TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

Table of contents


  • [x] Angular Material installed and imported
  • [x] ngx-echarts installed (Check compatibility with your angular version)
  • [x] @juggle/resize-observer
  • [x] echarts
  • [x] @angular-material-components/datetime-picker (v2.0.4)
  • [x] @angular-material-components/moment-adapter
  • [x] Moment.js

Getting started

This package allows the creation of a flexible dashboard with different types of widgets. Each widget may contain various information such as graphs, statistics or entire external components

Step 1: Install eqp-dashboard:


npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-dashboard

Step 2: Import the EqpDashboardModule :

import { EqpDashboardModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-dashboard';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpDashboardModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}



Input Type Default Required Description
[configs] Array<WidgetConfig> - yes Array of WidgetConfig Objects
[saveConfigs] bool True no If TRUE then save the widget configuration in the localstorage
[hideTooltipLabel] string Hide no Set tooltip label of top left eye icon widget
[showTooltipLabel] string Show no Set tooltip label of eye icon row in modal hidden items list
[resizeTooltipLabel] string Resize Widget no Set tooltip label of top right tree dots icon widget
[showAllHiddenItemsLabel] string Show all hidden elements no Set label of settings button that shows all hidden items
[showListHiddenItemsLabel] string Show hidden elements list no Set label of settings button that shows modal of hidden items list
[settingsLabel] string Settings no Set tooltip label of top left settings icon
[smallLabel] string Small no Set label of small widget resize option
[mediumLabel] string Medium no Set label of medium widget resize option
[LargeLabel] string Large no Set label of large widget resize option
[showSpinnerLabel] bool True no If TRUE then it shows the label in the widget spinner configured for an endpoint
[spinnerLabel] string Loading... no Set the spinner label
[dashboardSettingsLabel] string null no Set label for the dashboard settings button
[hiddenWidgetModalTitle] string Hidden widget list no Set label for the hidden widget list modal
[RechargeLabel] string Reload no Set label for reload tooltip button
[searchTooltipLabel] string Search no Set label for endpoint search button
[emptyChartMessage] string No data to show for this chart no Set message to show when the chart is empty


Output Event Arguments Required Description
[widgetSizeChange] EventEmitter<WidgetConfig> no Invoked when resizing the widget. Returns the data of the resized widget

Models used

WidgetConfig Model: class for configure each individual widget

Property Description Type Examples
WidgetID Unique Widget ID string string -
WidgetTitle Displayed widget title string string -
WidgetTitleColor Set Widget title color string 'red' or '#ff0000'
WidgetSizeClass WidgetTypeEnum - define with enumerator the widget size WidgetSizeEnum XS, MD, XL
WidgetType WidgetTypeEnum - define with enumerator the widget type WidgetTypeEnum PIE_CHART = 1, BARS_CHART = 2, LINE_CHART = 3, RADAR_CHART = 4, GAUGE_CHART = 5, STATISTIC_CHART = 6, CUSTOM_CHART = 7
ChartOptions If CustomComponentSelector and StatisticWidget are not defined allow to define the specific chart configuration. It can belong to one of types: LineChartOption, BarChartOption, PieChartOption, RadarChartOption, GaugeChartOption LineChartOption or BarChartOption or PieChartOption or RadarChartOption or GaugeChartOption -
EndPointData Allows you to configure the endpoint data to be called to retrieve the data to show in the graph EndPointData -
CustomComponentSelector Allows you to define the selector of an external component to be shown in the widget. The component will need to reside in the project where eqp-dashbaord is located string -
CustomComponentInputs Allows you to define the inputs to pass to the external component, defined by CustomComponentSelector any -
StatisticWidget Used to configure a statistical widget that displays numerical data Array<StatisticItem> -
Currency Used to determine the currency formatting to use CurrencyEnum -

EndPointData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
Url URL of endpoint string yes http://localhost:5000/api/test
Token Header token to send to endpoint string no -
RequestMethod Verb to use for endpoint RequestMethodEnum yes A single value between: GET, POST, PUT
Params Params to pass to endpoint EndPointDataParams[] no An object of type EndPointDataParams
ReloadDataOnParamsChange If TRUE then any modification of any parameter value will cause the widget updating boolean no Default value: null

EndPointDataParams Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
PropertyLabel Label to show for the property filter string yes Data inizio
PropertyName Name of the property to use as filter string yes StartDate
PropertyValue Value of the property to use as filter (default: null) any no -
PropertyType Type of the filter property EndPointDataParamType yes A single value between: TEXT, NUMBER, DATE, DATETIME, CVL, EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE
CvlConfig Type of the filter property EndpointParamCvlConfig no -
isHidden TRUE if you want to use the filter with default value, without showing it boolean no -
ExternalTemplateConfig TemplateRef<any> no -
ParamClass string no Default value: "col-md-4 col-lg-4 col-sm-6"

EndpointParamCvlConfig Model

Property Description Type Examples
EnumData If the CVL is based on an enumerator then in this property the type of the enumerator to be used must be defined. In this way the data source of the CVL will be the set of values ​​defined for the enumerator any -
ArrayData If the CVL is based on an array then in this property the array to be shown as the data source of the CVL must be defined any[] -
ArrayKeyProperty In the case of ArrayData defined it allows to indicate the property of the objects of the array to bind to the filter string -
ArrayValueProperty In the case of ArrayData defined, it allows you to indicate the property of the objects to be displayed in the filter string -
IsSearchable If TRUE then it shows the search field within the CVL boolean -
ShowCancelButton If TRUE then it shows the button to clear the CVL selection boolean -
SearchText Allows you to define the label for the search field string -
IsMultiSelect It allows you to define the multi-selection of CVL values boolean -
BindFullObject It allows to define if in the CVL the binding must consider the whole object or only the property defined inside ArrayKeyProperty boolean -
Static exposed functions
Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreateEndpointParamCVLConfig EndpointParamCvlConfig enumData?: any, arrayData?: any, arrayKeyProperty?: any, arrayValueProperty?: any, isMultiSelect?: boolean, isSearchable?: boolean, showCancelButton?: boolean, searchText?: string, bindFullObject?: boolean -

StatisticItem Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
Icon Material icon tag name string no delete or fa fa-check
IsFontAwesomeIcon TRUE if you want to use font-awesome (default: FALSE - use material icons) boolean no -
IconClass A style class to apply to the icon string no -
LabelClass A style class to apply to the label string no -
Label Label of the statistic value string yes -
ProgressBarColor Color to apply to the progress bar string no red or #FFFFFF
Value The value to show on the statistic line number yes -
MaxValue The max value of the bar (required for percentage calculations) number no -
Percentage The percentage value of the statistic line string no -

LineChartOption Model

Describes the model for configuring LINE type charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
xAxis The data configuration for the X Axis of the chart XAxisConfig yes View use cases 1
yAxis The data configuration for the Y Axis of the chart YAxisConfig yes View use cases 1
series The data configuration for the X Axis of the chart `LineSeriesData LineSeriesData[]` yes
legend The data configuration for chart legend (automatically set to show the legend) LineLegend no -
tooltip The data configuration for chart tooltip (automatically set to show tooltips on hover) LineTooltip no -

Static exposed functions

Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreateLineChartModel LineChartOptions labels: string[], seriesData: Map<string, number[]>, yAxisPosition? : string, seriesColors?: string[] labels: list of labels for the X axis ; seriesData: Dictionary containing the configuration of the series of values to be shown for the bar chart; yAxisPosition : String that determines the position of the Y axis (left or right); seriesColors: Allows you to define the colors to be used for each series of the chart. The array is positional so the first color will be attributed to the first series, the second color to the second series etc ...

BarChartOption Model

Describes the model for configuring BAR type charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
xAxis The data configuration for the X Axis of the chart XAxisConfig yes View use cases 2
yAxis The data configuration for the Y Axis of the chart YAxisConfig yes View use cases 2
series The data configuration for the X Axis of the chart `LineSeriesData LineSeriesData[]` yes
legend The data configuration for chart legend (automatically set to show the legend) LineLegend no -
tooltip The data configuration for chart tooltip (automatically set to show tooltips on hover) LineTooltip no -

Static exposed functions

Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreateBarChartModel BarChartOptions labels: string[], seriesData: Map<string, number[]>, yAxisPosition? : string, seriesColors?: string[] labels: list of labels for the X axis ; seriesData: Dictionary containing the configuration of the series of values to be shown for the bar chart; yAxisPosition : String that determines the position of the Y axis (left or right); seriesColors: Allows you to define the colors to be used for each series of the chart. The array is positional so the first color will be attributed to the first series, the second color to the second series etc ...

PieChartOption Model

Describes the model for configuring PIE type charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
tooltip object that defines the trigger property for the tooltip configuration any no View use cases 3
legend object that defines the properties orient e left for the legend configuration any no View use cases 3
series Defines the series data for the chart PieSeries[] no View use cases 3
isDoughnut If TRUE then show a DoughnutChart else show a PieChart boolean no Default value: false

Static exposed functions

Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreatePieChartModel PieChartOptions seriesData: Map<string, PieSeriesValue[]>, isDoughnut: boolean seriesData: Dictionary containing as many keys as there are different series to show in the chart, for each series it is necessary to indicate a list of values that make up the data of the same series; isDoughnut: Allows you to decide whether to show a pie chart or a doughnut chart

PieSeries Model

Describes the model for configuring PIE series charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
name Name of the pie chart serie string yes View use cases
type Type of the pie chart serie (set by default to the 'pie' value) string yes View use cases 3
data array of values that make up the single series of the graph PieSeriesValue[] no View use cases 3
radius Default set with the value 50% string yes View use cases 3

PieSeriesValue Model

Describes the model for configuring PIE series charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
name Name of value of the serie string yes View use cases
value Single value of the serie number yes View use cases 3
itemStyle Define the color to apply for the value of the chart (default NULL: use the standard color) PieSeriesValueColor no An object of type PieSeriesValueColor with property color. The 'color' property is a string that can contain RGB or rgba function

RadarChartOption Model

Describes the model for configuring RADAR type charts

Property Description Type Required Examples
legend Define the configuration for the chart legend RadarLegendData no View use cases 4
tooltip Define the configuration for the chart tooltip (automatically set to show tooltips on hover) RadarTooltip no View use cases 4
radar Define the indicator marker configuration for the chart RadarIndicator[] yes View use cases 4
series Define the series for the chart RadarSeries[] yes View use cases 4

Static exposed functions

Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreateRadarChartModel RadarChartOption legendLabels: string[]; radars: Map<string,RadarIndicatorData[]> ;seriesData: Map<string, PieSeriesValue[]>; radiusChartPercentage: string,showTooltip: boolean , fillChartArea: boolean legendLabels: List of labels to be used as chart legend. If the char contains only one radar then the array must contain only one element otherwise it will contain one for each different radar;radars: Dictionary containing the configurations of all the radars to be shown in the chart. Each node of the dictionary must contain as a key the name to be attributed to the radar and the configuration of the radar indicators;seriesData: Dictionary containing the configuration of the series of values to be shown for each configured radar; radiusChartPercentage: Indicates the scaling percentage of the radars (default value = 75%); showTooltip: If TRUE then configure the tooltips for the chart (in the tooltip will be shown the values of the radar series on which you hover with the mouse); fillChartArea: If TRUE then for each radar it applies a style that will allow you to color the entire area drawn in the radar;

RadarLegendData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
data Define the chart legend string[] yes View use cases 4
left Define the chart legend position string yes Default value: center

RadarIndicatorData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
text Define the indicator label string yes View use cases 4
max Define the indicator max value number yes View use cases 4

RadarSeries Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
name The name of the chart string no View use cases 4
type The type of the chart (default setted on "radar" value) string yes View use cases 4
data The array of values for the serie RadarSeriesData[] yes View use cases 4

RadarSeriesData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
name The name of the chart serie string no View use cases 4
value The array of values for the serie any[] yes View use cases 4

GaugeChartOption Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
tooltip The tooltip configuration for gauge chart (an object that contains the formatter property (of type string) necessary to format the informative tooltip of the chart (defualt formatter: "{a}
{b}: {c}")
any no View use cases 5
series The chart series data GaugeChartSeries[] yes View use cases 5

Static exposed functions

Name Returned Type Parameters Examples
CreateGaugeChartModel GaugeChartOptions seriesData: Map<string, GaugeChartData[]> seriesData: Dictionary containing the configuration of the series of values to be shown for the gauge chart

GaugeChartSeries Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
name The name of the chart serie string yes View use cases 5
type The type of the chart serie (default setted on 'gauge' value) string yes View use cases 5
detail The gauge chart detail `GaugeChartDetailData yes View use cases 5
data The data of the series GaugeChartData[] yes View use cases 5

GaugeChartDetailData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
formatter The formatter configuration for the gauge tooltip (default value: "{a}
{b} : {c}")
string yes View use cases 5

GaugeChartData Model

Property Description Type Required Examples
value The value of the chart serie number yes View use cases 5
name The title of the chart serie string yes View use cases 5

Use cases

Use Example in class :

Define selector in html

<eqp-dashboard [configs]="chartConfigs"></eqp-dashboard>

Define locale in the app.component.ts in order to set it for all the charts (the default value is 'it-IT')

    constructor(private eqpDashboardService : EqpDashboardService) { }
    ngOnInit(): void { }


CASE 1: Define variables and object to use to display a basic Line Chart Widget

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let lineChartConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    lineChartConfig.WidgetID = "Dashboard_LineChart";
    lineChartConfig.WidgetTitle = "Line Chart"
    lineChartConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    lineChartConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.LINE_CHART;
    let lineSeriesData: Map<string, number[]> = new Map<string,number[]>();
    lineSeriesData.set("Serie 1", [10,25,35]);
    lineChartConfig.ChartOptions = LineChartOption.CreateLineChartModel(["Valore 1", "Valore 2", "Valore 3"], lineSeriesData);


CASE 2: Define variables and object to use to display a basic Bar Chart Widget

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let barChartConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    barChartConfig.WidgetID = "Dashboard_BarChart";
    barChartConfig.WidgetTitle = "Bar Chart"
    barChartConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    barChartConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.BARS_CHART;
    let barSeriesData: Map<string, number[]> = new Map<string,number[]>();
    barSeriesData.set("Serie 1", [10,25,35]);
    barChartConfig.ChartOptions = BarChartOption.CreateBarChartModel(["Valore 1", "Valore 2", "Valore 3"], barSeriesData);


CASE 3: Define variables and object to use to display a basic Pie Chart Widget

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let pieChartConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    pieChartConfig.WidgetID = "Dashboard_Pie";
    pieChartConfig.WidgetTitle = "Pie Chart"
    pieChartConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    pieChartConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.PIE_CHART;
    let pieSeries: Map<string, PieSeriesValue[]> = new Map<string, PieSeriesValue[]>();
    pieSeries.set("Serie 1", [{name: "A", value: 10},{name: "B", value: 25},{name: "C", value: 37},{name: "D", value: 42}]);
    pieChartConfig.ChartOptions = PieChartOption.CreatePieChartModel(pieSeries);

CASE 4: Define variables and object to use to display a basic Radar Chart Widget

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let radarChartConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    radarChartConfig.WidgetID = "Dashboard_Radar";
    radarChartConfig.WidgetTitle = "Radar chart"
    radarChartConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    radarChartConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.RADAR_CHART;

    let seriesName: string = "Serie 1";
    let indicators: Map<string, RadarIndicatorData[]> = new Map<string,RadarIndicatorData[]>();
    indicators.set(seriesName, [{ text: "Valore 1", max: 100}, { text: "Valore 2", max: 100}, { text: "Valore 3", max: 100}, { text: "Valore 4", max: 100}, { text: "Valore 5", max: 100}]);

    let seriesData: Map<string, RadarSeriesData[]> = new Map<string,RadarSeriesData[]>();
    seriesData.set(seriesName, [{ name: "Serie 1", value: [10,25,35,40,80] }]);
    radarChartConfig.ChartOptions = RadarChartOption.CreateRadarChartModel([seriesName], indicators, seriesData);


CASE 5: Define variables and object to use to display a basic Gauge Chart Widget

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let gaugeChartConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    gaugeChartConfig.WidgetID = "Dashboard_Gauge";
    gaugeChartConfig.WidgetTitle = "Gauge chart"
    gaugeChartConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    gaugeChartConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.GAUGE_CHART;

    let gaugeSeries: Map<string, GaugeChartData[]> = new Map<string, GaugeChartData[]>();
    gaugeSeries.set("Valore 1", [ { name: "Km/h", value: 50}])
    gaugeChartConfig.ChartOptions = GaugeChartOption.CreateGaugeChartModel(gaugeSeries)


CASE 6: Define the variables and object to use to display Chart Widget by calling a custom endpoint to fetch Chart Data

    @ViewChild('externalTemplate', { static: true }) externalTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

    constructor() {


    ngOnInit() {

    configureWidget() {
      endPointChart: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
      chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

      this.endPointChart.WidgetTitle = "EndPoint Chart";
      this.endPointChart.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.BARS_CHART;
      this.endPointChart.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
      this.endPointChart.WidgetID = 'ID_EndPointChartTest002';
      this.endPointChart.EndPointData = {
        Url: "YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL",
        Token: "TOKEN",
        RequestMethod: RequestMethodEnum.GET,
        Params: {
            PropertyLabel: "Company", 
            PropertyName: "FK_Company", 
            PropertyValue: null, 
            PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.CVL, 
            CvlConfig: EndpointParamCvlConfig.CreateEndpointParamCVLConfig(null, [{ID:1, Label: "Azienda 1"}, {ID:2, Label: "Azienda 2"}], "ID","Label", false, true, true, null, false),
          { PropertyLabel: "Data inizio", PropertyName: "StartDate", PropertyValue: data1, PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.DATE },
          { PropertyLabel: "Data fine", PropertyName: "EndDate", PropertyValue: date2, PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.DATE },
          { PropertyLabel: "Filtro testuale", PropertyName: "Text", PropertyValue: null, PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.TEXT },
          { PropertyLabel: "Filtro numerico", PropertyName: "Number", PropertyValue: null, PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.NUMBER },
          { PropertyLabel: "External", PropertyName: "ExternalInput", PropertyValue: null, PropertyType: EndPointDataParamType.EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE, ExternalTemplateConfig: this.externalTemplate, ParamClass: "col-12" }

      this.chartConfigs = [
    testExternalTemplate(widget: WidgetConfig) {
      //IF YOU NEED TO UPDATE THE WIDGET YOU NEED TO INVOKE runEndPointCall METHOD FROM EqpDashboardComponent (use ViewChild to access it)
  <ng-template #externalTemplate let-widget="widget" let-parameter="parameter">
      <button (click)="testExternalTemplate(widget)">Click me</button>

CASE 7: Define a WidgetConfig to display a component dynamically

    config: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];
    //On your app.component.ts register the selector of the component you want to inject into the dashboard
    //Use this instruction
    ComponentMapperService.register("app-my-component", MyComponent);

    this.config.CustomComponentSelector = "app-my-component";
    this.config.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    this.config.WidgetTitle = 'Test Component 001';
    this.config.WidgetID = 'ID_TestComponent003';

    this.chartConfigs = [

CASE 8: Define a WidgetConfig to display simple statistical data

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let statisticConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    statisticConfig.WidgetTitle = "Statistic Widget";
    statisticConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    statisticConfig.WidgetID = 'StatisticWidget_Dashboard';
    statisticConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.STATISTIC_CHART;
    statisticConfig.StatisticWidget = [
      { Icon: "check_circle", Label: "Completati", Value: 70, MaxValue: 100 }


CASE 9: Define a WidgetConfig to display CUSTOM_CHART

    chartConfigs: WidgetConfig[];

    let customConfig: WidgetConfig = new WidgetConfig();
    customConfig.WidgetTitle = "Custom Widget";
    customConfig.WidgetSizeClass = WidgetSizeEnum.XS;
    customConfig.WidgetID = 'CustomWidget_Dashboard';
    customConfig.WidgetType = WidgetTypeEnum.CUSTOM_CHART;

    //According to the echarts library, it is possible to configure the chart option object with the information of the desired chart.
    //If an endpoint is used, the json ChartOption will be returned by the server.
    customConfig.ChartOptions = {
      xAxis: {
        type: 'category',
        data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
      yAxis: {
          type: 'value'
      series: [{
          data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],
          type: 'line'



This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it




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