract when clicking second spinners.
[stepHour] number 1 no The number of hours to add/substract when clicking hour spinners.
[stepMinute] number 1 no The number of minutes to add/substract when clicking minute spinners.
[color] ThemePalette undefined no Color palette to use on the datepicker's calendar.
[enableMeridian] boolean false no Whether to display 12H or 24H mode.
[touchUi] boolean false no Whether the calendar UI is in touch mode. In touch mode the calendar opens in a dialog rather than a popup and elements have more padding to allow for bigger touch targets.
[showRangePreset] boolean true no Whether to display the DATE_RANGE picker presets window. if true the customRangePreset is required
[customRangePreset] Array<{label: string; orderPosition?: number; getRangeFunction?: () => [Date, Date];}> [] no Array of objects to define the range presets of DATE_RANGE picker. if showRangePreset is true, then the customRangePreset must be defined
[language] string it no it or en to specify the locale language of the application,
[timeType] TimeTypeEnum TimeTypeEnum.STRING no The type of data returned in the case of TIME mode picker.
[showButtons] boolean false no show the buttons, inside modal window, to cancel and apply the selected data.
[cancelButtonText] string Cancella no cancel button text, inside modal window.
[applyButtonText] string Applica no apply button text, inside modal window.
[datepickerFilter] (date: Date) => boolean null no apply function called to filter all selectable days (if the function return true, the day is selectable). NOTE: day 0 is SUNDAY. This input is not used in TIME mode
[showTimePopover] boolean true no Using the TIME picker via modal or keyboard input. false: the input can be inserted only by keyboard (using formControl the only output type ll'be string), true: keyboard input will be disabled and can only be entered via modal

customRangePreset definition

The DATE_RANGE preset window has some default preset that needs only the label property to be used. this default preset has poper orderPosition value and getRangeFunction.

Property Type Default Required Description
label string yes text to show on the preset button
orderPosition number, undefined undefined no index to specify the position of the preset. To inset a custom preset between default preset, the ordetPosition must be between them
getRangeFunction (() => [Date, Date]), undefined undefined no funcion to be executed from the picker to get the range on click of the preset

Default preset

label orderPosition
Today 100
Last 7 days 200
This week 300
This month 400
This year 500
Last week 600
Last month 700
Last year 800


Output Event Arguments Required Description
(ngModelInputChange) EventEmitter<any> no Invoked when the selected value changes and ngModelInput is bound. The output type is the same as the ngModelInput type.
(formControlChange) EventEmitter<any> no Invoked when the selected value changes and formGroupInput is bound.

Model, Interfaces and Enums used

Enums description

EnumType Description Notes
PickerModeEnum Define the view mode of the picker. Has the following values: DATETIME = 1 -> shows a picker to select date and time; DATE = 2 -> shows a date only picker and the returned time of date is set to ("00:00:00"); TIME = 3 -> shows a time only picker which returns the selected time; DATE_RANGE = 4 -> shows a date only picker where can be selected the initial and the end date of a range, and returns the start and the end dates with time ("00:00:00");
TimeTypeEnum Used to define the type of data returned in the case of TIME mode DATE = 1; STRING = 2
export enum PickerModeEnum {
  DATE = 2,
  TIME = 3,
export enum TimeTypeEnum {
  DATE = 1,
  STRING = 2,

Examples & Use cases

It is highly recommended not to use ngModelInput together with formControl - formGroup

Using ngModelInput (type = DATE)

PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
minDate: Date = new Date(); // minimum date selectable
maxDate: Date = null; // maximum date selectable (ex. last day of this year)
disable: boolean = false; // flag to set the input disabled
date: Date | null = null;

Using ngModelInput (type = TIME)

PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
TimeTypeEnum = TimeTypeEnum;
timePickerInput: Date | string | null = null;
showSeconds: boolean = true; // flag to allow second selection from the picker

Using ngModelInput (type = DATE_TIME)

PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
dateTimePickerWithTime: Date | null = null;
showSeconds: boolean = true; // flag to allow second selection from the picker

Using ngModelInput (type = DATE_RANGE)

PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
range: {from: Date | null, to: Date | null} = { from: null, to: null };
showRangePreset: boolean = true // flag to show the preset window
presetLanguage: string = "en"

getTwoDayAgoToNow: (() => [Date, Date]) | undefined = () => [
    new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 2)),
    new Date()

customRangePreset = [
    label: "Tow days ago",
    orderPosition: 150, // to show this preset between Today and Last year
    getRangeFunction: this.getTwoDayAgoToNow //function to be executed that rerun [Date, Date]
  }, // custom preset
    label: "Today"
  }, // default presets to be used
    label: "Last year"
    label: "This month"
    label: "Last week"
    label: "This week"

Using formControl (type = DATE)


Using formControl (type = TIME)


Using formControl (type = DATE_TIME)


Using formControl (type = DATE_RANGE)

//#region time picker fields
TimeTypeEnum = TimeTypeEnum;
timePickerInput: Date | string | null = null;

PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
formGroup = new FormGroup({
  timePickerInputControl: new FormControl(this.timePickerInput),
  dateTimePickerWithTimeControl: new FormControl(this.dateTimePickerWithTime),
  dateRangeControlStart: new FormControl(this.range?.from),
  dateRangeControlEnd: new FormControl(this.range?.to),
  dateControl: new FormControl(this.date)


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it




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npm i @eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker

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