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Npm Crypt Services Package

Variantis offers a single point of encryption and decrpytion in one complete service. This provides that one single certificate of control exists for all services. Normally each service would have its own encryption implementation. It is unknown if the developer has even implmented strong encryption or used encryption properly. By making encryption and web token generation into a single service, we can ensure taht all functions across the entire organization are of one single standard.

In the case where encryption certificates are used, it would be too difficult to secure all certificates, reissue new ones, know which ones were compromised and so forth. This also creates a state where there is only one command certificate, one point of security where we can focus all efforts upon and one failure point instead of many.


  • Encryption / Decrpytion
  • Safe Password hashing using Bcrypt
  • Json Web Tokens
  • Certificate Signing for authenticity


encrypt( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: Encrypt any string using AES and return the encrypted hash. This has can be decrypted

payload: (String, required) payload headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let encrypted_text = await CRYPT.encrypt('Some unsecured plain text')

Returns: promise


decrypt( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

payload: (String, required) payload headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let plain_text = await CRYPT.decrypt('U2FsdGVkX1/WQuCe3434OrqI8snp9MJ5zSg0ySPKIg6is78+mM64LxKE63+Uzg2D')

Returns: promise

'Some unsecured plain text'

hash( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: returns an SHA384 hash of any text.

payload: (String, required) payload headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let SHA384Hash = await CRYPT.hash('plain text to hash')

Returns: promise


shash( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: Same as above except this returns a signed Hash to ensure the hash is not tampered with.

payload: (String, required) payload headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let SHA384Hash_signed = await CRYPT.shash('plain text to hash and sign')

Returns: promise


bcrypt( plaintext, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: Most commonly used for password hashing. This hash method will make any password safe to store in any database.

plaintext: (String, required) payload headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let encrypted_hash = await CRYPT.bcrypt('secretPassword24**')

Returns: promise


compare( plaintext, hash, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: Given any plain text (such as a password) check that text against it's hash to see if it is correct.

plaintext: (String, required) payload hash: (String, required) hashed target to compare this plaitext to headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let match = await CRYPT.compare("secretPassword24**", "$2b$12$lSF0hCFhnd0DA9twl0mSc.yVtF1DizU2ILjlISuij2xGtWAMS3H5y")

Returns: promise

true / false

generate( payload, ttl, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: Generate a JSON Web Token signed by our security certificates. These tokens can expire. They can not be tampered with and can contain any payload you like. Normal uses include User objects, role, scopes and more. Storing this as a cookie or localstorage is totally safe.

payload: (required) payload is the text/object/data you wish to be included in the JSON Web Token ttl: (required) string/integer representing the number of days until this JWT expires headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let jwt = await CRYPT.generate({"first_name": "John","last_name": "Doe"}, 5)

Returns: promise

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InBheWxvYWQiOnsiZmlyc3RfbmFtZSI6IkpvaG4iLCJsYXN0X25hbWUiOiJEb2UifSwidHRsIjoiNSIsInRva2VuX2lkIjoiNXB2Mm4xbWNuZGtvN2E1ankzIn0sImlhdCI6MTYxOTk2NjM3NiwiZXhwIjoxNjIwMzk4Mzc2LCJhdWQiOiJJcm9uVG9rZW4iLCJpc3MiOiJJcm9uVG9rZW4gQERldk9wcyJ9.uhNAqQbOHb4rVMkWY-QTerjZCoceRl_L6T-ra4rbcB0auMr2odOUdxhqEBdgzJN1biFbk7yk6JXJRfOoVnusGw",
    "created_at": "Sonntag, 2. Mai 2021",
    "expires_at": "Freitag, 7. Mai 2021",
    "issuedBy": "IronToken @DevOps"

validate( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: This will check that a token signature is correct, the token is not expired and will return the decoded payload of that token.

payload: (String, required) the JWT token you wish to check headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let data = await CRYPT.validate("eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InBheWxvYWQiOnsiZmlyc3RfbmFtZSI6IkpvaG4iLCJsYXN0X25hbWUiOiJEb2UifSwidHRsIjoiNSIsInRva2VuX2lkIjoiNXB2Mm4xbWNuZGtvN2E1ankzIn0sImlhdCI6MTYxOTk2NjM3NiwiZXhwIjoxNjIwMzk4Mzc2LCJhdWQiOiJJcm9uVG9rZW4iLCJpc3MiOiJJcm9uVG9rZW4gQERldk9wcyJ9.uhNAqQbOHb4rVMkWY-QTerjZCoceRl_L6T-ra4rbcB0auMr2odOUdxhqEBdgzJN1biFbk7yk6JXJRfOoVnusGw")

Returns: promise

    "decoded": {
        "data": {
            "payload": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe"
            "ttl": "5",
            "token_id": "5pv2n1mcndko7a5jy3"
        "iat": 1619966376,
        "exp": 1620398376,
        "aud": "IronToken",
        "iss": "IronToken @DevOps"
    "created_at": "Sonntag, 2. Mai 2021",
    "expires_at": "Freitag, 7. Mai 2021"

sign( payload, headers, server_baseurl )

Description: SIgn any payload with our security certificate to prove it is a trusted resource. This returned apyload is a JSON Web TOken which can be decoded later, using the validation method above. Technicall the same as the generate function.

payload: (String, required) any text you wish to sign with this security certificate and be returned as a JWT headers: (object, optional) optional axios headers server_baseurl: (String, optional) Alternate server

let data = await CRYPT.sign("John Doe was here")

Returns: promise


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