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0.1.0 • Public • Published


Driift's video player supporting HTML5 video and modern streaming formats, built for use in React. Written in TypeScript, leveraging Video.js, and published via NPM.



Use your package manager of choice to install the npm package:

npm install @driift/player-react --save
pnpm add @driift/player-react

In practice

In your React application...

import React from 'react'
import { Player } from '@driift/player-react'

function App() {
  // Event handlers

  return (

Component Props

All parameters are optional except src or sources, one of which is required. Video.js determines the default value of most props, although several props are tailored to the Driift experience. Namely:

Prop Name Driift Default
autoplay true
controls true
className 'vjs-big-play-centered'
crossorigin 'anonymous'
fluid true
playsInline true

In the table below, "responsive" indicates that Video.js will automatically respond to any updates passed into the given prop, e.g. a change in volume will cause the player to change the volume.

Prop Name Video.js API Doc & Description Type Responsive
id options.id String
src (required or sources) options.src String
sources options.sources Array
width options.width Number
height options.height Number
preload options.preload String
loop options.loop Boolean
muted options.muted Boolean
poster options.poster String
controls options.controls Boolean
autoplay options.autoplay Boolean | String
playsinline options.playsinline Boolean
crossorigin options.crossOrigin String
volume A number, between 0 and 1, control the volume of the player. Number
playbackRate Control the playback rate of the player. Number
playbackRates options.playbackRates Array<Number>
fluid options.fluid Boolean
fill options.fill Boolean
language options.language String
languages options.languages Object
tracks options.tracks Array
textTrackSettings options.textTrackSettings Object
responsive options.responsive Boolean
breakpoints options.breakpoints Object
fullscreen options.fullscreen FullscreenOptions
aspectRatio options.aspectRatio Boolean
liveui options.liveui Boolean
liveTracker options.liveTracker Object
disablePictureInPicture options.disablePictureInPicture Boolean
notSupportedMessage options.notSupportedMessage String
normalizeAutoplay options.normalizeAutoplay Boolean
audioPosterMode options.audioPosterMode Boolean
audioOnlyMode options.audioOnlyMode Boolean
noUITitleAttributes options.noUITitleAttributes Boolean
preferFullWindow options.preferFullWindow Boolean
suppressNotSupportedError options.suppressNotSupportedError Boolean
techCanOverridePoster options.techCanOverridePoster Boolean
techOrder options.techOrder Array
inactivityTimeout options.inactivityTimeout Number
userActions options.userActions Object
restoreEl options.restoreEl Boolean | Element
vtt.js options['vtt.js'] String
videoJsChildren options.children Array | Object
html5 options.html5 Object
plugins options.plugins Object
options A fallback scheme, if you need to use options that don't exist in props, pass them to options. VideoJsPlayerOptions

Component Events

Events emitted by Video.js; every event's argument type is always EventTarget.

Video.js Event 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 Component event
event.loadstart - onLoadStart
event.suspend - onSuspend
event.abort - onAbort
event.error - onError
event.emptied - onEmptied
event.stalled - onStalled
event.loadedmetadata - onLoadedMetadata
event.loadeddata - onLoadedData
event.canplay - onCanPlay
event.canplaythrough - onCanPlayThrough
event.playing - onPlaying
event.waiting - onWaiting
event.seeking - onSeeking
event.seeked - onSeeked
event.ended - onEnded
event.durationchange - onDurationChange
event.timeupdate - onTimeUpdate
event.progress - onProgress
event.play - onPlay
event.pause - onPause
event.ratechange - onRateChange
event.resize - onResize
event.volumechange - onVolumeChange
event.posterchange - onPosterChange
event.languagechange - onLanguageChange
event.fullscreenchange - onFullscreenChange
event.playbackrateschange - onPlaybackRatesChange
event.controlsdisabled - onControlsDisabled
event.controlsenabled - onControlsEnabled
event.enterFullWindow - onEnterFullWindow
event.exitFullWindow - onExitFullWindow
event.enterpictureinpicture - onEnterPictureInPicture
event.leavepictureinpicture - onLeavePictureInPicture
event.sourceset - onSourceSet
event.texttrackchange - onTextTrackChange
event.textdata - onTextData
event.useractive - onUserActive
event.userinactive - onUserInactive
event.usingcustomcontrols - onUsingCustomControls
event.usingnativecontrols - onUsingNativeControls
event.dispose - onDispose
event.beforepluginsetup - onBeforePluginSetup
event.pluginsetup - onPluginSetup
event.componentresize - onComponentResize
event.playerresize - onPlayerResize
event.tap - onTap
event.ready - onReady

Events emitted by the @driift/player-react component:

Component Event Description React
mounted Fires when player component mounted.
({ video: HTMLVideoElement, player: VideoJsPlayer, state: VideoPlayerState })
unmounted Fires when player component unmounted. onUnmounted
stateChange Fires when player state changed. (state: VideoPlayerState) onStateChange

Player State

The component maintains a fully responsive state object reflecting the internally state of the Video.js player. This allows you to consume the player state out-of-the-box, outside the player. You can get this object via the mounted or stateChange event.

Key Description Value type
src The URL of the currently playing video. String
currentSrc ditto String
currentSource The currently playing video source object. videojs.Tech.SourceObject
width Player's width. Number
height Player's height. Number
currentWidth ditto Number
currentHeight ditto Number
videoWidth Video element's width. Number
videoHeight Video element's height. Number
controls Whether player controls are enabled or not. Boolean
volume Player's volume. Number
muted Is the player muted. Boolean
poster Player poster image URL. String
playing Is it playing now. Boolean
waiting Is it waiting now. Boolean
seeking A seek operation began. Boolean
paused Playback has been paused. Boolean
ended Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached. Boolean
currentTime - Number
duration - Number
playbackRate - Number
playbackRates - Array<Number>
isFullscreen - Boolean
isInPictureInPicture Whether it is picture-in-picture mode. Boolean
isLive Is the currently playing live video. Boolean
language Video.js current language. String
userActive - Boolean
readyState - videojs.ReadyState
networkState - videojs.NetworkState
error A Custom MediaError of Video.js. MediaError | Null
buffered An object that contains ranges of time. videojs.TimeRange
bufferedPercent - Number
played - TimeRanges
seekable - TimeRanges
textTracks - videojs.TextTrackList
audioTracks - videojs.AudioTrackList
videoTracks - videojs.VidioTrackList

Questions & troubleshooting

For how-to questions or problems that may involve making changes to the code base, please use GitHub issues or reach out to the Driift engineering team directly.


Coming soon...


Soon I say!


Like...sometime in 2023.


It's happening, really!


Automatic via semantic-release...also coming soon.




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