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1.8.0 • Public • Published


A collection of utility classes to help with common tasks.


Using npm:

npm install @electra/utility

Using yarn:

yarn add @electra/utility


Classes are exported as named exports from @electra/utility.

import { Objects } from '@electra/utility';

const src = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const clone = Objects.clone(src);

API Reference

Table of contents:



Create a deep clone of an array, including any nested arrays, objects or class instances.


  • arr: The array to be cloned


  • A deep clone of the array any nested arrays, objects or class instances found in the array will also be deep cloned.


import { Arrays } from '@electra/utility';

const exampleArray = [
  { name: "John", age: 21 },
  { name: "Jane", age: 22 },
  { name: "Jack", age: 23 }

const clone = Arrays.clone(exampleArray);


Get a random item from an array.


  • arr: Array<any>: The array to get a random item from.


  • A random item from the array.


import { Arrays } from '@electra/utility';

const exampleArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
const randomItem = Arrays.randomItem(exampleArray);



Get a random integer between min and max.


  • min: number: The minimum value of the random number.
  • max: number: The maximum value of the random number.


  • A random integer between min and max.


import { Numbers } from '@electra/utility';

const randomNumber = Numbers.random(1, 10);



Create a deep clone of an object, including any nested arrays, objects or class instances.


  • obj: Object: The object to be cloned.


  • A deep clone of the object. Any nested arrays, objects or class instances found in the object will also be deep cloned.


Hydrate an object (destination) with data from another object (source). You can configure whether to hydrate only properties that already exist on the new object, or copy across all properties from the source object, regardless of whether they already exist in the destination object.


  • dest: Object: The object to be hydrated.
  • src: Object: The object to hydrate from.
  • options: An object containing options for the hydration process.
    • mode: HydrateModeEnum: Either dest_properties or source_properties ( default: HydrateModeEnum.DEST_PROPERTIES),
    • mutators: { [property: string]: (value: any) => any }: Map containing mutator functions to modify values as they are hydrated onto the destination object
    • includeNullValues: boolean: Whether to hydrate properties whose value is null/undefined in the source object ( default: true),
    • includeMethods: Whether to hydrate methods from the source object (default: false).


  • The hydrated destination object.


import { Objects, HydrateModeEnum } from '@electra/utility';

const dest = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const src = { b: 3, c: 4 };
const hydrated = Objects.hydrate(
    mode: HydrateModeEnum.SOURCE_PROPERTIES
// hydrated = { a: 1, b: 3, c: 4 }  


Deep merge any number of objects together. The objects are merged in order, so if a property exists in multiple objects, the value from the last object will be used.


  • ...objects: Array<Object>: Any number of objects to merge together.


  • The merged object.


import { Objects } from '@electra/utility';

const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: 3, e: 4, f: 5 } };
const obj2 = { b: 6, c: { d: 7, e: 8 } };

const merged = Objects.merge(obj1, obj2);

// merged = { a: 1, b: 6, c: { d: 7, e: 8, f: 5 } }


Get a value from an object using a key path.


  • keyPath: Array<string>: An array of keys to traverse to get the value.
  • obj: Object: The object to get the value from.
  • defaultValue: any: The value to return if the key path does not exist in the object (default: undefined).


  • The value at the key path in the object, or the default value if the key path does not exist.
import { Objects } from '@electra/utility';

const obj = { a: { b: { foo: 'bar' } } };
const value = Objects.getByKeyPath([ 'a', 'b', 'foo' ], obj);
// value = "bar"


Set a value in an object using a key path.


  • keyPath: Array<string>: An array of keys to traverse to set the value.
  • obj: Object: The object to set the value in.


  • The object with the value set at the key path. The return value doesn't need to be used as the original object is mutated.
import { Objects } from '@electra/utility';

const obj = { a: { b: { foo: 'bar' } } };
const newObj = Objects.setByKeyPath([ 'a', 'b', 'foo' ], 'baz', obj);
// newObj = { a: { b: { foo: 'baz' } } }



Similar to Promise.all, but takes an object of promises instead of an array.


  • promises: { [key: string]: Promise<any> }: An object containing promises.


  • A promise that resolves when all promises in the object have resolved. The resolved value is an object containing the resolved values of each promise.
import { Promises } from '@electra/utility';

const promises = {
  foo: new Promise((resolve) => resolve('bar')), 
  testing: new Promise((resolve) => resolve(123))

const all = Promises.all(promises);

all.then((values) => {
  // values = { foo: 'bar', testing: 123 }



Capitalise the first letter of each word in a string.


  • str: string: The string to convert to initial caps.


  • The string converted to initial caps.
import { Strings } from '@electra/utility';

const str = Strings.initialCaps('hello world');
// str = 'Hello World'


Generate a random string of a given length.


  • length: number: The length of the string to generate.
  • blacklistedStrings: Array<string>: An array of strings to avoid generating.


  • A random string of the given length.
import { Strings } from '@electra/utility';

const str = Strings.random(10);
// str = 'aBcDeFgHiJ'  
const secondStr = Strings.random(10, [ str ]);
// secondStr = 'kLmNoPqRsT' (will never be the same as str)  



Check if a value is a string.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is a string, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isString = Types.isString('test');
// isString = true


Check if a value is a boolean.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is a boolean, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isBoolean = Types.isBoolean(true);
// isBoolean = true


Check if a value is a number.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is a number, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isNumber = Types.isNumber(123);
// isNumber = true


Check if a value is an integer.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is an integer, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isInteger = Types.isInteger(123);
// isInteger = true


Check if a value is an array.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is an array, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isArray = Types.isArray([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
// isArray = true


Check if a value is an object.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is an object, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isObject = Types.isObject({ a: 1, b: 2 });
// isObject = true


Check if a value is a function.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is a function, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isFunction = Types.isFunction(() => {});
// isFunction = true


Check if a value is null.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is null, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isNull = Types.isNull(null);
// isNull = true


Check if a value is undefined.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is undefined, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isUndefined = Types.isUndefined(undefined);
// isUndefined = true


Check if a value is set (has a value other than null or undefined).


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is set, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

const isSet = Types.isSet(123);
// isSet = true


Check if a value is an enum.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is an enum, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

enum ExampleEnum {
  FOO = 'foo',
  BAR = 'bar'

const isEnum = Types.isEnum(ExampleEnum);
// isEnum = true


Check if a value is a value of an enum.


  • value: any: The value to check.
  • enum: any: The enum to check against.
  • optional: boolean: Whether the value can be null or undefined (default: false).


  • boolean: true if the value is a value of an enum, false otherwise.
import { Types } from '@electra/utility';

enum ExampleEnum {
  FOO = 'foo',
  BAR = 'bar'

const isEnumValue = Types.isEnumValue("foo", ExampleEnum.Foo);
// isEnumValue = true



Validate a value against multiple validators. If any of the specified validators fail, the overall validation fails.


  • validators: Array<ValidatorInterface>: An array of validators to validate against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.all([ Validators.string(), Validators.minLength(5) ]);

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("test");

// value = "test"
// valid = false
// message = "Value must be at least 5 in length - string of length 4 provided"


Validate a value against multiple validators. If any of the specified validators pass, the overall validation passes.


  • validators: Array<ValidatorInterface>: An array of validators to validate against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.any([ Validators.string(), Validators.boolean() ]);

const { value: stringValue, valid: isStringValid } = validator.validate("test");

// stringValue = "test"
// isStringValid = true

const { value: boolValue, valid: isBoolValid } = validator.validate(false);

// boolValue = false
// isBoolValid = true


Validate that a value is an array.


The Validators.array method has two overload signatures:

One optional options parameter:

  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)

Or a required itemValidator parameter, with an optional options parameter:

  • itemValidator: ValidatorInterface: A validator to validate each item in the array against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: As above.


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.array();

const { value: arrayValue, valid: isArrayValid } = validator.validate([ 1, 2, 3 ]);

// arrayValue = [1, 2, 3]

const { value: stringValue, valid: isStringValid, message } = validator.validate("test");

// stringValue = "test"
// isStringValid = false
// message = "Value must be an array - string provided"


Validate that a value is a boolean.


  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.boolean();

const { value: boolValue, valid: isBoolValid } = validator.validate(false);

// boolValue = false
// isBoolValid = true

const { value: stringValue, valid: isStringValid, message } = validator.validate("test");

// stringValue = "test"
// isStringValid = false
// message = "Value must be a boolean - string provided"


Validate that a value is a valid enum value from a specified enum.


  • enumClass: { [key: string]: string | number }: The enum class to check the value against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

enum ExampleEnum {
  FOO = 'foo',
  BAR = 'bar'

const validator = Validators.enumValue(ExampleEnum);

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("foo");

// value = "foo"
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is an integer.


  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.integer();

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate(123);

// value = 123
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is a string or array with a maximum length.


  • maxLength: number: The maximum length of the string or array.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.maxLength(5);

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("test");

// value = "test"
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is a string or array with a minimum length.


  • minLength: number: The minimum length of the string or array.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.minLength(5);

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("testing");

// value = "testing"
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is a number.


  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.number();

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate(123);

// value = 123
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is an object.


The Validators.object method has two overload signatures:

One optional options parameter:

  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)

Or a required itemValidator parameter, with an optional options parameter:

  • itemValidator: ValidatorInterface: A validator to validate each item in the object against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: As above.


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.object();

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate({ a: 1, b: 2 });

// value = { a: 1, b: 2 }
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value matches a regex pattern.


  • pattern: RegExp: The regex pattern to match against.
  • expectedFormat: string: The expected format of the value (used in the validation message).
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.regex(

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("2019-01-31");

// value = "2019-01-31"
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value matches a specified schema.


  • schema: Schema: The schema to validate against.
  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators, Schema } from '@electra/utility';

const schema = new Schema({
  name: Validators.string(),
  age: Validators.number()

const validator = Validators.schema(schema);

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate({ name: "John", age: 21 });

// value = { name: "John", age: 21 }
// valid = true
// message = null


Validate that a value is a string.


  • options?: ValidatorOptions: An object containing options for the validation process.
    • optional?: boolean: If set to true, null and undefined values will pass validation (default: false)
    • throwErrors?: boolean: If set to true, a TypeError will be thrown instead of returning the validation message in the result object (default: false)


An instance of ValidatorInterface

When calling the validate method on the returned instance, the following object is returned:

  • An object containing the result of the validation.
    • value: any: The value that was validated.
    • valid: boolean: Whether the value passed validation.
    • message?: string: The validation message. (null if valid is true)
import { Validators } from '@electra/utility';

const validator = Validators.string();

const { value, valid, message } = validator.validate("test");

// value = "test"
// valid = true
// message = null






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