
6.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for NPR One API Reference

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/npr
let npr = require('@datafire/npr').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {


NPR One is a smart application that brings the best of NPR and Member Station programming, newscasts, podcasts, and stories together to create a new experience for listening. It provides an editor-curated and localized mobile listening experience based on the content the listener chooses, likes, shares, and enjoys. The API provides all of the content and customization in a simple, structured way that is easy for application developers to implement.



Exchange the code passed to your redirect URI for an access_token

  "code": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • code required string


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


Exchange a refresh_token for an access_token

npr.oauthRefresh(null, context)


This action has no parameters


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


If the parameters passed to this endpoint are correct, it will redirect to npr.org/oauth2/login for the user to complete the sign-in.

Currently acceptable values for scope are any combination of the following:

  • identity.readonly - for read-only access to the Identity Service
  • identity.write - for write access to the Identity Service
  • listening.readonly - for read-only access to the Listening Service
  • listening.write - for write access to the Listening Service
  • localactivation - for all access to the Local Activation Service

It is generally suggested that you assume that you will need all of the current scopes in order to successfully implement an NPR One application.

If the parameters passed in are NOT correct and the client passed in a valid redirect_uri parameter, the request will be redirected to {{YOUR_REDIRECT_URI}}?error={{ERROR_TYPE}}&message={{ERROR_DESCRIPTION}}. If the parameters passed are NOT correct and the client did not pass in a valid redirect_uri parameter, this endpoint will return the errors encoded as JSON objects (along with the corresponding HTTP status code -- usually 400). The latter is intended for development and debugging purposes -- in a real-world situation, errors returned as JSON objects are irretrievable by the client application, and thus passing in a valid redirect_uri is critical even for the purpose of capturing errors.

If the user successfully logs in and authorizes the application, the request will be redirected to {{YOUR_REDIRECT_URI}}?code={{AUTHORIZATION_CODE}}&state={{CSRF_TOKEN}}

If the user DENIES the application, they will be redirected to {{YOUR_REDIRECT_URI}}?error=denied&message=The%20user%20has%20denied%20the%20login%20and%20access%20request&state={{CSRF_TOKEN}}. This means that if your application flow requires a user to log in in order to proceed, it is up to you to give them the proper messaging explaining that the sign-in must be authorized in order to continue.

Finally, please do not confuse an authorization code with an access token. Once your app has completed this flow, you will still need to call POST /authorization/v2/token in order to swap the code for a valid access token.

  "client_id": "",
  "redirect_uri": "",
  "response_type": "",
  "scope": "",
  "state": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • client_id required string: The client's ID
    • redirect_uri required string: The client's URL to redirect to if the authentication is approved
    • response_type required string (values: code): The type of response; currently, only code is supported
    • scope required string: A space-separated list of scope(s) requested by the application
    • state required string: A CSRF token generated by the client, to be roundtripped through the request for added security


Output schema unknown


This flow should only be used by clients who cannot show a native webview or do not have advanced input controls. It is an alternative to GET /authorization/v2/authorize.

Third-party clients will need to use one or the other of these two endpoints, but they will generally not use both.

  "client_id": "",
  "client_secret": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • client_id required string: The client's ID
    • client_secret required string: The client's secret key
    • scope string: A space-separated list of scope(s) requested by the application. Required for all untrusted clients; will be ignored for trusted clients.



Please be aware that the required parameters are contingent on the grant_type that you select.

For the authorization_code grant type, you are required to pass in the code and redirect_uri parameters. service, username and password parameters will be ignored.

For the client_credentials grant type, you do not need to pass in any additional parameters beyond the basic requirements. code, redirect_uri, service, username and password parameters will be ignored.

For the device_code grant type, you are required to pass in the code parameter. If you are a third-party developer, you are also required to provide the scope parameter; see the documentation for GET /authorization/v2/authorize for possible values. redirect_uri, service, username and password parameters will be ignored.

For the password grant type, you are required to pass in the username and password parameters. The code and redirect_uri parameters are ignored. Third-party developers do not have access to this grant type.

For the refresh_token grant type, you are required to pass in the refresh_token parameter. The scope parameter can optionally be used to request a different set of scopes than were used in the original request, but it cannot contain any scopes that were not previously requested. If not specified, then scope will be set to whichever scopes were used for the original access token request. If trading in an old non-expiring access token for a refresh-enabled token, set the value of refresh_token to the access token value and token_type_hint must be set to access_token. code, redirect_uri, service, username and password parameters will be ignored.

The temporary_user and anonymous_user grant types are custom grant types created by NPR to suit our needs for functionality such as our "try-before-you-buy" experience. If you are a third-party developer, you will not have access to these grant types unless we have explicitly given you permission within our system. For these grant types, if you are a third-party developer, you are required to provide the scope parameter; see the documentation for GET /authorization/v2/authorize for possible values. code, redirect_uri, service, username and password parameters will be ignored.

The third_party grant type is another custom grant type created by NPR to handle login via third-party providers such as Facebook and Google. If you are a third-party developer, you will not have access to this grant types unless we have explicitly given you permission within our system. For this grant type, you are required to pass in the service and token parameters. If you are a third-party developer, you are also required to provide the scope parameter; see the documentation for GET /authorization/v2/authorize for possible values. The code and redirect_uri parameters are ignored.

If you are unsure of which grant type to select, assume that authorization_code is the one you want.

Note that at this time, refresh tokens are an opt-in feature; however, in the future, they will gradually transition to being opt-out, and ultimately required for all clients. Our general guidance at this time is that if this endpoint starts returning refresh tokens for you, you are responsible for implementing the code to handle them appropriately in accordance with the OAuth 2.0 spec. For more information about our gradual rollout of this feature, please contact the NPR One API team.

  "grant_type": "",
  "client_id": "",
  "client_secret": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • grant_type required string (values: authorization_code, client_credentials, device_code, password, refresh_token, temporary_user, anonymous_user, third_party): The type of grant the client is requesting
    • client_id required string: The client's ID, required for all grant types.
    • client_secret required string: The client's secret, required for all grant types.
    • code string: Required for authorization_code and device_code grant types. The authorization code from a successful call to /authorization/v2/authorize, or a device code from a successful call to /authorization/v2/device.
    • redirect_uri string: Required for authorization_code grant type. The requested redirect_uri.
    • username string: Required for password grant type. The email address of an NPR user.
    • password string: Required for password grant type. The password that matches the user specified with the username parameter.
    • service string (values: facebook, google, microsoft, janrain, comcast): Required for third_party grant type. The name of the third-party login provider.
    • refresh_token string: Required for refresh_token grant type. A valid refresh token from a previous successful call to POST /authorization/v2/token.
    • scope string: Required for third-party developers using the device_code, temporary_user, and third_party grant types. Optionally used by the refresh_token grant type. A space-separated list of scope(s) requested by the application.
    • token_type_hint string (values: access_token, refresh_token): A hint about the type of the token submitted for a new access and refresh token. If unspecified, the default value is assumed to be refresh_token.



Our implementation follows the proposed IETF specification RFC-7009.

If your client application offers the ability to for a logged-in user to log out, and you have access to a long-lived client_credentials token (i.e. you have generated one that you are storing securely for the lifetime of the entire app install), we suggest (but do not require) that you call this endpoint and revoke the access token belonging to the logged-in user as part of your logout process. If you do not already have a long-lived client_credentials token, please don't generate one just for the purposes of calling this endpoint.

If you are building a prototype application, we also recommend that you use this endpoint to clean up access tokens that you generate during the testing of your app and do not intend to reuse.

Note that revoking an access token will automatically revoke any refresh tokens associated with it, and vice-versa.

  "Authorization": "",
  "token": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: A client_credentials access token from the same client application as the token being revoked. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • token required string: The access token or refresh token that the client wants to have revoked.
    • token_type_hint string (values: access_token, refresh_token): A hint about the type of the token submitted for revocation. If unspecified, the default value is assumed to be access_token.


  • output object: An empty JSON object


After a successful call, this returns a User document with an updated list of affiliations.

  "Authorization": "",
  "body": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • body required Affiliation



Right now, only the primary station can be changed. Previously selected stations will not be deleted, but the new station will be moved to first in the array.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • body array
      • items integer



After a successful login, the client should send a GET call approximately once an hour to refresh the user data.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



This can and should only be used by clients who have access to the temporary_user grant type. Third-party developers do not have access to this grant type by default, and will not need this endpoint.

  "Authorization": "",
  "temp_user": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • temp_user required integer: The temporary user's ID before the user registered or logged in



This endpoint provides a list of recent audio items associated with the aggregation along with metadata about the aggregation.

  "aggId": 0,
  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • aggId required integer: ID of an aggregation such as a program or podcast
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • startNum integer: The result to start with. Allows paging through the episodes of a podcast or program, with the default, startNum=0, being the most recent episode



These channels allow the user to specify a focus for the content returned in the recommendations endpoint.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • exploreOnly boolean: If set to true, this call will return only channels that should be shown in the client's Explore view



This endpoint provides the list of recently-rated audio recommendations that the logged-in user has consumed. Some rated recommendations are filtered, such as sponsorship and donation.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



This endpoint provides a list of recommendations from a category of content from an organization.

  "orgId": 0,
  "category": "",
  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • orgId required integer: ID of an organization, such as an NPR One station
    • category required string (values: newscast, story, podcast): One of the three categories of content - newscast, story, or podcast
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



This endpoint provides a variety of details about an organization including various lists of recent audio items.

  "orgId": 0,
  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • orgId required integer: ID of an organization, such as an NPR One station
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



Gets the most recently played promo for which the user has neither tapped through the promo or listened to the target story.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



This endpoint is the main mechanism for providing feedback from the user to NPR about the recommendations that are obtained from GET /listening/v2/recommendations.

A fully-populated link to this endpoint is returned with each individual recommendation and is located in the AudioItemDocument under the links['recommendations'] object. The query parameters in this link should not be modified. Be sure to copy and send back the entire ratings object (RatingData), as new fields may be added to it in the future.

This endpoint can return a blank JSON.doc or AudioItemDocument depending on the recommend=true|false parameter. The recommend=true flag allows this endpoint to both receive ratings and send back recommendations in the same call.

  "Authorization": "",
  "body": []
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • X-Advertising-ID string: A device-specific advertising identifier, if possible. Apple's IDFA is an example.
    • channel string (values: npr, followed, recommended, emailstories, emailprograms, lapsedusersemail, ongoing email, newscasts, shows): Determines the focus of the recommendations returned. Channel npr is recommended for most use cases.
    • recommend boolean: If set to false, this call will return a blank document; otherwise it will return a new recommendation object
    • body required array



This endpoint returns a list of audio recommendations. It is designed to be used for an initial list of recommendations, and then GET /listening/v2/ratings?recommend=true should be used for subsequent requests for recommendations.

A fully-populated link to the ratings endpoint is returned with each individual recommendation and is located in the AudioItemDocument under the links['recommendations'] object. The query parameters in this link should not be modified. Be sure to copy and send back the entire ratings object (RatingData), as new fields may be added to it in the future.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • X-Advertising-ID string: A device-specific advertising identifier, if possible. Apple's IDFA is an example.
    • channel string (values: npr, followed, recommended, emailstories, emailprograms, lapsedusersemail, ongoing email, newscasts, shows): Determines the focus of the recommendations returned. Channel npr is recommended for most use cases.
    • sharedMediaId string: This media was shared directly with the user; if provided, the service will add this recommendation to the top of the list
    • notifiedMediaId string: The user received a push notification about this media; if provided, the service will add this recommendation to the top of the list



In the schema shown below, SearchItemDocument is not an actual type of returned object; the object returned by a search will be either an AggregationAudioItemListDocument or an AudioItemDocument.

  "Authorization": "",
  "searchTerms": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • searchTerms required string: Search terms to search on; can include URL-encoded punctuation



This will send a station-specific donation email to the logged-in user.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.



Not for use by NPR One clients (for whom sponsorship is already integrated into the Listening Service), this endpoint is designed to be used by our other client applications to request sponsorship on behalf of a user. Sponsorship units are returned in the form of DAAST XML. It is worth noting that this endpoint attempts to always return XML, even in the case of exceptions.

The default behavior of this endpoint is asynchronous; on an initial request, a call to our external sponsorship provider is placed on a queue, which is typically processed within 3 minutes. Once the sponsorship call is received and processed, the returned sponsorship units are placed in a cache on our server for the current user. Subsequent calls to this endpoint will return DAAST sponsorship units from this cache until tracking information is submitted, which removes the ad from the cache and will automatically request additional ads asynchronously if there are fewer than a certain number remaining in the cache.

For development purposes, it's worth noting that there is currently no way to clear a user's cache without submitting some form of tracking.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • X-Advertising-ID string: A device-specific advertising identifier, if possible. Apple's IDFA is an example.
    • forceResult boolean: Whether to force a synchronous call to our external sponsorship provider; the default behavior is asynchronous.
    • adCount integer: How many sponsorship units to request in one call; if left unspecified, the default behavior is to return only 1.



Not for use by NPR One clients (for whom sponsorship is already integrated into the Listening Service), this endpoint is designed to be used by our other client applications to submit tracking information for sponsorship units obtained from the GET /sponsorship/v2/ads endpoint.

The tracking information should be submitted in the body of the request in the form of a JSON object following the Collection.Doc+JSON specification.

  "Authorization": "",
  "body": null
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • X-Advertising-ID string: A device-specific advertising identifier, if possible. Apple's IDFA is an example.
    • body required UserAdDocument


Output schema unknown


This endpoint has two main use cases:

  • If no query parameters passed in, it returns a list of stations that are geographically closest to the calling client (based on GeoIP information)
  • If one or more query parameters are passed in, it performs a search of NPR stations that match those search criteria (not taking into account the client's physical location)

Clients wanting to implement a 'Change Station' UI should use this endpoint to power their search. In most cases, you'll want to build a search interface that uses one of the 3 provided schemas: lat and lon (using e.g. the HTML5 Geolocation API), city and state, or the generic q query which can accept a station name, call letters, network name, or zip code. Technically speaking, q can also take in either a city name or a state name, but using the city and state parameters together will yield more accurate geographic search results than q={cityName}.

The lat and lon query parameters should always be passed in together (otherwise the API will return a 400 error), and if included in the query, they will take precedence over any other search criteria; that is, lat and lon will do a purely geographic search and not take into account q, city or state.

Similarly, city and/or state will take precedence over (and ignore) q.

If clients want to be able to offer multiple types of searches (e.g. 'Search for a station name, city or zipcode') using a single search input form, q should be used. But again, be aware that using city and state together will yield more accurate search results than q={cityName}.

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • q string: Search terms to search on; can be a station name, network name, call letters, or zipcode
    • city string: A city to look for stations from; intended to be paired with state
    • state string: A state to look for stations from (using the 2-letter abbreviation); intended to be paired with city
    • lat number: A latitude value from a geographic coordinate system; only works if paired with lon
    • lon number: A longitude value from a geographic coordinate system; only works if paired with lat



This endpoint retrieves information about a given station, based on its numeric ID, which is consistent across all of NPR's APIs.

A typical use case for this data is for clients who want to create a dropdown menu, modal/pop-up or dedicated page displaying more information about the station the client is localized to, including, for example, links to the station's homepage and donation (pledge) page.

  "Authorization": "",
  "stationId": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • Authorization required string: Your access token from the Authorization Service. Should start with Bearer, followed by a space, followed by the token.
    • stationId required integer: The numeric ID of a station




  • AbstractCDocLink
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • content-type required string: The MIME type of the response of this link


  • AbstractLink object
    • href required string: The link to be followed


  • AccessTokenData object
    • access_token required string: The access token to use for all future calls
    • expires_in required integer: The remaining lifetime of the access token (in seconds)
    • refresh_token string: The refresh token that can be used to obtain a new access token if the old one expires; if a refresh token is returned, it is the client's responsibility to securely cache it for future use.
    • token_type required string (values: Bearer, MAC): Identifies the type of token returned. At this time, this field always has the value Bearer.


  • AdTrackingData object: All the information needed for the Sponsorship Service to send back tracking information to our external sponsorship provider
    • adId required string: The DAAST Ad node id attribute value, (e.g. AdswizzAd12345)
    • event required string (values: start, firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, complete): The user-interaction event to submit tracking for


  • AdTrackingDocument: All the information needed for the Sponsorship Service to send back tracking information to our external sponsorship provider
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes AdTrackingData
    • items array: Not used
      • items null



  • Affiliation object: A program (aggregation) that a given user has shown an affiliation with
    • daysSinceLastListen integer: The number of days since a user last listened to a story from this aggregation. Absent if user never listened to the aggregation.
    • following required boolean: Whether or not the user is following the aggregation. When changing affiliation status, the client is expected to toggle this value and then send the entire object back.
    • href required string: A link to more details about the program from the NPR Story API
    • id required integer: A unique identifier for the aggregation (program)
    • notif_following array: The topic in Firebase Cloud Messaging to which the device should subscribe if it supports notifications and the user wants notifications about the podcasts they follow.
      • items string
    • notif_rated array: The topic in Firebase Cloud Messaging to which the device should subscribe if it supports notifications and the user wants notifications about the podcasts they have highly rated.
      • items string
    • rating number: The user's average rating for this affiliation on a scale of 0-1. Absent if user never listened to the aggregation.
    • title string: The title for the aggregation (program)


  • AggregationAudioItemListDocument: An array of audio recommendations with additional metadata about the aggregation they are associated with
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes AggregationData
    • items array: An array of Audio Items (recommendations)
    • links AggregationLinks


  • AggregationData object
    • affiliation required string: A unique identifier for the aggregation
    • affiliationMeta Affiliation
    • description string: A short description or teaser
    • station string: The producer of this aggregation
    • title required string: The title of this aggregation
    • type required string (values: aggregation): The type of list returned; will always be aggregation; useful for parsing search results


  • AggregationLinks object
    • image array: One or more links to an image, along with metadata for display
    • more array: One or more links to more episodes for the aggregation
    • web array: One or more links to a web page for the item


  • AudioItemData object
    • album string: Album information associated with the media
    • artist string: The artist associated with the media
    • audioTitle string: For first-party client use only
    • button string: The text contents of an action button displayed on the client
    • date string: The publication date in ISO-8601 format
    • description string: A short description or teaser
    • duration integer: The length of the audio content in seconds
    • expires string: The media's expiration date in ISO-8601 format
    • geofence Geofence
    • label string: The record label associated with the media
    • organization RecommendationOrganization
    • primary boolean: Whether the audio is the primary audio of the story to which it is associated
    • program string: The program associated with this media
    • provider string: The name of the organization providing this media
    • rating required RatingData
    • rationale required string: A short summary of why this content was recommended
    • skippable required boolean: Whether the client should allow this content to be skipped
    • slug string: A tag or category for this media
    • song string: The song title associated with the media
    • title required string: The title of this media
    • type required string (values: audio, sponsorship, stationId, intro, donate, featureCardInformational, featureCardNotification, featureCardPromotion, featureCardExternalLink, featureCardAsyncRequest): Help determine how content is displayed; for more information, see our design guidelines
    • uid required string: The media ID (for use in ratings objects)
    • unavailableText string: The text contents to be displayed on the client if no media URLs are available


  • AudioItemDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes AudioItemData
    • items array: Not used
      • items null
    • links AudioItemLinks


  • AudioItemLinks object
    • action array: One or more links to be trigged by user actions, usually when a button is clicked
    • audio array: One or more links to audio files for the item
    • image array: One or more links to an image, along with metadata for display
    • onramps array: One or more shareable links for the item
    • ratings array: This is an alternate URL to use to POST the ratings JSON. Difference between this and 'recommendations' is that 'ratings' will NOT return back recommendations of audio to play next.
    • recommendations array: This is the URL that should be POSTed with the ratings JSON when this audio starts to play
    • up array: One or more links to more details about the program or podcast with which this item is associated
    • web array: One or more links to a web page for the item


  • AudioItemListDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes object: Not used
    • items array: An array of Audio Items (recommendations)
    • links object: Not used


  • AudioLink: A link to audio files for the item
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • content-type required string (values: audio/mp3, audio/aac, audio/3gp, application/vnd.apple.mpegurl, audio/x-ms-wax): The MIME type of the response of this link; note that the enumerated list of possible values is not exhaustive and other MIME types could occur. The list should be treated as examples, rather than absolutes.


  • Brand object: Branding information for the organization
    • band string: The radio band for the organization if they are a station (AM or FM)
    • call required string: The call letter for the organization if they are a station
    • frequency string: The radio frequency for the organization if they are a station
    • marketCity required string: The market city for the organization
    • marketState string: The market state for the organization
    • name required string: The name of the organization
    • tagline string: The tagline for the organization


  • CategoryData object
    • displayType string (values: default, show, playable, newscast): How clients should display this channel in the station profile view
    • orgId required integer: The unique identifier for the organization
    • title required string: The title of this category
    • type required string: The type of list returned; will always be category


  • CategoryLinks object
    • more array: One or more links to more episodes for the aggregation


  • ChannelData object
    • description required string: A longer description of what this channel focuses on
    • displayType string (values: default, show, playable, newscast): How clients should display this channel in the explore view
    • emptyText string: Text for clients to display when the channel contains no recommendations
    • fullName required string: A short description of what this channel focuses on
    • id required string: The actual value that should be sent
    • refreshRule integer: In the explore view of a client, this field indicates how this channel should be refreshed. This is an experimental field and subject to change, but for now zero indicates the client should refresh this channel every time a START rating is sent for a type=audio recommendation, while a 1 would indicate it can be refreshed much less often, such as on a 30 minute timer. 2 would indicate even less time to update, say every hour. We are still experimenting on the number of rules necessary and the best implementation for each type of rule.


  • ChannelDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes ChannelData
    • items array: Not used
      • items null
    • links object: Not used


  • ChannelsData object
    • defaultChannel string: The default channel NPR recommends


  • ChannelsDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes ChannelsData
    • items array: The list of individual channels
    • links object: Not used


  • Cohort object: An experimental grouping for User Experience A/B Testing
    • directory string: For internal use only; represents the current configuration file being used by the Listening Service
    • id required string: A short ID for this cohort; ignored on a PUT
    • name required string: A text string identifying the cohort, useful for metrics; ignored on a PUT


  • CollectionDocument object: Base Collection.Doc+JSON output
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used


  • CompanionXml object
    • CompanionClickThrough string
    • StaticResource StaticResourceXml
    • TrackingEvents array
    • height integer
    • id integer
    • width integer


  • CreativeXml object



  • DeviceCodeData object
    • device_code required string: 40-character code for the device to input into the /token endpoint, not for display to the user
    • expires_in required integer: The number of seconds for which this set of codes will be valid, after which they will be purged
    • interval required integer: The number of seconds the client application should maintain between requests to the /token endpoint
    • user_code required string: 6-character alphanumeric code for the user to enter at http://npr.org/device, to be displayed by the client application
    • verification_uri required string: The URL where the user should input their code, to be displayed by the client application


  • Error object: A serialized version of any error encountered when processing this request
    • code required integer: The error code
    • debug string: Additional debug information if debug mode is turned on
    • text string: The error description


  • ErrorDocument: A Collection.doc+JSON representation of an error result from an API call
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes object: Ignore; will be empty for errors
    • errors array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
    • items array: Ignore; will be empty for errors
      • items null
    • links object: Ignore; will be empty for errors


  • ErrorXmlDocument object: One or more errors represented in a DAAST XML document
    • error required array
      • items string: An individual error, presented in XML format
    • version required string


  • Geofence object: The geographic restrictions that should be applied by the client before playing this media
    • countries required array: The list of countries as ISO 3166-1 abbreviations in which this media should be available if restricted is true
      • items string
    • restricted required boolean: Whether any geographic restrictions should be applied


  • HALDocument object: Base HAL output
    • _links required object


  • ImageLink: An image, along with metadata for display
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • content-type required string (values: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif): The MIME type of the response of this link; note that the enumerated list of possible values is not exhaustive and other MIME types could occur. The list should be treated as examples, rather than absolutes.
    • image string: A unique identifier for the image
    • producer string: The producer of the image; should be used for properly attributing the image when it exists
    • provider string: The provider of the image; should be used for properly attributing the image when it exists
    • rel string (values: logo_square, icon, wide, standard, square, enlargement, custom): The crop type or intended display style/size; note that the enumerated list of possible values is not exhaustive and other values could occur. The list should be treated as examples, rather than absolutes.


  • ImpressionXml string
    • id required integer


  • InLineXml object
    • AdSystem string
    • AdTitle string
    • Category string
    • Creatives array
    • Description string
    • Extensions array
      • items string
    • Impression array



  • MediaFileXml string
    • bitrate integer
    • delivery string
    • type string


  • Organization object: A station that a user has an affiliation with
    • call required string: Station call letters
    • city required string: A short description of the station's main market city
    • displayName required string: A short displayable text field for the end user, strictly text; ignored on PUT
    • donationUrl string: Station donation page URL
    • id required string: Some unique identifier for the organization for the user
    • logo string: Station logo image url
    • notif_org array: The topic in Firebase Cloud Messaging to which the device should subscribe if it supports notifications and the user wants notifications about their localized station.
      • items string
    • smallLogo string: Station logo image url


  • OrganizationCategoryAudioListDocument: An array of a certain category of audio recommendations from a provider
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes CategoryData
    • items array: An array of Audio Items (recommendations)
    • links CategoryLinks


  • OrganizationOverviewData object
    • brand required Brand
    • home boolean: Flag indicating if the current view is in the user's home network
    • orgId required integer: The unique identifier for the organization
    • type required string (values: organization): The type of list returned; will always be organization


  • OrganizationOverviewDocument: a variety of details about an organization including various lists of recent audio items
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes OrganizationOverviewData
    • items array: A list of separate documents which each include their own list of audio
    • links OrganizationOverviewLinks


  • OrganizationOverviewLinks object
    • image array: One or more links to an image that can be as for branding (logo and small logo)
    • related array: One or more links to related web pages for the organization (their twitter feed or facebook page for example)
    • web array: One or more links to main page for the organization (their homepage for example)


  • OtherLink: An individual link from a list of links
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • content-type required string (values: application/json, application/xml, text/html): The MIME type of the response of this link; note that the enumerated list of possible values is not exhaustive and other MIME types could occur. The list should be treated as examples, rather than absolutes.


  • RatingData object
    • affiliations array: An array of IDs & other data about collections or podcasts the user has ratings for; produced by the server and should be sent back as received; used for tracking program and podcast suggestions
      • items null
    • channel required string: The channel this media item was pulled from
    • cohort required string: The primary cohort of the current logged-in user
    • duration required integer: Number of seconds this audio piece is expected to last
    • elapsed required integer: Number of seconds since the start of playback for this media item, as an integer
    • mediaId required string: The media id as given by the media object
    • origin required string: How the recommendation was generated
    • rating required string: String representing the rating
    • timestamp required string: ISO-8601 formatted date/time; typically replaced by the client with the actual rating time


  • RecommendationOrganization object: Data about the organization with which this media is associated
    • donateUrl string: The URL of the organization's donate page
    • homepageUrl string: The URL of the organization's homepage
    • logoUrl string: A URL for an image of the organization's logo
    • name required string: The name of the organization


  • SearchItemDocument object: A search result, which is either an AggregationAudioItemListDocument or an AudioItemDocument


  • SearchListDocument: An array of aggregation or audio recommendations
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes SearchMetaData
    • items array: A list of aggregation or audio items (recommendations)
    • links object: Not used


  • SearchMetaData object
    • query required string: The search terms used in the original request


  • SimpleError object: A simple representation of an error result from an API call, rarely used; in most cases we still return a Collection.doc+JSON document for errors
    • message required string: A message describing the error that occurred
    • type required string: A short string representing the type of error that occurred


  • StaticResourceXml string
    • creativeType string


  • StationBrandData object: An associative array of brand-related metadata for this station
    • band string (values: FM, AM): The subsection of the radio spectrum -- 'AM' or 'FM' -- where this station can be heard
    • call string: The three-to-four-letter identifying code for this station. Please use this with caution; most stations prefer to be identified by their name in client applications instead of call.
    • frequency string: Where on the radio dial the station can be heard. If the band is AM, the frequency will be between 540 and 1600. If the band is FM, the frequency will be between 87.8 and 108.0.
    • marketCity required string: The city that the station is most closely associated with. This may or may not be the city the station is licensed in and it may or may not be the city that the station or the station's antenna is located in.
    • marketState required string: The state that the station is most closely associated with. This may or may not be the state the station is licensed in and it may or may not be the state that the station or the station's antenna is located in.
    • name required string: The display name for the station. In most cases, this will be the same as call letters combined with band. When returning networks, it will return the network name (e.g. Minnesota Public Radio).
    • tagline required string: A short text-logo for the station


  • StationBrandLink: A link to a web page, logo, or audio file related to the branding of the station
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • content-type required string: The MIME type of the response of this link
    • rel required string (values: homepage, logo, small-logo, hello-id-audio, station-message-audio, twitter, facebook): A short string identifier describing the way the way the link relates to the document


  • StationData object
    • brand required StationBrandData
    • eligibility required StationEligibilityData
    • guid required string: The system's internal unique identifier for a station, not typically used by other APIs or consumers
    • network required StationNetworkData
    • newscast StationNewscastData
    • orgId required string: The system's unique ID for this station, used across NPR One Microservices and NPR's other APIs


  • StationDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes StationData
    • items array: Not used
      • items null
    • links StationLinks


  • StationDonationLink: A link to a pledge page for the station
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • guid string: The system's internal unique identifier for a link, not typically used by consumers
    • title required string: The link text, provided by the station, for the URL
    • typeName required string: The semantic name corresponding to the typeId
    • typeId required string (values: 4, 27, 28): An identifier for the type of link; '4' denotes a generic pledge page, while '27' is an NPR One-specific pledge page


  • StationEligibilityData object: An associative array of eligibility-related metadata for this station
    • format required string: The format of the programming on this station
    • musicOnly required boolean: Whether or not this station only plays music
    • nprOne required boolean: Whether or not this station is considered an NPR One station
    • status required string (values: 1, 9, 10, 12, 15): The status of the station within NPR's system, not typically used by consumers


  • StationLink: A link related to the station
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • guid string: The system's internal unique identifier for a link, not typically used by consumers
    • title required string: The link text, provided by the station, for the URL
    • typeName required string: The semantic name corresponding to the typeId


  • StationLinks object
    • brand required array: One or more links to a web page for the station
    • donation array: One or more links to audio files related to this station
    • podcasts array: One or more links to podcasts related to this station
    • related array: One or more links to miscellaneous related content for the station; these typically are not present, and clients should generally not need to use any of these
    • streams array: One or more links to audio streams related to the station


  • StationListDocument: A collection of stations close to you or filtered by search criteria
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes StationSearchMetaData
    • items array: A list of stations
    • links object: Not used


  • StationNetworkData object: Metadata about the network, if this station is part of a network
    • currentOrgId required string: The current station being viewed. Client applications should generally ignore this field.
    • tier1 StationNetworkTierOneData
    • usesInheritance required boolean: Whether or not the current station inherits from a parent organization, also referred to as a network


  • StationNetworkTierOneData object: Metadata about the top-level organization in the network, if this station is part of a network
    • id required string: The unique identifier of the top-level organization in the network
    • name required string: The display name for the top-level organization in the network
    • status string (values: 1, 9, 10, 12, 15): The status of the top-level organization within NPR's system, not typically used by consumers
    • tier2 array: One or more stations that are hierarchical children of this organization
    • usesInheritance required boolean: Whether or not this station inherits from a parent organization, also referred to as a network


  • StationNetworkTierThreeData object: Metadata about a tier 3 organization in the network, if this station is part of a network
    • id required string: The unique identifier of a tier 3 organization in the network
    • name required string: The display name for a tier 3 organization in the network
    • usesInheritance required boolean: Whether or not this station inherits from a parent organization, also referred to as a network


  • StationNetworkTierTwoData object: Metadata about a tier 2 organization in the network, if this station is part of a network
    • id required string: The unique identifier of a tier 2 organization in the network
    • name required string: The display name for a tier 2 organization in the network
    • tier3 array: One or more stations that are hierarchical children of this organization
    • usesInheritance required boolean: Whether or not this station inherits from a parent organization, also referred to as a network


  • StationNewscastData object: Metadata about the newscast for this station; newscasts are handled internally by other microservices such as the NPR One Listening Service, so this data should typically not be used by consumers
    • id required string: The ID of the newscast that should be played for this station; this is handled internally by other microservices such as the NPR One Listening Service, so this field should typically not be used by consumers
    • recency required integer: How often the newscast should be played, in minutes; a value of null implies no information is available, and sensible defaults should be used


  • StationPodcastsLink: A link to an audio podcast or podcast feed related to the station
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • guid string: The system's internal unique identifier for a link, not typically used by consumers
    • title required string: The link text, provided by the station, for the URL
    • typeName required string: The semantic name corresponding to the typeId
    • typeId required string (values: 9): An identifier for the type of link


  • StationRelatedLink: A link to miscellaneous related content for the station; these typically are not present, and clients should generally not need to use these
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • guid string: The system's internal unique identifier for a link, not typically used by consumers
    • title required string: The link text, provided by the station, for the URL
    • typeName required string: The semantic name corresponding to the typeId
    • typeId required string: An identifier for the type of link


  • StationSearchMetaData object
    • city string: The city searched for in the original request
    • lat number: The latitude parameter used in the original request
    • lon number: The longitude parameter in the original request
    • query string: The search terms used in the original request
    • state string: The state searched for in the original request


  • StationStreamsLink: A link to an audio stream related to the station
    • href required string: The link to be followed
    • guid string: The system's internal unique identifier for a link, not typically used by consumers
    • title required string: The link text, provided by the station, for the URL
    • typeName required string: The semantic name corresponding to the typeId
    • isPrimaryStream boolean: Whether or not this stream is considered the station's primary stream
    • typeId required string (values: 10, 11, 12, 13): An identifier for the type of stream


  • TrackingXml string
    • event string (values: start, firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, complete, creativeView)


  • UserAdData object: All information relevant to a user who has requested sponsorship or submitted tracking information
    • ipAddress string: The TCP/IP address of the client making the request. The server will attempt to grab this from the headers, so it probably does not need to be passed in the body unless you get back an error message stating that we were unable to determine an IP address from the request.
    • listenerId string: A client-designated unique identifier for the logged-in user, only used if neither an NPR.org public user ID nor an X-Advertising-ID header are available.
    • userAgent string: An identifying string for the browser making the request. The server will attempt to grab this from the headers, so it probably does not need to be passed in the body unless you get back an error message stating that we were unable to determine a User-Agent from the request.


  • UserAdDocument: All information relevant to a user who has requested sponsorship or submitted tracking information
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes UserAdData
    • items array: All the information needed for the Sponsorship Service to send back tracking information to our external sponsorship provider


  • UserData object: Object; see description of a user object below
    • affiliations array: Program(s) that the user has positively interacted with
    • cohort required Cohort
    • email string: The user's email address
    • firstName string: The user's first name
    • id required string: Some unique identifier for the user
    • lastName string: The user's last name
    • organizations required array: User's chosen NPR Member Station(s)


  • UserDocument
    • attributes required object
    • errors required array: A list of encountered errors, ignored on POST, PUT
      • items null
    • href required string: A URL representation of the resource; should generally be ignored by clients unless noted otherwise
    • items required array
      • items null
    • links required object
    • version required string: The version of the Collection.Doc+JSON spec being used
    • attributes UserData
    • items array: Not used, ignored on a PUT
      • items null
    • links object: A list of links, not used by the Identity Service; ignored on a PUT




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