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Dive Analytics React Native Typescript SDK 1.5

Our SDK is written entirely in typescript with no native code requirements. It has some dependencies that you need to install in your project. The easiest way to get started is by cloning this repository and then link the folder with npm install or yarn add.


DiveSDK depends on some features of react-native to work. The minimum version required is 0.60.0. DiveSDK is a typescript lib. Works on any project that support typescript 3.8.3.

Quick Start

  1. Use the package manager npm to install the Dive Analytics Typescript SDK and the dependencies.

    npm install --save @divegames/dive-ts-mobile-sdk
    npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-device-info @sparkfabrik/react-native-idfa-aaid

    Be aware that async-storage, @sparkfabrik/react-native-idfa-aaid and react-native-device-info may have their own intallation process.

    npx pod-install
  2. Import the DiveSDK

    import {DiveSDK} from 'dive-sdk';
  3. Call DiveSDK.Init(DiveConfig) with the provided configuration.

Init the SDK

The method DiveSDK.Init(DiveConfig) initializes the SDK and sends the sdkStarted event.

  • Call this method as early as possible and only once
  • Create a new DiveConfig and fill the following parameters


The Dive Team will provide all configuration elements:

  • AppToken - This is is the key that was generated for your game (UUID)
  • HashKey - Secret key used to hash the body of the events for consistency check with the server
  • AnalyticsURL - This is the custom URL of your event server. This can also be updated remotely via Remote Config
  • Environment - To properly test the events, use the DEV environment. If you are uploading the build to the stores use PROD environment.
  • HasIdentityConsent​ - This defines how we track the player. If it is set to false all data is anonymous. Default Value: True.
  • ShowLogs​ - This enables or disables the debug logs. Warnings and errors are always shown. Default Value: True.
  • GameVersion - Config Game Version is required in the init
  • ApiURL - This is the custom URL for the API server, for now it is used for Remote Config (developer server). This can also be updated remotely via Remote Settings.

Init example

import {DiveSDK} from "dive-sdk";

  AppToken: "119bbf52-2248-416b-921d-16178847d121",
  HashKey: "EBmKgrWfrdfkerTt4mPs6Fxgs3Nv4kSQgjhgrUuRDcdUEr24wj",
  AnalyticsURL: "https://public.dive.games/fallback-events",
  ApiURL: "https://apitest.dive.games",
  Environment: "DEV",
  HasIdentityConsent​: true,
  ShowLogs​: true,
  GameVersion: "1.0"

Restarting a session Manually

If you need to restart or renew an active player session, call DiveSDK.Init(DiveConfig); again.

  • This cleans all the data from the previous session including, Custom Player Config , Started Checkpoints and other session data.
  • You need to perform the same Init sequence again (see Example Sequence above )
  • The SDK automatically adds a c_session_restarted_from global header with the previous c_session_id

Custom Player Config

Depending on your game, there are some configurations that MUST be set before launching the DiveSDK.Launch();

  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetPlayerId(playerID:string); - This sets the ID you use to track the player.
  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetServerSessionId(sessionID:string); - If your game has a custom server session id.
  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetPlayerLevel(currentLevel:number); - This has to be setup on every startup and when the player levels up.
  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetPlayerXp(currentXp:number); - This has to be setup on every startup and when the player gains xp.
  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetDiveCid(cid:string); - This sets the Dive campaign id. This will override the one detected in deep link.

Note: DiveSDK class accepts method chaining. So, it’s possible to write all the configuration in a single line, as shown below:

import {DiveSDK} from "dive-sdk";

//1. Init the SDK using DiveConfig

//2. Set the Custom Player Config

//3. Trigger the launch with or without parameters


Launch the SDK

The method DiveSDK.getInstance().Launch(); sends the appLaunched event.

  • Call it as soon as you have all the information required.
  • This method automatically adds device information parameters to the event body .
  • Only call this event once in the player session.
  • The Dive Team might request some custom parameters to be passed to the Launch event.

Example without custom parameters:


Example with custom parameters:

    new EventBody()
      .AddParam("c_id", 1903839193)
      .AddParam("is_refreshed", false)
      .AddParam("extra_raw_params", "json string")

Record Events

You can easily record custom events by using DiveSDK.getInstance().RecordEvent method and the EventBody class.

  1. Set the name of the event as string .
  2. Create a new EventBody() class.
  3. Call AddParam(string,object) to add custom event parameters to the event.

For example:

	.RecordEvent("userLoggedIn", new EventBody() 
		.AddParam("login_type", "guest")
		.AddParam("coins", 2000)
		.AddParam("gems", 120)

Important: The EventBody class support adding any object type. Avoid sending entire data class objects with nested elements, consider using a JSON string and check with the Dive Team for special cases.

Set the Logger with ShowLogs​ in the DiveSDK to debug the current data being sent to the server. Your data will appear in the "body":{ } the other elements are automatically added by the sdk.

Raw JSON sent:

  "name": "userLoggedIn",
  "level_before": 3,
  "xp_before": 94000,
  "player_id": "34223465454",
  "s_session_id": "b98d5fbe-80b0-417d-837c-11a23ab4ad32",
  "game_ver": "1.0",
  "app_token": "cc326318-7783-404f-83e5-7220bb34b960",
  "platform": "web",
  "env": "DEV",
  "device_id": "c51348fb-8002-48ab-933e-9a20c1ef6e7f",
  "c_session_id": "b26b2fac-4920-45cf-b1de-edf74564cb37",
  "uuid": "2ad8c235-6541-41c2-b6cc-fbdb6a3896b6",
  "timezone": "-0300",
  "ts": "2020-07-27T16:54:06Z",
  "timestamp_utc": "2020-07-27T19:54:06Z",
  "unixts": 1595879646,
  "sdk_ver": "TS Dive SDK 1.5.0",
  "body": {
    "login_type": "guest",
    "coins": 2000,
    "gems": 120

ScreenViewed Event:

To properly track the user screen flow, call the DiveSDK.getInstance().ScreenViewed method as soon as you display the Screen to the player. (example: lobby, menu, store, etc.)

  • Call the method every time you show the screen.
  • Set the screen name as string parameter.
  • The Dive Team will provide a list of relevant screens to track.

The SDK will automatically remember the last screen viewed and send the correct screenViewed event

Error Event:

To create a errorCreated event call the DiveSDK.getInstance().RecordError method. This is commonly used when you have unexpected situations in your game. (example: The store receipt validation failed, your user logged out or similar)

  • Every error reported must have a error code as string
  • To put the error in context add a description as string
DiveSDK.getInstance().RecordError("401", "Failed to validate Store Receipt. Invalid Token.");

Checkpoints Time Tracking:

Checkpoints are used to measure periods of time in your game (example: asset loading, server calls, boot sequence or similar).

  • To START a checkpoint call DiveSDK.getInstance().StartCheckpoint(string) and pass the checkpoint name as string.
  • To END a checkpoint call DiveSDK.getInstance().EndCheckpoint(string) and pass the original checkpoint name as string.
  • Checkpoints names are unique, this means you have to end a checkpoint before starting a new one with the same name.
  • If needed, you can use these methods to track code execution time (example, how long takes to render a frame in milliseconds)
  • If you are measuring async methods or server calls, EndCheckpoint must be triggered from the methods callbacks.
  • Checkpoints count only the time the app is in focus by default, if you want to measure real time set pauseOnBackgrounded to false when starting the checkpoint. DiveSDK.getInstance().StartCheckpoint(string, false).

The SDK automatically measures the time in milliseconds between both calls and sends the checkpointStarted and checkpointEnded events.


//1. Start a new checkpoint

//2. Call your code methods

//3. When your task is finished, call the EndCheckpoint with the same starting name

Custom Event Headers:

This is a special method used for rare tracking conditions. Use only if requested by the Dive Team.

  • DiveSDK.getInstance().SetCustomHeaderParam(headerName:string, headerValue:object);

Like the Custom Player Config, this must be set before launch event and the header will persist for all events in this session.

//1. Set the Custom Header & other Custom Player Config
	.SetCustomHeaderParam("custom_tracking_campaing", "fb323451");

//2. Launch the sdk

Remote Config

This service allows the client to fetch game configuration values from the API server.

Quick Start

  1. Set up the ApiURL in DiveConfig and Init() the sdk
  2. Call GetRemoteConfig(playerId, onSuccess: (response) => void, onFail: (error) => void);
  3. Wait for the onSuccess callback response
  4. Read the GetRemoteConfigResponse and access the contents

IMPORTANT : If you don't use a Custom Player ID use DiveSDK.getInstance().GetDiveDeviceId() as playerId parameter

RemoteConfigResponse (onSuccess)

  1. Contains a object<string,string> called remoteConfig with all the keys and values present on the server.
  2. Contains a configVersion string
  3. Contains the metadataExperiment array with information about the active experiments on the player

Accessing the Key-Value Dictionary

You can access remote config values with GetValueOrDefault(key: string, defaultValue: any)

DiveSDK.getInstance().GetRemoteConfig(playerId: your_player_id_here, onSuccess: response => 
    console.log(`Get Remote Config Sucess.`);
    const wheelsValue = response.remoteConfig.GetValueOrDefault("wheels", 5);
    const storePriceValue = response.remoteConfig.GetValueOrDefault("store_price", 99.99);
    const popupEnabledValue = rresponse.remoteConfig.GetValueOrDefault("is_popup_enabled", true);
    const textValue = response.remoteConfig.GetValueOrDefault("menu_text", "Main Menu");
    const offerEndTIme = response.remoteConfig.GetValueOrDefault("offer_end_time", Date.now());
    console.log($` > wheelsValue: ${wheelsValue}`);
    console.log($` > storePriceValue: ${storePriceValue}`);
    console.log($` > popupEnabledValue: ${popupEnabledValue}`);
    console.log($` > menu_text: ${textValue}`);
    console.log($` > offer_end_time: ${offerEndTIme}`);
 }, onFail: error => 
    console.log(`Get Remote Config Failed. Error: ${error}`);

How Server fetch works

  • SDK attempts a maximum of 3 quick retries before returning onFail
  • SDK only fetch the results once every session (if the remote config was downloaded correctly)
  • SDK will always keep a local cache of the latest successful response from the server in case the player is offline or the server is down.
  • A/B Testing, Experiments and Segments are automatically handled by the server.


Forget Player

By using the method DiveSDK.getInstance().SetOptOut(true); you can notify Dive when a user has exercised their right to be forgotten.

This will instruct the Dive SDK to communicate the user's choice to be completely forgotten from any type of tracking on the client and/or server.

No requests from this device will be sent to the server in the future.

To resume tracking use DiveSDK.getInstance().SetOptOut(false);

This will start tracking again in the next DiveSDK.getInstance().Init(DiveConfig)




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