TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.2 • Public • Published

JS 工具函数库

1. 数字类

1.1. isNumber 判断变量是否是数字型

import { isNumber } from '@clownlee/utils';

console.log(isNumber('asd2345.fasd22')); // false
console.log(isNumber('2345.22')); // true
console.log(isNumber('2345')); // true
console.log(isNumber(2345)); // true
console.log(isNumber(2345.22)); // true

1.2. thousandth 数字型转千分位格式的字符串

import { thousandth } from '@clownlee/utils';

console.log(thousandth('2345.22')); // 2,345.22
console.log(thousandth('2345')); // 2,345
console.log(thousandth(2345)); // 2,345
console.log(thousandth(2345.22)); // 2,345.22

1.3. zeroFilling 数字型前补零

import { zeroFilling } from '@clownlee/utils';

console.log(zeroFilling('22', 5)); // 00022
console.log(zeroFilling(33, 6)); // 000033

2. HTML 标签转义,反转义类

2.1. encode html元素转义

import { encode } from '@clownlee/utils';

const html = '<div><h1>哈哈哈哈</h1><h2>嘿嘿嘿嘿</h2></div>'
const text = encode(html)

// text = &lt;div&gt;&lt;h1&gt;哈哈哈哈&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;h2&gt;嘿嘿嘿嘿&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

2.2. decode html元素反转义

import { decode } from '@clownlee/utils';

const text = '&lt;div&gt;&lt;h1&gt;哈哈哈哈&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;h2&gt;嘿嘿嘿嘿&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'
const html = decode(text)

// html = <div><h1>哈哈哈哈</h1><h2>嘿嘿嘿嘿</h2></div>

2.3. lazyLoading 无限上拉加载函数(懒加载)

import { lazyLoading } from '@clownlee/utils';

// 要监听的El元素
const signEl = document.querySelector('#sign');

// 盒子容器El元素
const containEl = document.querySelector('#contain');

const io = lazyLoading(() => {
  // http 请求分页数据
}, signEl, containEl);

// 停止上拉监听

// 开始上拉监听

// 关闭上拉监听

3. 数组类

3.1. arrayToTree 数组转tree

import { arrayToTree } from '@clownlee/utils';

const arr = [
    { value: 1, label: 1, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 2, label: 2, parant_id: 1 },        
    { value: 3, label: 3, parant_id: 1 },        
    { value: 4, label: 4, parant_id: 1 },        
    { value: 5, label: 5, parant_id: 1 },        
    { value: 6, label: 6, parant_id: 5 },        
    { value: 7, label: 7, parant_id: 5 },        
    { value: 8, label: 8, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 9, label: 9, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 10, label: 10, parant_id: 9 },      
    { value: 11, label: 11, parant_id: 9 }       

const tree = arrayToTree(arr, {
    idField: 'value',
    pidField: 'parant_id',
    childrenField: 'children'

3.2. treeToArray tree转数组

import { treeToArray } from '@clownlee/utils';

const tree = [
    {value: 1, label: 1, children: [
        {value: 2, label: 2},
        {value: 3, label: 3},
        {value: 4, label: 4},
        {value: 5, label: 5, children: [
            {value: 6, label: 6},
            {value: 7, label: 7}
    {value: 8, label: 8},
    {value: 9, label: 9, children: [
        {value: 10, label: 10},
        {value: 11, label: 11}

const arr = treeToArray(tree, {
    idField: 'value',
    pidField: 'parant_id',
    childrenField: 'children'

3.3. findParentTree 在tree数组中找到指定值的父级元素

import { treeToArray } from '@clownlee/utils';

let tree = [
    {id: 1, label: 1, children: [
        {id: 2, label: 2},
        {id: 3, label: 3},
        {id: 4, label: 4},
        {id: 5, label: 5, children: [
        {id: 6, label: 6},
        {id: 7, label: 7, children: [
            {id: 12, label: 12, children: [
            {id: 13, label: 13},
            {id: 14, label: 14},
            {id: 15, label: 15, children: [
                {id: 17, label: 17},
            {id: 16, label: 16},
    {id: 8, label: 8},
    {id: 9, label: 9, children: [
        {id: 10, label: 10},
        {id: 11, label: 11}

const demo = findParentTree(tree, 17, {
    idField: 'id',
    childrenField: 'children'

    { id: 1, label: 1, pid: undefined },
    { id: 5, label: 5, pid: 1 },
    { id: 7, label: 7, pid: 5 },
    { id: 12, label: 12, pid: 7 },
    { id: 15, label: 15, pid: 12 },
    { id: 17, label: 17, pid: 15 }

3.4. findParentArr 在pid数组中找到指定值的父级元素

import { findParentArr } from '@clownlee/utils';

let arr = [
    { value: 1, label: 1, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 2, label: 2, parant_id: 1 },
    { value: 3, label: 3, parant_id: 1 },
    { value: 4, label: 4, parant_id: 1 },
    { value: 5, label: 5, parant_id: 1 },
    { value: 6, label: 6, parant_id: 5 },
    { value: 7, label: 7, parant_id: 5 },
    { value: 8, label: 8, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 9, label: 9, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 10, label: 10, parant_id: 9 },
    { value: 11, label: 11, parant_id: 9 }

const demo = findParentArr(arr, 11, {
    idField: 'value',
    pidField: 'parant_id'
    { value: 9, label: 9, parant_id: undefined },
    { value: 11, label: 11, parant_id: 9 }

3.5. deepClone 数组对象深拷贝

import { deepClone } from '@clownlee/utils';
const newArr = deepClone(arr)

4. 防抖节流类

4.1. debounce 防抖函数

debounce(function(name, sex) {
    console.log(name, sex)
}, 3000)('张三', '男')

4.2. throttle 节流函数

throttle(function(name, sex) {
    console.log(name, sex)
}, 3000)('张三', '男')

5. 国密 SM4加解密

import { SM4 } from '@clownlee/utils';
let sm4Config = {
  // encrypt/decypt main key; cannot be omitted
  key: 'JeF8U9wHFOMfs2Y8',
  // optional; can be 'cbc' or 'ecb'
  mode: 'cbc', // default
  // optional; when use cbc mode, it's necessary
  iv: 'UISwD9fW6cFh9SNS', // default is null
  // optional: this is the cipher data's type; Can be 'base64' or 'text'
  cipherType: 'base64' // default is base64
let sm4 = new SM4(sm4Config);

// Encrypt
let plaintext = '中国国密加解密算法'
let ciphertext = sm4.encrypt(plaintext)
// ciphertext's result is 'j/+HgSpv8RZQI2YtSq0L1RnemiSokMm1VvLHSTt245U='

// Decrypt
let ciphertext = 'j/+HgSpv8RZQI2YtSq0L1RnemiSokMm1VvLHSTt245U='
let plaintext = sm4.decrypt(ciphertext)
// plaintext's result is '中国国密加解密算法'

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