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0.1.7 • Public • Published


The core module of connback


npm i @connback/core


An example of TCP connector

import net from 'net';
import {Binder} from 'event-bind';
import {CancellationToken} from '@jil/cancellation';
import {Connback, ConnbackOpts, Connector} from '@connback/core';

class TcpConnector implements Connector<net.Socket> {
  constructor(public opts: SocketConnectOpts) {}

  // connects to the server and resolves the connection when connected
  connect = (_: Connback<net.Socket>, token: CancellationToken) => {
    return new Promise<net.Socket>((resolve, reject) => {
      const socket = new net.Socket();
      token.onCancellationRequested(() => socket.end());
      const binder = Binder.for(socket)
        .bind('connect', () => {
        .bind('error', (e: Error) => {

  // close the connection
  close = (client: net.Socket) => client.end();

  // [optional] ping for heartbeat, connback will reconnect if no heartbeat received in `keepalive`
  ping = (client: net.Socket) => client.write('hello');

const connback = new Connback<net.Socket>(new TcpConnector({port: 5432}), {
  // all options are optional
  // `60` seconds, set to `0` to disable
  keepalive: 60,
  // `30 * 1000` milliseconds, time to wait before a CONNACK is received
  connectTimeout: 30 * 1000,
  // below options come from @jil/backoff
  strategy: 'fibonacci',
  jitter: 'full',
  initialDelay: 1000,
  maxDelay: 30 * 1000,
  maxNumOfAttempts: Infinity,
  factor: 2,
  delayFirstAttempt: false,
  retry: () => true,

connback.onconnect(socket => {
  // listen `error`, `data` and `close` events and feed them to conback
  const binder = Binder.for(socket)
    // feed error
    .bind('error', (error: Error) => connback.feedError(error))
    // feed heartbeat
    .bind('data', () => connback.feedHeartbeat())
    // feed close
    .bind('close', (hasError?: boolean) => connback.feedClose(hasError))
    // unbind all events when close
    .bind('close', () => binder.unbind());

connback.onconnect((client: net.Socket) => {
  // Emitted on successful (re)connection

connback.onreconnect(() => {
  // Emitted when a reconnect starts

connback.onclose(() => {
  // Emitted after a disconnection.

connback.onerror(error => {
  // Emitted when an error occurs

connback.onoffline(() => {
  // Emitted when the client goes offline

connback.onend(() => {
  //Emitted when Connback.end() is called



Connback<T>.constructor(connector: Connector<T>, options?: ConnbackOptions)

Create connback and connect to the server with connector provided by given connector handlers.

There is a static creation function: Connback<T>.create(connector: Connector<T>, options?: ConnbackOptions): Connback<T>

Connback using @jil/event to provide event functional for smaller, lighter, more scalable


  • connector is a collection of handlers to handle connecting, closing and pinging.

    • connect<T>(connback: Conback<T>, token: CancellationToken): ValueOrPromise<T> connects to the server and returns a connection or promise after connected.
    • close(client: T, force?: boolean): ValueOrPromise<any> close the connection
    • ping?(client: T): any sending ping data if keepalive is enabled
  • options is the connback options. some options come from @jil/backoff. Defaults:

    • keepalive: 60 seconds, set to 0 to disable
    • connectTimeout: 30 * 1000 milliseconds, time to wait before connect handler returns
    • strategy: fibonacci Specify the strategy type or strategy class. Built in strategies are exponential and fibonacci
    • jitter: full Decides whether a jitters should be applied to the delay. Possible values are full and none
    • initialDelay: 1000 The delay, in milliseconds, before executing the function for the first time
    • maxDelay: 30 * 1000 The maximum delay, in milliseconds, between two consecutive attempts
    • maxNumOfAttempts: Infinity The maximum number of times to attempt the function
    • factor: 2 The exponential factor. The initialDelay is multiplied by the factor to increase the delay between reattempts
    • delayFirstAttempt: false Decides whether the initialDelay should be applied before the first call. If false, the first call will occur without a delay

Event onconnect

(client: T) => any

Emitted on successful (re)connection

Event onreconnect

() => any

Emitted when a reconnect starts.

Event onclose

(hasError: boolean) => any

Emitted after a disconnection.

Event onoffline

() => any

Emitted when the client goes offline.

Event onerror

(error: Error) => any

Emitted if errors fed by feedError. The classic errors are connecting issues.

The following TLS errors will be emitted as an error event if feed correctly:


Event onend

() => any

Emitted when end() is called. If a callback was passed to mqtt.Client#end(), this event is emitted once the callback returns.

reconnect(token?: CancellationToken): void

Connect again using the same options as connect(), accepts the following options:

  • token: A CancellationToken to provide a change to cancel current reconnect processing. If want it to work, you should implement cancellation action in connect handlers. See the example above.

end(force?: boolean): Connback

Close the client, accepts the following options:

  • force: passing it to true will close the client right away, without waiting for the in-flight messages to be ack-ed in some situations. This parameter is optional.


Reschedule ping timer. Call it after sending other packets to reduce unnecessary network communication when

feedError(error: Error)

Feed error event

feedClose(hasError?: boolean)

Feed close event


Feed heartbeat(pong) event




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  • towyuan