
3.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for elmah.io API

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/elmah
let elmah = require('@datafire/elmah').create({
  api_key: ""

.then(data => {


This is the public REST API for elmah.io. All of the integrations communicates with elmah.io through this API.

For additional help getting started with the API, visit the following help articles:



Fetch a list of deployments.

elmah.Deployments_GetAll(null, context)


This action has no parameters



Create a new deployment.

elmah.Deployments_Create({}, context)




This endpoint doesn't clear the version number of messages already annotated with this deployment version.

  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the deployment to delete.


Output schema unknown


Fetch a deployment by its ID.

  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the deployment to fetch.



Create a new heartbeat.

  "id": "",
  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the heartbeat check.
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the heartbeat check.
    • body CreateHeartbeat


Output schema unknown


Fetch a list of logs.

elmah.Logs_GetAll(null, context)


This action has no parameters


  • output array


Create a new log.

elmah.Logs_Create({}, context)




Fetch a log by its ID.

  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the log to fetch.



Deletes a list of messages by logid and query.

  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the message.
    • body Search


Output schema unknown


Fetch messages from a log.

  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the messages.
    • pageIndex integer: The page number of the result.
    • pageSize integer: The number of messages to load (max 100) or 15 if not set.
    • query string: A full-text or Lucene query to limit the messages by.
    • from string: A start date and time to search from (not included).
    • to string: An end date and time to search to (not included).
    • includeHeaders boolean: Include headers like server variables and cookies in the result (slower).



Create a new message.

  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • logId required string: The ID of the log which should contain the new message.
    • body CreateMessage


Output schema unknown


Create one or more new messages.

  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • logId required string: The ID of the log which should contain the new messages.
    • body array: The messages to create.



Delete a message by its ID.

  "id": "",
  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the message to delete.
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the message.


Output schema unknown


Fetch a message by its ID.

  "id": "",
  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the message to fetch.
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the message.



Fix a message by its ID.

  "id": "",
  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the message to fix.
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the message.
    • markAllAsFixed boolean: If set to true, all instances of the log message are set to fixed.


Output schema unknown


Hide a message by its ID.

  "id": "",
  "logId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • id required string: The ID of the message to hide.
    • logId required string: The ID of the log containing the message.


Output schema unknown


Fetch a list of uptime checks. Currently in closed beta. Get in contact to get access to this endpoint.

elmah.UptimeChecks_GetAll(null, context)


This action has no parameters




  • CreateBulkMessageResult object
    • location string: The location of the created message if StatusCode equals Created.
    • statusCode integer: Status code of the individual messages as if it were being created through the non-bulk endpoint.


  • CreateDeployment object
    • created string: When was this deployment created in UTC. Defaults to current time if not specified.
    • description string: Optional description of this deployment. Can be markdown or clear text.
    • logId string: As default, deployments are attached all logs of the organization. If you want a deployment to
    • userEmail string: The email of the person responsible for creating this deployment. This can be the email taken from
    • userName string: The name of the person responsible for creating this deployment. This can be the name taken from
    • version required string: The version number of this deployment. The value of version can be a SemVer compliant string or any other


  • CreateDeploymentResult object
    • location string: The location of the created deployment.


  • CreateHeartbeat object
    • application string: Optional string to identify which application logged this message. You can use this if you have multiple applications and services logging to the same log.
    • reason string: If result is "Degraded" or "Unhealthy" you can use this property to specify why.
    • result string: The result of this heartbeat. Can be "Healthy, "Degraded", or "Unhealthy". Defaults to "Healthy"
    • version string: Optional string to identify which version of your application logged this message. If not specified, any errors, warnings, or information messages will get


  • CreateLog object
    • name required string: Name of the new log.


  • CreateLogResult object
    • location string: The location of the created log.


  • CreateMessage object
    • application string: Used to identify which application logged this message. You can use this if you have multiple applications and services logging to the same log
    • cookies array: A key/value pair of cookies. This property only makes sense for logging messages related to web requests.
    • data array: A key/value pair of user-defined fields and their values. When logging an exception, the Data dictionary of
    • dateTime string: The date and time in UTC of the message. If you don't provide us with a value in dateTime, we will set the current date and time in UTC.
    • detail string: A longer description of the message. For errors this could be a stacktrace, but it's really up to you what to log in there.
    • form array: A key/value pair of form fields and their values. This property makes sense if logging message related to users inputting data in a form.
    • hostname string: The hostname of the server logging the message.
    • method string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the HTTP method of that request. If you don't provide us with a method, we will try to find a key named REQUEST_METHOD in serverVariables.
    • queryString array: A key/value pair of query string parameters. This property makes sense if logging message related to a HTTP request.
    • serverVariables array: A key/value pair of server values. Server variables are typically related to handling requests in a webserver but could be used for other types of information as well.
    • severity string: An enum value representing the severity of this message. The following values are allowed: Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal
    • source string: The source of the code logging the message. This could be the assembly name.
    • statusCode integer: If the message logged relates to a HTTP status code, you can put the code in this property. This would probably only be relevant for errors,
    • title string: The textual title or headline of the message to log.
    • titleTemplate string: The title template of the message to log. This property can be used from logging frameworks that supports
    • type string: The type of message. If logging an error, the type of the exception would go into type but you can put anything in there, that makes sense for your domain.
    • url string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the URL of that request. If you don't provide us with an URL, we will try to find a key named URL in serverVariables.
    • user string: An identification of the user triggering this message. You can put the users email address or your user key into this property.
    • version string: Versions can be used to distinguish messages from different versions of your software. The value of version can be a SemVer compliant string or any other


  • CreateMessageResult object
    • location string: The location of the created message.


  • Deployment object
    • created string: When was this deployment created.
    • createdBy string: The elmah.io id of the user creating this deployment. Since deployments are created on a subscription,
    • description string: Sescription of this deployment in markdown or clear text.
    • id string: The ID of this deployment.
    • logId string: If the deployment is attached a single log, this property is set to the ID of that log.
    • userEmail string: The email of the person responsible for creating this deployment.
    • userName string: The name of the person responsible for creating this deployment.
    • version string: The version number of this deployment. The value of version can be a SemVer compliant string or any other


  • Item object: Represents a key value pair.
    • key string: The key of the item.
    • value string: The value of the item.


  • Log object
    • color string: Color of the log. The color will always be one of the following (green being the default):
    • environmentName string: Environment name this log is in or "Other" if not in an environment.
    • id string: ID of the log.
    • name string: Name of the log.


  • Message object
    • application string: Used to identify which application logged this message. You can use this if you have multiple applications and services logging to the same log
    • cookies array: A key/value pair of cookies. This property only makes sense for logging messages related to web requests.
    • data array: A key/value pair of user-defined fields and their values. When logging an exception, the Data dictionary of
    • dateTime string: The date and time in UTC of the message. If you don't provide us with a value in dateTime, we will set the current date and time in UTC.
    • detail string: A longer description of the message. For errors this could be a stacktrace, but it's really up to you what to log in there.
    • form array: A key/value pair of form fields and their values. This property makes sense if logging message related to users inputting data in a form.
    • hostname string: The hostname of the server logging the message.
    • id string: The ID of this message.
    • method string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the HTTP method of that request. If you don't provide us with a method, we will try to find a key named REQUEST_METHOD in serverVariables.
    • queryString array: A key/value pair of query string parameters. This property makes sense if logging message related to a HTTP request.
    • serverVariables array: A key/value pair of server values. Server variables are typically related to handling requests in a webserver but could be used for other types of information as well.
    • severity string: An enum value representing the severity of this message. The following values are allowed: Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal
    • source string: The source of the code logging the message. This could be the assembly name.
    • statusCode integer: If the message logged relates to a HTTP status code, you can put the code in this property. This would probably only be relevant for errors,
    • title string: The textual title or headline of the message to log.
    • titleTemplate string: The title template of the message to log. This property can be used from logging frameworks that supports
    • type string: The type of message. If logging an error, the type of the exception would go into type but you can put anything in there, that makes sense for your domain.
    • url string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the URL of that request. If you don't provide us with an URL, we will try to find a key named URL in serverVariables.
    • user string: An identification of the user triggering this message. You can put the users email address or your user key into this property.
    • version string: Versions can be used to distinguish messages from different versions of your software. The value of version can be a SemVer compliant string or any other


  • MessageOverview object
    • application string: Used to identify which application logged this message. You can use this if you have multiple applications and services logging to the same log
    • cookies array: A key/value pair of cookies. This property only makes sense for logging messages related to web requests.
    • data array: A key/value pair of user-defined fields and their values. When logging an exception, the Data dictionary of
    • dateTime string: The date and time in UTC of the message. If you don't provide us with a value in dateTime, we will set the current date and time in UTC.
    • detail string: A longer description of the message. For errors this could be a stacktrace, but it's really up to you what to log in there.
    • form array: A key/value pair of form fields and their values. This property makes sense if logging message related to users inputting data in a form.
    • hostname string: The hostname of the server logging the message.
    • id string: The ID of this message.
    • method string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the HTTP method of that request. If you don't provide us with a method, we will try to find a key named REQUEST_METHOD in serverVariables.
    • queryString array: A key/value pair of query string parameters. This property makes sense if logging message related to a HTTP request.
    • serverVariables array: A key/value pair of server values. Server variables are typically related to handling requests in a webserver but could be used for other types of information as well.
    • severity string: An enum value representing the severity of this message. The following values are allowed: Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal
    • source string: The source of the code logging the message. This could be the assembly name.
    • statusCode integer: If the message logged relates to a HTTP status code, you can put the code in this property. This would probably only be relevant for errors,
    • title string: The textual title or headline of the message to log.
    • titleTemplate string: The title template of the message to log. This property can be used from logging frameworks that supports
    • type string: The type of message. If logging an error, the type of the exception would go into type but you can put anything in there, that makes sense for your domain.
    • url string: If message relates to a HTTP request, you may send the URL of that request. If you don't provide us with an URL, we will try to find a key named URL in serverVariables.
    • user string: An identification of the user triggering this message. You can put the users email address or your user key into this property.
    • version string: Versions can be used to distinguish messages from different versions of your software. The value of version can be a SemVer compliant string or any other


  • MessagesResult object
    • messages array: Log messages.
    • total integer: The total number of log messages found.


  • Search object
    • from string: Search from this date.
    • query string: Lucene query.
    • to string: Search to this date.


  • UptimeCheck object
    • id string: ID of the uptime check.
    • name string: Name of the uptime check.
    • status string: Current status of the uptime check.
    • url string: Url of the uptime check.




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  • datafire