TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

Table of contents


  • [x] Angular Material installed and imported
  • [x] Sweetalert2 (v9)

Getting started

This package allows the upload/download of one or multiple attachments (one at a time). The attachments can be files or links (except video files, this feature will be added later). Has the possibility to render a preview for image files inside the eqp-table (an inline preview). Can open a dialog containing a preview of the uploaded IAttachmentDTO (whatever it is - a document, an image or a link).


The directive does not comunicate with the backend of any application to save the attachments, all uploaded files are locally managed.

Step 1: Install eqp-attachments:


npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-attachments

Step 2:

Import the EqpAttachmentsModule:

import { EqpAttachmentsModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-attachments';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpAttachmentsModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Include the following stylesheet from fontawesome in your global scss file:

@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css";



Input Type Default Required Description
[disableAction] boolean false no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true". If TRUE then the eqp-table containing the list of attachments does not show the action column.
[showHeader] boolean true no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true". If TRUE then shows the header of the mat-card.
[headerTitle] string "Elenco allegati" no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true" and [showHeader]="true". It defines the title of the mat-card .
[attachmentsList] Array<IAttachmentDTO> null no Defines the initial array of attachments. If not passed it is instantiated as an empty array. Even in case multipleAttachment is set to FALSE you need to pass the eventual attachment as an Array.
[showMatCard] boolean true no If TRUE applies the box-shadow style of the mat-card
[multipleAttachment] boolean true no Defines how many attachments the directive needs to handle. If TRUE shows an eqp-table containing the values of attachmentsList with the possibility to download/open or delete any row. With any other value it shows only a button to upload one IAttachmentDTO (link or file).
[loadMultipleFiles] boolean false no If it assumes the value TRUE then it will be possible to load multiple files at the same time. This feature is active ONLY if you manage multiple attachments, so if the multipleAttachment input takes on the value TRUE, otherwise it is always disabled.
[attachmentsColumns] Array<ConfigColumn> null no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true". Columns configuration for the eqp-table showing the list of IAttachmentDTO.
[emptyTableMessage] string "Nessun dato trovato" no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true". Sets the message to show if the eqp-table contains no elements.
[allowOnlyImages] boolean false no If TRUE allows the user to upload only image files of the following types: ["image/bmp", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/tiff", "image/png"]. If FALSE the user can upload a file of any type.
[acceptedFileTypes] string * no Sets the accept input attribute describing which file type to allow.
[isDisabled] boolean false no If TRUE it disables the buttons to add a new IAttachmentDTO.
[showInlinePreview] boolean true no Has effect only if [multipleAttachment]="true" and attachmentsColumns are not defined. Adds a column to the eqp-table to show a small preview of the IAttachmentDTO (if it is an image, otherwise an icon based on the content type of the file). With a click on it opens a dialog to view the selected attachment.
[getAttachmentEndpoint] string null no Sets the endpoint to call to get the complete IAttachmentDTO to be displayed inside the preview dialog. Used only for images with the FileDataBase64 property missing (in any other case the FilePath property is used to render the preview). The directive makes a POST request without any token and with the selected IAttachmentDTO in the body.
[productionBaseUrl] string null no Hostname of the production environment. Needed to display in the preview dialog any document using the google viewer (example: "https://eqproject.it" - without any "/" at the end). Combined with the FilePath property sets the access path to the selected file. Make sure the forlder is accessible.
[compressionOptions] IOptions { maxSizeMB: 0.5, maxWidthOrHeight: 1920, useWebWorker: true } no Sets the compression options for the uploaded images.
[downloadTooltipPosition] string "below" no Defines the position of the tooltip used by the eqp-table in the download column. The possible values are the following: "below", "above", "left", "right".
[openLinkLabel] string "Apri link no Sets the open a link button label.
[addButtonLabel] string "Aggiungi" no Sets the add button label.
[downloadLabel] string "Download" no Sets the download button label.
[deleteLabel] string "Elimina" no Sets the delete button label.
[fileNameLabel] string "Nome file" no Sets the file name feld label.
[previewLabel] string "Anteprima" no Sets the preview label.
[uploadFileLabel] string "Carica file" no Sets the upload file button label.
[confirmLabel] string "Conferma" no Sets the confirm button label.
[abortLabel] string "Annulla" no Sets the abort button label.
[saveLabel] string "Salva" no Sets the save button label.
[exitLabel] string "Esci" no Sets the exit button label.
[uploadWithDropboxLabel] string "Carica con Dropbox" no Sets the dropbox button label.";
[cropLabel] string "Scegli le dimensioni dell'immagine" no Sets the crop label.";
[flipHorinzontalLabel] string "Capovolgi orizzontalmente" no Sets the horizontal flip button label.";
[flipVerticalLabel] string "Capovolgi verticalmente" no Sets the vertical flip button label.";
[rotateRightLabel] string "Ruota a destra" no Sets the rotation left button label.";
[rotateLeftLabel] string "Ruota a sinistra" no Sets the rotation right button label.";
[eqpTableSearchText] string "Cerca" no Sets the eqp-table search input placeholder.
[isTableSearcheable] boolean true no It allows you to establish, in the case of multiple attachments management, whether the table is searchable or not (default: true)
[deleteDialogTitle] string "Sei sicuro di voler procedere?" no Sets the confirm dialog title when deleting an IAttachmentDTO.
[deleteDialogMessage] string "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare quest'allegato?" no Sets the confirm dialog message when deleting an IAttachmentDTO.
[noImageSelectedErrorMessage] string "Non è possibile selezionare un file che non sia un'immagine" no Has effect only if [allowOnlyImages]="true". Sets the error dialog message when the user tries to upload a file which is not an image.
[wrongTypeSelectedErrorMessage] string "Non è possibile caricare il file selezionato." no Sets the error dialog message when user tries to upload a not allowed file .
[videoPreviewErrorMessage] string Impossibile aprire l'anteprima di un file video. no Sets the warning dialog merrage when the user tries to open the preview of a video file.
[audioPreviewErrorMessage] string Impossibile aprire l'anteprima di un file audio. no Sets the warning dialog merrage when the user tries to open the preview of an audio file.
[isEqpTableMultiLanguage] boolean false no It allows you to establish whether the eqp-table containing the list of attachments uses multilanguage or not
[tablePaginatorVisible] boolean true no It allows you to establish, in the case of multiple attachments management, whether the table containing the list of attachments must be paged or not (default: true)
[tablePaginatorSize] number null no In case of managing multiple attachments, it allows you to establish the default page size for the table containing the list of attachments (default: null)
[showPreview] boolean true no It allows you to establish if there is the possibility to view the preview (default: true)
[separatedUploadButtons] boolean false no It allows you to establish, if the uploading buttons are separated or included in a menu (default: false)
[singleAttachmentDragAndDrop] boolean false no In the case of single attachment management, it allows you to establish if the drag and drop is included for the upload of the file (default: false)
[cropOptions] Array<CropOptionEnum> [] no Array of options to include during the crop of a file
[allowedTypes] Array<AttachmentType> [ AttachmentType.FILE, AttachmentType.LINK ] no Array to establish what type of attachments can be loaded
[cropDialogClass] string no It allows you to establish the css class of the image cropper (It needs the ::ng-deep pseudo-class)


Output Event Arguments Required Description
(localEditedAttachments) EventEmitter<Array<IAttachmentDTO>> no Invoked when an IAttachmentDTO is created and added to attachmentsList or is deleted. It always return an Array of IAttachmentDTO, even if [multipleAttachment]="true".
(abortAddAttachment) EventEmitter<any> no Event triggered by pressing the EXIT button of the file upload modal.
(downloadAttachment) EventEmitter no Invoked when the user tries to download an IAttachmentDTO with at least one of the following properties not defined: "FileDataBase64", "FileContentType", "FileName". It returns the user selected object.
(onDeleteAttachment) EventEmitter<IAttachmentDTO> no Invoked when an IAttachmentDTO is deleted from attachmentsList. It returns the deleted element.

Model, Interfaces and Enums used

IAttachmentDTO Interface

Property Description Type Examples
ID ID of the record ` number string`
FileName Sets the name of the uploaded file or link string -
FileContentType Contains the content type of the uploaded file string "image/bmp", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", ...
FileExtension Contains the extension of the uploaded file string "pdf", "jpg", "docx",...
FilePath Contains the path where the uploaded file gets physically saved or contains the actual link uploaded by the user string "C:\Users\EQProject\Desktop\" or "https://eqproject.it/".
AttachmentType It is an enum defining the type of the IAttachmentDTO AttachmentType Possible values: FILE = 1, LINK = 2 and DROPBOX = 3.
FileDataBase64 Contains the base64 string of the uploaded file string -
IsImage It is set to TRUE if the uploaded file is an image. boolean -
FileThumbnailBase64 Contains the base64 string of a thumbnail of the uploaded image. When uploading an attachment it is always null. Usefull to display the inline preview of a previously uploaded image if the full image base64 is too havy (specially loading a long list of IAttachmentDTO). string -

IOptions Interface

Property Description Type Examples
maxSizeMB Max size of compressed file expressed in MB. number -
maxWidthOrHeight CompressedFile will scale down by ratio to a point that width or height is smaller than maxWidthOrHeight but, automatically reduce the size to smaller than the maximum Canvas size supported by each browser. number -
useWebWorker Use multi-thread web worker, fallback to run in main-thread. boolean -

Enums description

EnumType Description Notes
AttachmentType Define the type of the IAttachmentDTO FILE = 1: the user uploaded a file; LINK = 2: the user uploaded a link; DROPBOX = 3: the user uploaded a file using Dropbox

Use cases

Use Example in class :


To make this examples work you need to replace the FileDataBase64 property value with a complete base64 string.

Breaking changes from the 2.0.3 version

File upload modal has been removed. So when using ViewChild, use addFile() function instead of openModalAddAttachment().

CASE 1: Single attachment

    [multipleAttachment]="false" [attachmentsList]="[singleAttachment]"
    [isDisabled]="false" [allowedTypes]="[1,2,3]"
    [showPreview]="false" [cropOptions]="[1,2]">
    singleAttachment: IAttachmentDTO = {
        ID: 0,
        IsImage: true,
        AttachmentType: 1,
        FileContentType: "image/png",
        FileName: "logo_eqp.png",
        FileExtension: "png",
    catchAttachmentList(event) {
        // TODO
    viewAttachment(event) {
        // TODO

    onDeleteAttachment(event) {
        // TODO

CASE 2: Multiple attachments

<eqp-attachments [multipleAttachment]="true" [attachmentsList]="attachmentsList"
    [allowOnlyImages]="false" [downloadTooltipPosition]="'below'" (downloadAttachment)="viewAttachment($event)"
    (localEditedAttachments)="catchAttachmentList($event)" [isTableSearcheable]="false"
    [tablePaginatorVisible]="false" [allowedTypes]="[1,2,3]" [cropOptions]="[1,2]">
    attachmentsList: Array<IAttachmentDTO> = [
        ID: 0,
        IsImage: true,
        AttachmentType: 1,
        FileContentType: "image/png",
        FileName: "logo_eqp.png",
        FileExtension: "png",
        ID: 0,
        IsImage: false,
        AttachmentType: 2,
        FileName: "EqProject",
        FilePath: "https://www.eqproject.it/",
    catchAttachmentList(event) {
        // TODO
    viewAttachment(event) {
        // TODO


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it




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