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JsMapper - JavaScript mapping helper

The component helps transform objects into each other by reusable maps. One of the main use cases - converting JSON API responses into appropriate form.

Usage example:

import JsMapper, { JsMap } from '@cmath10/js-mapper'

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('StudioPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('name', '_name')
  .set('FilmPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('id', '_id')
    .route('name', '_name')
  .set('FilmCollectionPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('studio', '_studio')
    .filter('studio', 'StudioPayload')
    .route('films', '_films')
    .filter('films', '[FilmPayload]')

const collection = mapper.map('FilmCollectionPayload', {
  _studio: { _name: 'Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC' },
  _films: [{
    _id: 1,
    _name: 'Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope',
  }, {
    _id: 6,
    _name: 'Star Wars. Episode III. Revenge of the Sith',

result is

  "studio": { "name": "Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC" },
  "films": [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope"
  }, {
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Star Wars. Episode III. Revenge of the Sith"


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JsMapper - helper class that maps objects:

import JsMapper from '@cmath10/js-mapper'


  • map(typeOrMap, source, destination = undefined) — maps source object to destination object, if destination object not specified, it will be created; you are also able to supply map instance instead of map type to use map without registration;
  • set(type, map) — sets map instance by type name (adds if type name not registered yet);
  • get(type, clone = true) — returns map instance by type name, if flag clone is set will return copy of map;
  • unset(type) — removes map by type name from mapper instance;

Important note: you are able to map arrays of objects with map method, just register a map for single object with a name for example MapTypeName and use method like mapper.map('[MapTypeName]', %array of objects%)

JsMap - map class, accumulates mapping information:

import { JsMap } from '@cmath10/js-mapper'
  • destination(destination) — sets factory for a destination, default factory is () => ({});
  • route(destinationMember, sourceMember, fallback = undefined) — sets path extractor by source member; source member could be a deep route like path.to.source.property; if the path is not reachable and fallback is defined, fallback will be used as extracted value;
  • forMember(destinationMember, extractor) — sets a custom extractor for a destination member;
  • filter(destinationMember, filter) — sets a custom filter for value processing;
  • inject(destinationMember, injector) — sets a custom injector for a destination member;
  • exclude(destinationMember) — removes destination member from a map;
  • clone() — creates copy of map;


Extractors are used for extracting value from a source. Available extractors:

import {
} from '@cmath10/js-mapper'


JsMapExtractor is the basic extractor class. Extracts nothing, just throws an error (like abstract class without implementation). All other extractors should extend this class and implement its extract method.


Extracts value from source by property path. Throws an error if path is not valid and fallback is undefined. Used by default.


Extracts value by callback function like (source: unknown) => unknown:

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('Demo', new JsMap()
    .forMember('text', new JsMapCallbackExtractor(source => source._text))

mapper.map('Demo', { _text: 'text' }) // { text: 'text' }


const map = new JsMap()
  .forMember('text', source => source._text)


Filters are used for processing value before injecting it into a destination. Available filters:

import {
} from '@cmath10/js-mapper'


JsMapFilter is the basic filter class, that used by default and actually just returns source value. JsMapper instance is being injected into each JsMapFilter instance, so it is possible to create filters with complicated processing chains with nested mapping. All other filters should extend this class.


This is a simple filter is using a callback function to process value:

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('Demo', new JsMap()
    .route('text', 'text')
    .filter('text', new JsMapCallbackFilter(value => {
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return value.toUpperCase()

      throw new Error()

mapper.map('Demo', { text: 'text' }) // { text: 'TEXT' }

Callback function is presumed as (value: unknown) => unknown. Sugar:

const map = new JsMap()
    .route('text', 'text')
    .filter('text', value => {
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return value.toUpperCase()

      throw new Error()


This filter is using map type to apply maps to a value (nested mapping opportunity):

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('FilmPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('id', '_id')
    .route('name', '_name')
  .set('Demo', new JsMap()
    .route('film', '_film')
    .filter('film', new JsMapMappingFilter('FilmPayload'))

mapper.map('Demo', { _film: {
  _id: 1,
  _name: 'Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope',
} }) // { film: { id: 1, name: 'Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope' } }


const map = new JsMap()
    .route('film', '_film')
    .filter('film', 'FilmPayload')


This filter provides opportunity to create filtering pipelines:

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('FilmPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('id', '_id')
    .route('name', '_name')
    .filter('name', new JsMapFilterChain([
      new JsMapCallbackFilter(value => value.toUpperCase()),
      new JsMapCallbackFilter(value => '<<' + value + '>>'),
  .set('Demo', new JsMap()
    .route('film', '_film')
    .filter('film', new JsMapFilterChain([
      new JsMapMappingFilter('FilmPayload'),
      new JsMapCallbackFilter(value => value.name)

mapper.map('Demo', { _film: {
  _id: 1,
  _name: 'Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope',
} }) // { film: '<<STAR WARS. EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE>>' }


const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('FilmPayload', new JsMap()
    .route('id', '_id')
    .route('name', '_name')
    .filter('name', [
      value => value.toUpperCase(),
      value => '<<' + value + '>>',
  .set('Demo', new JsMap()
    .route('film', '_film')
    .filter('film', ['FilmPayload', film => film.name])


Injectors are used for injecting a processed value into destination object. Available injectors:

import {
} from '@cmath10/js-mapper'

JsMapInjector is the basic injector class, that used by default. It uses destination member name as property key. If property is function, it will be used as setter (i.e. called with destination as new this and value as parameter). All other injectors should extend this class.

Setter example:

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('DatePayload', new JsMap()
    .destination(() => new Date())
    .route('setHours', 'hours')

mapper.map({ hours: 0 }).getHours() // 0
mapper.map({ hours: 1 }).getHours() // 1

Custom injector example:

const mapper = new JsMapper()
  .set('DatePayload', new JsMap()
    .destination(() => new Date())
    .route('hours', 'hours')
    .inject('hours', new class extends JsMapInjector {
      inject(destination, path, value): void {

mapper.map({ hours: 0 }).getHours() // 0
mapper.map({ hours: 1 }).getHours() // 1



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